Super Healer

Chapter 1068

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Shen Xiuqin appears alone and punctually here in the east ring villa.

The woman in the river and sea received a call from Chu Feng in the morning, asking her to come to the imperial city to sign a 30 billion dollar cutting-edge electronic cooperation contract with the Kennedy family.

Shen Xiuqin knows the grudges between Chu Feng and the Kennedy family, and is curious about how to cooperate. But Chu Feng asked her to come, and Shen Xiuqin didn't think much about it. Fengteng group has many subsidiaries, covering many industries, but the electronic industry has not yet been involved.

The Kennedy family is a leader in the electronic field of Tianchi. The rumors that Apple has taken a bite all over the world have the shares of the Kennedy family. If we can really cooperate, we still have a contract involving 30 billion cutting-edge products. Shen Xiuqin is naturally willing to cooperate.

Not only can you set up a subsidiary company, but you can learn more advanced technology from the other party. Maybe you can have a breakthrough point. Seizing the holy pilgrimage in one fell swoop is not a very excellent electronic market. It is absolutely inexhaustible money.

For Shen Xiuqin, who fell into the eyes of money, this is an opportunity, so after explaining the things on the other side of the river and sea, Shen Xiuqin quickly came to the imperial city.

Cui Xin and Ji Chi Mingbu have an advertisement to shoot. They have left after lunch. Bingqing has nothing to do. They let Yujie stay and watch and go with them. They also want to see what these bright stars look like when they work.

As for why she is close to Cui Xin, only Bingqing knows about it.

Shen Xiuqin gets angry when she sees Chu Feng's carefree appearance. She's busy there. You're so cool to take a beautiful woman to bask in the sun, or a foreign girl.

But think of Chu Feng transferred to her shares, Shen Xiuqin's heart and a little balance.

Long legs swing past, regardless of Chris and Yujie are also there, Shen Xiuqin stands behind Chu Feng, hands on Chu Feng's shoulder, gently massages him, and laughs: "chufeng brother, are you comfortable?"

Chu Feng took off the sunglasses on his face and opened his eyes: "comfortable, but still get the business done. Miss Chris has been waiting for you for a long time."

Chris on the beach chair nearby glared at Chu Feng fiercely. If she could, she would rather cooperate with other companies than with fengteng, because that would be to send money to chufeng directly. However, as the main person in charge of this, she was under house arrest by chufeng, and she could not find anyone to cooperate with.

This kind of eyes, by Shen Xiuqin all look in the eyes, in the heart uncomfortable bent over the body in Chu Feng's ear whispered: "very beautiful?"

In an instant, she took back her eyes and looked at Chris. She just saw that she was bending down with her clothes hanging down, revealing the bottomless abyss of Shen Xiuqin, who was half snow-white. She swallowed her mouth: "beauty!"

Shen Xiuqin's mouth curled up a proud arc. She was very satisfied with Chu Feng's reaction. She almost bit Chu Feng's ear and said in a soft voice: "that time you were happy, sister, I'm not cool. Last time ye Zixuan was in no way. This time I happened to be in the imperial city. This evening, God hundred Hotel, do you understand?"

Chu Feng felt a heat flow surging in her abdomen. She loved pure women like Shen Xiuqin and Cui Xin as long as they were successful men, because they only talked about money but not love, which saved a lot of trouble.

Eyes turned, Chu Feng coughed: "I'll treat you to dinner in the evening, first finish the contract."

Chu Feng didn't agree directly, but it was already a hint. When Shen Xiuqin stood up straight, she pinched her hand in the strategic position of chufeng. She chuckled and put out her hand to Chris: "Hello, I'm Shen Xiuqin, the boss of fengteng group. I'm very happy to cooperate with you."

Although Chris was reluctant, she stood up and stretched out her hand in the face of Shen Xiuqin's politeness: "Chris!"

Shen Xiuqin simply separated from Chris, took off her bag and took out the data contract prepared by Chu Feng. When she left her eyes, she was slandered and her chest was big and her buttocks were cocked. Then she looked at Chu Feng. This guy was holding people here. What did he want to do?

What she didn't know was that Chu Feng had already eaten Chris, and she was still a savage one.

