Super Healer

Chapter 1171


Heaven and earth in the nature of a powerful and incomparable physical force, but anything that touches it will disappear, powerful, and mysterious!

At the moment, the thunderbolt, which was hard to open the eyes completely, fell down mercilessly. The speed was very fast. Almost everything happened in the blink of an eye. People who saw this scene from afar couldn't bear to close their eyes. It seemed that Dama would disappear soon.

When he woke up, he was stunned and stupefied. He saw that Damar was under the cover of thunder and lightning. He roared, "master!"

When everyone felt that a generation of Tibetan Living Buddhas and legendary demigods were about to fall under the thunder, the voice of exclamation came out of nothingness. It seemed that there were many tangles, struggles and contradictions. However, with such a sigh, the thunder that almost killed Dama disappeared.

Anle and others look stupefied, then deeply frown, think of a person.

All of a sudden, there was a vast and endless stream of Dharma in the air. The sigh was much clearer than before. Dama, who was running, stopped and looked into the sky. His eyes were full of panic and apprehension. There was a look of awe in the deepest part of the sky.

Chu Feng's magic wings twinkle on his back, and his black and shining feathers radiate an inexplicable luster under the dark sky. When he looks up to the sky in the distance, his cold evil smile never disappears.

The curved fingers lifted upward, and the sky thundered again. It was no longer a thunderbolt. Instead, nine blue thunderbolts with some blue colors went towards a place with thick dark clouds, as if to break the sky curtain.

Such a shocking means is just a gesture and an idea, which can arouse the most powerful lightning power of nature. This is absolutely appalling. The expressions of Anle and others are with indescribable solemnity.

Although in the period of natural anger, after communicating with nature, they can also trigger the thunder, but this is only limited to making them make two sounds. Like the Chu wind, an idea that changes color, one look and one gesture, can destroy mountains and rivers. They think that it is impossible to give them another hundred years.

He was also a little worried about the existence hidden in the dark. Could he resist the Chu wind, which turned demons into gods, and trigger the attack of nine thunder and lightning?

The voice of sighing slowly increased a lot, more violent than the rolling thunder. Each of the nine thunderbolts contains the power of destruction, but when the nine thunderbolts close to that area, it seems that they are twisted by an invisible force, and even turn around.

Toward Chu Feng, Anle and others are not only, but also the heart of Damar who has stopped. He began to feel that as long as he gets twelve wings, he can reign in the world. At this moment, there are shaking and cracks.

In the face of the turning back thunder, at the moment, the Chu Feng of Mo Wei Tao has not changed color at all. It is just standing there quietly. Nine thunder blasts hit him and his surroundings without any suspense. Dama and others who saw this scene subconsciously closed their eyes and felt that Chu Feng was finished this time.

It's just that when the thunder disappears and the sky and earth return to a short period of calm, when they open their eyes, their heart seems to be in their throat and can't put it down.

Because in the air, Chu Feng was still standing in the original position, and the dark and shining magic wings were still shaking gently. However, looking at Chu Feng, there was not a trace of injury on his whole body. It seemed that what just hit him was not thunder, but a very ordinary attack, and his clothes were intact.

In the distant sky, a figure in a black robe also appeared there. The vast Buddhist dharma surged between heaven and earth. It seemed that it could suppress the evil power of Chu Feng, so that the nervous Anle people gradually calmed down their panic.

Chu Feng smiles slightly, his eyes are bloodthirsty and disappear in the air. When he reappears, he is already in the sky of the black robe figure. He suddenly falls down with a fist of supreme heavenly power and takes the head of the black robe figure.

All of them were shocked, but what he did in the next moment was even more shocking to them, because he stood there and didn't even mean to block. The blow of Chu Feng stopped at 15 cm above his head. It was not Chu Feng who wanted to stop, but he couldn't get into half a point.

It was blocked there by an invisible barrier, and the evil spirit's left eye flashed with a touch of color, followed by more violent and crazy attacks constantly converged, the sound of bang bang bang reverberated in the sky, stinging people's eardrums.

The people on the ground don't know how strong the attack of Chu Feng is, but they can feel that if they are allowed to bear it, there is only one result of death.

The figure of black robe is also at the moment. A hand slowly stretches out from under the black robe, with a slightly ruddy and white color. It's like a hand in his thirties. It's just a slight lift. The Chu wind who is still attacking crazily is like being attacked by a banana fan and flies away thousands of meters away.

This scene made the scene completely silent. They could not accept the fact that Chu Feng had just let Damar fly out. Now, Chu Feng, who has gained the power of demon king and inspired the new generation of magic wings in their eyes, has also encountered the same situation as Dama just now. How many of them are unable to accept it.After being shocked, Dama knelt down on the ground, scattered the idea of escaping, and became calm: "master!"

Tiange had already come to Dama's side, and his spirit was shocked when he heard the speech. He looked at the figure of black robe in the sky that day. He had no doubt about what Dama said. He knelt down without any sign. He didn't dare to lift his head up: "Shizu!"

