Super Healer

Chapter 1105

The seventh peak was completely surrounded and the most rigorous mountain search was carried out.

It may be that the killer is not there, but the most dangerous place in ancient times is the safest place. So Yan Cang ordered the seventh peak to carry out the most rigorous search before reaching the seventh peak. Even a stone seam can not be let go, because the 18th peak of Yanshan Mountain has not been so inexplicable that no one has died for a long time.

While all of us searched everywhere, the sky also scattered a little pale white, the light was coming, removing the possibility of Chu wind, Yan Cang deliberately took him to the seventh peak.

Because as Chu Feng himself said, he and Yan Yan are no longer friends. Besides, he is also a doctor, and can find many things they can not find at all.

Found the seventh peak of the dead outside the hole, has stood more than 10 Yan family children here, no one can enter inside, Yan Cang came, more than ten people all opened: "patriarch!"

Yan Cang nodded gently, and took out a thing from her body and handed it to Chu Feng and said, "Yan family rules, where death is turned off on the spot, this is the corpse pill you take, no matter what to check out, send her the last journey!"

Although Chu Feng has something to turn away the body itself, it is stronger than the corpse pill made by Yan family. Even a little ashes will not be left, but the card is not a bad thing. Chu wind comes over and walks in alone. Yan Cang gives absolute trust, and naturally it is not aimless.

He took people to search the courtyard. Although the reasons were magnificent, it was a kind of distrust. At this moment, he showed the tendency of believing in Chu Feng to let him check the dead alone, which is also a kind of turning disguise.

Chu Feng naturally understood this, but did not break his careful thinking. In this era, few people were simple.

Inside, it is a cave of more than 20 square meters. There are some daily necessities in the distance. Obviously, most of the time before the death was born, he lived here.

Back in the eyes, Chu Feng looked at the woman lying in a bed, and walked to pull away the white cloth on her, and was not hanging!

Chu wind squints his eyes, and does not see the excitement of the woman's body, but it is just a surprise.

There are no scars on the surface of the female body, even some traces of fighting should have, but one can not die without any reason. So it can only be said that the murderer's technique is very strange.

Carefully examine every inch of the skin of the woman, strive not to let go of any details, but more than ten minutes later, there is still no gain, how to look this woman is peaceful death.

Perhaps Yan Cang was waiting outside a little impatient, let Chu Qingqing come in, see Chu wind bending down there very serious appearance, looking back outside, with a faint smile to go to Chu wind side, the voice is very light: "is the body of the dead, better than I this living person's good-looking?"

Chu wind was disturbed by clear clear clear Chu, took back his eyes, and turned her to a glance, and then said, "at least, she is not loose!"

"No loose?" Chuqingqing after a taste of Chu Feng said, then understand what it said, angry at Chu Feng a heart scold, son of a bitch, although the mother has two, but tight as the beginning.

It's just that her identity and her character are there, and it's impossible to say it.

Scattered and Chu Feng discuss the idea of life ideal, chuqingqing looked at the stiff body and asked, "you have looked so long, see something to come?"

Facing the business, Chu Feng looked serious: "I just examined all the details of her surface, even said that there was no trace of mosquito bites, and there was no trace of fighting. I heard that when she was found, she was already dead in bed covered with white cloth. I can't believe she knew she was going to die and lay down herself in advance."

Chu Qingqing understood the truth: "it will not be an accident, or the disappearance of Yan Yan will be too strange!"

Chu Feng nodded, pulled up a hand of the body and looked at it. His finger was placed on the point of pulse. A force entered the body from his fingers. Although the person was dead, for Chu Feng, the dead could also detect the pulse.

Although Chu Qingqing was surprised by the behavior of Chu Feng, he knew that he was the disciple of overlord heaven, and then he was relieved that overlord heaven, itself, was the existence of ghosts.

A few minutes later, Chu Feng glanced over a strange color, put down the woman's body's hand, and walked forward to separate the women's legs, looking at the birth Road, Chu Qingqing left her face red, and secretly Chu Feng would not be a small product?

Chu Feng doesn't know what Chu Qingqing is thinking. Tear off a white cloth beside it and wrap his hands. Then he turns around the woman's birth Road, which makes chuqingqing speechless. Don't you find a dead person to eat tofu?

Two minutes later, Chu Feng released his hand, threw away the white cloth wrapped in his fingers, and his left eye penetrated the whole body. From the birth gate, he kept going up, covering all the muscles and veins, and as with the external examination, no details were allowed.

