Super Healer

Chapter 1104

Outside, wenxinxue and Li Xiaoying both came out of the room. Accompanied by Yan Le, Li Ji also came here. Listening to the news outside, Wen Xinxue's eyes flashed a faint worry, because from the beginning to now, Chu Feng has not come back.

And Yan's people are searching everywhere, it is estimated that they will search here soon.

Li Xiaoying, who did not know that chufeng had left the courtyard, looked to one side. It was where Chu Feng's room was. He asked, "so much noise, how can Chu Feng not come out?"

Li Ji curled his mouth, lit a cigarette and puffed out a mouthful. Yan Le's parents still recognized him. He was in a very happy mood at the moment. He looked at Chu Feng's room: "it's estimated that this guy is making a terrible promotion again. He is simply a monster that can't be shaped with the best products."

When Jiang Hai saw Chu Feng for the first time, the strength of the latter was almost the same as that of Chu Feng, but the more he got behind, especially in the face of Kato wood, Li Ji knew that there was a terrible gap between him and Chu Feng.

I think that Chu Feng is not coming out now, maybe he is improving his strength. As for why he doesn't want to be crooked, Wen Xinxue and Li Xiaoying are here, so Chu Feng can't shake himself?

Wenxinxue didn't answer. She just stood there quietly, looking calm, but her heart was full of worries. She couldn't help thinking that if Chu Feng didn't come back, she had to do it temporarily.

"Surround yourself

At this time, there was a voice outside the gate. The next moment, Yan Cang's figure appeared at the door. He didn't need to participate too much. The patriarch who can tell others to do things tonight directly appeared here with more than 100 Yan family members.

Because recently, the only outsiders who came to Yan's house were chufeng. In addition, Chu Feng needed the best quality Da Huan Dan. Therefore, he felt that there was something wrong with Chu Feng.

Although it felt a little impossible, but this year, everything needs to be careful, so Yan Cang personally took people to check.

Walking in front of the crowd, Yan Cang just nodded a little, then looked around, did not see the shadow of Chu Feng, more sure of the idea in his heart, asked in a deep voice: "is the wind less?"

Li Xiaoying did not know what happened, and directly replied: "little wind has been resting in the room, basically did not come out!"

Yan Cang squints at Li Xiaoying and naturally knows who she is. She doesn't see any unnecessary look on her face. It's all natural. She wonders whether it's his own guess?

Looking at the bright room, Yan Cang is not sure. After all, Li Xiaoying is very natural.

Just to have come, Yan Cang always need to do something, partial head way: "search the courtyard, see if there are suspicious people!" He didn't directly point out that he suspected chufeng and didn't want to have one percent accident. However, he firmly believed that if it was really Chu Feng, he would not have come back.

Dozens of Yan's children rushed in and searched every place in the courtyard. A few minutes later, dozens of people returned to the courtyard, saying that no suspicious person was found.

Yan Cang nodded and pointed to Chu Feng's room: "search there!"

"No way!" The person who gets Yan Cang's instructions will search the room. Wenxinxue steps forward and blocks them in front of her. Her cold face looks like frost: "Chu Feng is not comfortable these two days. I can't disturb you!"

"Is it?" Yan Cang said with a nonchalant smile that he was more sure of his judgment. He said with a sneer, "if the wind is less and uncomfortable, as the host, I should go to have a look and talk about my sincerity, so as not to be cold hearted!"

Said, step out, directly from Wenxin Snow's side to the back, the speed is very fast, just between the blink of an eye thing.

Li Ji said secretly what rhythm, but he was not good to express his opinions before he made clear the matter.

Wen Xin Xue looks slightly changed. Yan Cang's speed and strength in the period of natural anger are both terrible. But Chu Feng is not in the room at the moment. If Yan Cang really breaks into it, something will happen.

Whether it's suitable or not, wenxinxue clenches her lips and turns around in a gorgeous posture. Her white dress moves with the wind, and she stands in front of Yan Cang in a low voice: "master Yan, Chu Feng is better, she will visit her naturally!"

Yan Cang at the moment, certainly tonight is Chu Feng, otherwise wenxinxue has what reason to stop him?

An invisible pressure is generated around Yan Cang's body, which is inexhaustible to Wen Xinxue. His tone is indifferent: "Miss Wen, although Yan Jun likes you and wants to marry you as his wife, this family, after all, is not Yan Jun's master. Get out of the way!"

Not angry but powerful momentum, powerful martial pressure, so that Wenxin snow pretty white face emerged a touch of pale, clenching his lips, was not deterred step back.