After putting all the information on the table, Shen Xiuqin took up the juice from Yujie and sat on the beach chair where Chu Feng was lying: "Miss Chris, this is the cooperation contract between fengteng group and you. Please see what needs to be supplemented or changed."

"If there is no problem, we can sign it now. If there is a problem, we can change it immediately."

It took more than 20 minutes for Chris to read all the contracts, and it was determined that there was no hidden trap. However, the proportion in the contract was divided and jumped. Chris was very dissatisfied: "Mr. Shen, we have invested 30 billion Chi Yuan in cutting-edge electronic products, but also to provide production equipment. We have paid a lot."

"It's not a big problem for you to start the construction of the plant above, and to coordinate the sales in the later stage. But is the ratio of 4:6 too much?"

Chris was very dissatisfied with this. Kennedy did not say that he controlled the most cutting-edge electronic production technology in the world, but at least it was also the top three. In this era of modern equipment, whoever controls the cutting-edge is equivalent to who holds the cash cow.Before Chris came to the pilgrimage, she assumed that she would choose to cooperate with others. However, the scoundrel in the face of Chu Feng knew that it was impossible. But the worst assumption was that the Kennedy family would be divided into six parts: six for the Kennedy family, and four for the wind. But now the contract is completely reversed. How can Chris accept such a clause?

If we go to other companies, Chris is confident that it will occupy 60% or even 70% of the total. After all, the technical support from the Kennedy family is not only money, but also the upgrading of production lines and the company's grade.

And Shen Xiuqin's contract is completely like that the Kennedy family is seeking cooperation with fengteng, and there is no fairness at all.

Leaving her information on the table, Chris shook her head. "My minimum requirement is a 50% share. If I can't change it, I won't sign this contract."

Shen Xiuqin takes a look at Chu Feng. The proportion of the contract is divided into two parts: Chu Feng asked her to fight. In fact, although she likes money and wishes to occupy more proportion, it can be seen that this is robbery for the Kennedy family, and there is no fairness at all.

Chu Feng put the sunglasses on the table, sat up, patted Shen Xiuqin on the shoulder and asked her to get out of the way. Facing Chris, he picked up the information on the desk, took the pen beside him and handed it to Shen Xiuqin: "sign!"

Shen Xiuqin opened her mouth slightly and looked at Chris with a slightly gloomy look. Chu Feng said that she could only do that. She crouched down in embarrassment and signed all her names on the contract.

Take back the pen, Chu Feng pushed the information to Chris in front of her, at the same time also handed her the pen: "sign!"

There was no doubt in her tone. Chris looked gloomy and sullen. She wanted to slap Chu Feng on the ground, biting her lips and staring at Chu Feng. But Chu Feng's eyes were calm. I don't know why. Chris felt that Chu Feng's eyes were evil like beasts.

One hand reached out involuntarily. In Shen Xiuqin's surprised look, she took the pen, lowered her head and signed her name on each contract.

After signing the last stroke, Chris stood up and took a contemptuous look at Chu Feng: "use your skills, don't threaten me with your gun, you despicable guy."

After that, Chris walked to the side of the swimming pool with long and attractive legs. She entered the water in a standard posture and signed such an unequal contract. Although the Kennedy family still had money to earn, it was far from the original idea. She needed to use swimming to vent her anger and hate for Chu Feng.


Shen Xiuqin mumbled what Chris had just said and looked curiously at Chu Feng: "when did you threaten her with a gun?" Just finish saying, the eyes see what giggle Jiao, Mei eye such as silk clean up the contract on the table, in triplicate of the separation, just look at the embarrassed look of Chu Feng: "it seems that you have a bad heart for others, the tent is up."

Chu Feng was helpless. However, anyone who saw Chris was not calm. Liu Xiahui was not in a mess. Chu Feng thought that he was incompetent. Otherwise, why didn't he go straight to the horse?

but Shen Xiuqin is making fun of this. He still can't help smiling. "Laugh again, I'll make you three happy tonight!"

Don't want to look like Shen Xiuqin is not afraid at all. She gives a wink and whispers, "the gate is open. If you have the ability, you can break in!"

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