Far away, Anle and others heard the voice from afar, and conjectured that they were all motionless. Although they did not kneel down, they all held back their soreness and weakness and bowed in awe: "Tibetan Lord!"

The absolute strong man in the world is as famous as the original demon lord long Haoran. He has unified the legend of Tibetan religion to the present day with his own strength. He does not know how many years he has survived. The master of demigod like Dama has no reason to let them not be in awe!

The Tibetan master's kind laughter spreads from the black robe. The dark clouds in the sky slowly dissipate between the Noddings, and the sky becomes as clear as before. In this way, Anle and others are in awe. An idea can change the color of heaven and earth. This is absolutely not what a simple demigod state can do?

The Tibetan master didn't care what an'erle and others were thinking. He just looked at the distant sky: "Chu Feng, can you give me a little face? This is the end of today's business?" A vast Buddhist dharma directly penetrated the eardrum of Chu Feng with the sound, which eased the ferocious face of Chu Feng who was going to attack again.

There was no further attack for the time being.

The Tibetan master didn't worry too much. He disappeared in the air and appeared in front of Dama: "decades ago, I told you that Buddhas and demons are not the same. Unless you have fully realized that you can abide by your own heart, but now it seems that you have not done this, otherwise you will not compete for the dark magic wings!"

"And even if you get it, it will only make you die, because although it is called the devil's twelve wings, it is not Satan's thing. Damar, you are confused!"

When turning around, the Tibetan master gently continued: "this is called the dark magic wings, a pair of wings that do not exist in any legend. Those who are predestined can obtain the supreme power. Those who are not destined to obtain it will only pay their own lives. No matter the great emperor, the spirit world or even the king of Taiyang can not control it!"

The Tibetan master's words shocked those who heard it. Isn't this the twelve wings of Satan?

I would like to say that the Tibetan master is lying, but his identity and all his things are destined that he will not and disdain to lie. At present, they can't help but look at the Chu wind which is standing in the void with magic wings. Looking at the wings, it seems that there is really no style of the legendary twelve wings.

Because it is two wings, twelve wings are twelve pairs of giant wings, and it is not the kind of dark and shiny, but with pure white angel wings in the blood color. I believe some of what the Tibetan Lord said.

Dama knelt on the ground and bowed her head there: "master, are these wings born for the Chu wind?" It was only when he thought of a legend that he once spied on.

The Tibetan master did not answer this question, but sighed softly, "Chu Feng, do you want to kill?"

Almost with the Tibetan master's words, there is a terrible force around him, even more than the Tibetan master's powerful Buddhism. Dama or Anle are all moved slightly and know what they should not know. It seems that they have only one result of death.

After all, no matter whether it's really twelve wings, or what kind of dark magic wings, as long as it's a treasure, it's sure to attract people. It's normal for Chu Feng to kill them!

This time, the Chu wind did not stop, but brought out a black phantom. The black wings were spread out, and the width of both ends reached seven meters. It was like a bird crossing the sky. The Tibetan master sighed slightly and gathered his strength to go straight up. When he roared, he said: "killing blood, sin, sin!"

Chu Feng had lost his mind completely. He didn't hear anything from the Tibetan master. After a blow was dissolved by the Tibetan master, he suddenly brought out a shadow that could not be captured by the naked eye. He raised his hand and a sword made of black shadows appeared in his hand, and the killing opportunity was completed.

There was a little surprise in the voice of Tibetan master, but he couldn't rescue several people because of the distance. He sighed: "go well!"

Seeing that the five men of an'erle were about to go to hell, the sword which was about to fall and was formed by the sword spirits of Minghong magic sword converged with the magic power stopped. Chu Feng looked at the sky with a feeling. A fairy dust like figure fell from the sky, and the magic wings disappeared behind Chu Feng, and the sword shadow in his hands disappeared.

Return to normal pupil, looking at the falling fairy dust figure, can not see the face, just issued a voice: "so beautiful!" It seems that the strength has been hollowed out in general, Chu Feng body a soft fall on the ground.

Dama and Anle are also covered by a mysterious force, and they have fainted without knowing what is going on.

What appeared was the fairy dust like woman of Xuanyuan family. She fell firmly beside Chu Feng. She lifted her hand and looked back at the distance: "you come out again. Then they will give it to you. Their memory should not exist, so don't exist. Otherwise, the sun will come soon."

"In addition, the prophecy has begun to enter the final fulfillment, and when the spirit of heaven recognizes the Lord, the devil will come!"When the last word was dropped, Xianchen woman disappeared in the same place with Chu Feng in her arms. The Tibetan master standing in the original place, with her black robe falling down, revealed a middle-aged man's face and looked at the sky from a distance: "child, it seems that we will meet soon!"

As soon as the hand is raised, a golden force floats out, and the bodies of Damar and others faint slightly, which seems to be stripped of something in general!

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