Yan Cang snorted coldly. At this moment, there is no need to worry about it. A force directly blows out. With the force of real yuan, wenxinxue is forced to retreat a few steps and directly hit the door. The door is also opened slowly under the impact.When wenxinxue's dark way is finished, her waist is suddenly surrounded by a powerful hand, which calms wenxinxue's look of panic. Although she has not seen anyone, the familiar smell will never be forgotten.

A minute ago, she passed through Chu Feng, who had sneaked in. She helped wenxinxue steady and looked at her first time with a smile. However, Yan Cang, who already knew someone, was smiling and pondering: "master Yan, Chu Feng is really uncomfortable, but it doesn't need to be seen. If no one comes, I feel comfortable."

"Besides, you hurt my woman to see if I'm comfortable, OK?"

Yan Cang frowned tightly. At the moment when the door was forced to open, he was sure that Chu Feng was not in the room. But now Chu Feng came out of the room, looking natural and calm. He wondered, is it really not Chu Feng, but someone else?

In the face of Chu Feng's problem, Yan Cang sneered: "fengshao is not only the owner of the ruling, but also a guest of Yan's family. In the future, it may be my son-in-law of Yan Cang. When I hear that you are uncomfortable, I'm naturally worried, isn't it?"

"Go away!" Chu Feng's face suddenly cooled down. He knew that Yan Cang must have noticed something just now, otherwise he would not have broken wenxinxue so recklessly. Therefore, he didn't have the slightest politeness to drink out a sentence. For the martial arts world which is respected by the strong, any teasing and flattering can't exchange for respect. The only thing he has is a stronger fist.

A cold, heartless and resolute word changed Yan Cang's expression slightly, and made dozens of Yan's children in the courtyard appear angry.

Yan Cang, the patriarch of the Yan family, has the supreme authority and controls the power of life and death of most people. How ever has anyone been so disrespectful to him? Chu Feng directly shouts to roll away. It's too shameless!

At any time, there is the possibility of doing something. Suddenly, Chu Qingqing flashed by and appeared in front of Yan Cang and Chu Feng. He looked worried and opened his mouth with a flurry: "something happened. Just now I heard a cry from Yan Yan's room. Then I found that the door was open, but Yan Yan had not been found."

Yan Cang originally wanted to teach Chu Feng a lesson, but when he heard Chu Qingqing's words, his heart trembled and he was surprised to say, "what?"

Chu Qingqing quickly calmed down her excitement and tried to be calm and said: "just now, I heard a voice in Yan Yan's room. I rushed to Yan Yan's room, and there was a broken cup on the ground!"

Yan Cang's face suddenly cooled down, took a look at Chu Feng, and began to feel that it was Chu Feng who was playing a trick tonight. But at the moment, Yan Yan suddenly disappeared, and Chu Feng's suspicion was washed away because he could not separate himself to the tower and escape the pursuit of the two elders. Finally, he dealt with his search and kidnapping Yan Yan.

The initial suspicion disappeared in an instant. Yan Cang turned around and was about to order a search of the whole 18 peaks of Yan Mountain. Two children of the Yan family came to the front with a dignified look. One of them said, "patriarch, we were responsible for searching the fifteen peaks outside the third peak. In a cave of the seventh peak, we found a body."

"After our screening, that is our Yan Family's female disciple!"

A series of things happened once and for all tonight, which made Yan Cang look very ugly. At the moment, the invaders of the tower are no longer important. As long as the two elders and the nearby tower are optimistic, they don't worry that someone will come to the tower.

Now let Yan Cang kill the machine burst out is Yan Yan's missing and sudden homicide, after a short period of silence issued a command: "start the Yan Family's highest level of police, from now on, the Yan family is allowed to enter and not to go out, in addition, all move up, search all suspicious places within 50 kilometers of Yan's family."

"The rest of the people, follow me up to the seventh peak, to see what happened, who killed my Yan Family people!"

At this time, Chu Feng's affairs did not seem to be so important. All he wanted was to quickly find out the murderer and Yan Yan. As for Chu Feng, there were so many things happening at one time. Chu Feng could not have done it alone. Maybe Yan's family, maybe some other people from outside came in.

"Wait!" People are preparing to leave, Chu Feng releases Wen Xin Xue and looks at Yan Cang who turns around a few steps before leaving: "how can Yan Yan be my friend? If I can, I can help to find it. In addition, I am a doctor. As long as this person is not ashes, I can see some clues."

"Maybe, I can give you a little help, of course, if you believe me or don't believe me!"

Yan Cang's heart because so many things happened together, already felt that it could not be Chu Feng. He thought about it and nodded: "I believe you!"

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