Finally, she took back her eyes, and Chu Feng looked tight and wrinkled: "her blood was all necrotic, about 5 cm inside her birth canal, and there was still some liquid left. If there was no speculation wrong, she had a war with the man before she died, but she didn't know why the blood would die."Chu Feng's left eye can see nothing wrong, but as a warrior, his blood is very strong. Unless he is suffering from inhuman abuse and pollution, otherwise, his blood can not be necrotic.

Not to mention, Yan family, who is good at refining pills, would never let such things happen.

Chu Qingqing frowned: "blood necrosis?" Her idea is similar to Chu Feng. The blood necrosis of the warrior is just like a strange news.

Chu Feng knew Chu Qingqing didn't believe it. He picked up a knife from the side, pulled up the hand of the corpse and crossed it directly from the wrist. When the blood flowed out, he said, "generally, the blood of the dead people will slowly solidify within a few hours. Even if it is cut, the fresh blood will be red."

"If you want to turn black, it will take at least a day or more. But I just saw that she died six hours ago. Why is the blood black when her body temperature hasn't completely dissipated, and don't you feel that there is still a smell?"

When Chu Feng said that, Chu Qingqing saw that the blood flowing out of his wrist was black. In addition, there was a faint smell in the air, and her eyebrows wrinkled deeper. This was definitely not a simple blood necrosis.

Chu Feng took out the Huashi pill and put it into the mouth of the corpse. Although she didn't know how she died, Chu Feng only needed to tell the Yan family that her death was, believe in the Yan Family's ability to find out, it's not difficult!

When the corpse was gradually withering and decaying, Chu Feng also went outside. Yan Cang had been waiting at the door. Seeing that Chu Feng and Chu Qingqing had come out, he came forward and asked, "how about it?"

Chu Feng partial head: "I have told madam Yan, let her tell you, now I want to go to the place where Yan Yan lives." There is not too much face for Yan Cang, go out a few steps to think of what to turn around: "by the way, what is the cultivation of the dead?"

Yan Cang didn't think so much about it. He replied, "Tianjing's seven realms are complete."

"Oh Chu Feng nodded and went down the mountain directly. She always felt that the woman was a little weird. She seemed to have seen such a death method somewhere. She just couldn't remember for a while. She thought about things all the way. She had come to the east courtyard and the room where Yan Yan lived.

Yan Cang and his wife followed him in and saw that there were no signs of fighting inside. Only a cup that fell on the ground had been broken, and then any damage had disappeared.

Squat down to pick up a broken cup fragments, Chu Feng carefully looked at, there is no special place, look at Yan Yan's room, the kind of arrangement is very clean and comfortable, just like her people.

Walking back and forth in the room, and finally standing at the door of the room, Chu Feng's eyes narrowed slightly: "the person who tied up Yan Yan, she knows!"

Yan Cang looks a coagulation subconsciously asked: "Why say so?"

Chu Feng held out his hand and shook the door. He said faintly: "if it's a stranger, if you want to kidnap Yan Yan, where can you politely open the door and come in? It must be time to break into the door and take Yan Yan away. If you find out, it will be too late to make any response."

"But look at this door. From the angle of opening the door, Yan Yan opened it from the inside, not from the outside."

Yan Cang and Chu Qingqing both went over. After a close look, they found that the door was indeed opened from the inside. Because of the particularity of Yan's house door, opening from the outside and opening from the inside are completely different. If you look carefully, you will find that you are worried at first, but at the moment Chu Feng reminds you of it.

Chu Qingqing squinted and asked, "if it's your own person, who will it be?"

Chu Feng spread out his hands, although he can use his left eye to look at all places, but now Yan's family, a careless will be found to drive the power of his left eye. Chu Feng still needs to be more careful and whispered back: "I don't know about Yan's family. This question needs to be asked yourself."

Chu Qingqing smiles bitterly, and knows that Chu Feng can analyze such a possibility. It's almost enough. When he is flustered, Chu Qingqing calms himself down gradually. As long as he is sure that no one can leave Yan's house now, everything is not a problem, and it will be found sooner or later.

Suddenly, a son of the Yan Family burst out and opened his mouth with a dignified look: "patriarch, another corpse was found in the ninth peak, which is also a female disciple of Yan family who died without any trace of any trace, and the seven levels of Tianjing are full of happiness!"

Chu Feng's eyes narrowed, and suddenly thought of something to say: "master Yan, I don't know if I can have a look at Yan's Sutra pavilion?"

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