Super Healer

Chapter 1172

At nine o'clock the next morning, the sun fell on the streets of Jicheng, with a sense of warmth. Every face walking on the street naturally appeared a smile. The beautiful weather can always dispel the discomfort in my heart.

Yesterday, things in the city hall, on the road or outside the city, did not spread on a large scale, so they were forced down by the cold family. Not many people knew about it.

Jicheng Hotel, the most responsible person!

In the room of the suite, Chu Feng opened his eyes and looked sideways. He sat up with a frown and shook his head. He recalled what had happened. He only remembered that after he took away the twelve wings, he did not remember anything, as if he had lost his memory.

It's just a few fragmentary pictures, but it's hard to combine them at all. Chu Feng's brow is therefore deeper, thinking about what happened.

The door was also opened at the moment. Ye Zixuan came in and saw Chu Feng wake up. She came over and said, "wake up?"

Knowing that ye Zixuan, like Su Xinyu, is not good at expressing inner feelings, and does not know how to convey them in words, Chu Feng reluctantly smiles: "well, I should not be in the suburbs? How did you get back? "

"You've been sleeping all day!" Ye Zixuan came to sit beside Chu Feng, took his hand to explore the pulse and said: "as for how you came back, I don't know. It was the Murong spirit who brought you back. She said that if you don't worry, you can go and have a look, and then see you faint outside the suburbs."

"In addition, there is no such thing as a big war with young people."

In this regard, Chu Feng did not doubt that there was him. When ye Zixuan said that, a memory jumped out and sat upright: "where is Dama?"

"Damar?" Ye Zixuan exclaimed in surprise, and her expression was coagulated: "did you see Dama yesterday?"

Chu Feng frowned and could see that ye Zixuan did not go to the scene yesterday. He nodded: "yes, and I know some of his secrets. Tinge took the devil's twelve wings and went to the suburbs. I followed them and captured the twelve wings at a critical time."

"It's just that I don't remember what happened in the end."

Ye Zixuan stood up with a dignified look in her eyes. As a former living Buddha in Tibet, Dama tried to subvert Tibet and create chaos in the holy Dynasty. He was one of the most important wanted criminals in the holy Dynasty. He had been wandering abroad and couldn't find it. Unexpectedly, he had quietly returned home, wondering whether he should do something.

Seeing ye Zixuan's look, Chu Feng knew what she was thinking. For the sake of women's safety, she said, "I advise you to give up this idea, not to say that his apprentice Tiange is a strong man of natural anger. The strength displayed by Dama yesterday is the state of semi God. You can't do anything with hidden dragon and hidden Phoenix."

"So you don't have to take care of it!"

"What, demigod?" Ye Zixuan is still thinking about how to find out Dama, and then gather strength to monitor and ask the Xuanyuan family to deal with it. Hearing Chu Feng's words, his small mouth opens up at once.

When Dama tried to subvert Tibet, he was only practicing in the seven levels of tiannu. How many years have it been since he became a demigod? That is not a simple realm. Some people can't step into the demigod state in their whole life. Even Xuanyuan, the ancestor of the holy Dynasty, is said to have only two demigods.

Has Damar stepped into the demigod? Ye Zixuan felt incredible, but also understood that if Dama was really a demigod, he could not deal with it, and Chu Feng did not have to cheat her.

Chu Feng nodded, thinking of the scene hidden in the dark yesterday, Damar of the demigod realm could rage the powerful, including Anle, who was infinitely close to the demigod. The display of that powerful force made Chu Feng dignified, and at the same time, he also had the idea of destruction.

He did not know why he would have such an idea, only thought of destruction, his blood boiling!

Seeing that Chu Feng didn't speak, ye Zixuan rolled her eyes and scattered the idea of looking for Dama and sat down: "what happened yesterday? Where are the twelve wings?"

Chufeng narrowed his eyes and recalled the situation at that time. He said: "when they arrived at the blue sickle in the suburb of the city, they wanted to attack Tiange. By the way, those people are the seven scythes of the Wenzhou emperor family. It seems that they are aiming at the twelve wings of the devil, but it seems that they are not the real twelve wings of the devil.

I don't remember exactly what it is, but I can be sure it's not the twelve wings, because its final state is the appearance of two wings. Next, Anle, the first master of the sun king, also appears. It seems that he is aiming at the twelve wings

Ye Zixuan's small mouth has been slightly opened. Unexpectedly, not only did Dama appear yesterday, but also the people of the great emperor family of Wenzhou Zhiqiang family. Even the people of the sun king, the king of tangzhou, appeared in Jicheng, and they all went to the twelve wings with the same goal.

Thinking of the twelve wings, ye Zixuan asked, "who got the twelve wings in the end?"

Chu Feng was stunned. He really couldn't remember this question. He shook his head and said, "it's not me anyway, but it's very likely that Dama has got twelve wings, because only he has the semi divine state in the presence."Ye Zixuan looked tight. She stood up and left the room without saying a word to Chu Feng. It was a surprising news that Dama returned to the holy Dynasty. If he still got it, it might contain the twelve wings of the spirit world demon king's inheritance, which was definitely not a good rest for the Holy court.

Because in the past, in order to stop Dama's ambition, the various forces of the official alliance of the holy Koreas killed many of Dama's disciples. It can be said that it was a deep blood feud. Now she needs to pass back the news she learned from Chu tuyere.

Chu Feng blinked and looked at the open door with a bitter smile. Ye Zixuan left him without saying anything, but he also understood Ye Zixuan's thoughts.

After getting out of bed and putting on his slippers, Chu Feng twisted his neck and felt that his head was not so dizzy, but he felt a little sore. He was about to go over and open the window to breathe the air. Murong Bing jumped in from the outside. Before Chu Feng knew what was going on, he fell on the bed.

Speechless, Murong Bing pursed red lips: "husband, why are you so impulsive, and you are not allowed to go to such a dangerous place in the future. If you die, I will look for ten men to serve me that night, and let you die in peace."

"Don't think I'm alarmist. If you don't take care of my whole life, I'll change men every day and make you angry."

"No, I'm going to lie in your arms." Murong Bing is like a little girl, although not pressure on the body of Chu Feng, but still nestled in his side: "yesterday I caught that touch of breath to go, there lies you alone, did not see other people ah!"

"What's the matter? What's going on?"

A wry smile added: "but now it seems that I had a dream!" Then he said, "by the way, what about the ancient ring of emptiness?"

"This matter has been completely blocked now. Leng's family is looking for someone who took away the twelve wings and the spirit, but I can't find it."

Chu Feng blinked his eyes, in the heart of ten thousand grass mud horse galloping there, rubbed to sit up: "too pit father, busy live a field unexpectedly nothing to get, pissed me to death."

Murong Bing blinked: "husband, are you heartache things missing, or what ah, is it to blame me for my incompetence?"

Turning his eyes, Chu Feng walked over and hugged the woman who made countless men crazy in history. He said in a soft voice, "the old man in cold Wuxi said that he would take me to the Xuanyuan family if he got the ethereal spirit and twelve wings, and then he could let the demigod of Xuanyuan family dredge the disordered muscles and veins for you. Now we have nothing. I don't know whether cold Wuxi will take us."

It's a pity that things are missing, but Chu Feng doesn't care too much. It's his. He doesn't ask too much for his things.

Murong Bing's charming eyes were deeply touched, and her head leaned on Chu Feng's shoulder and said in a delicate voice: "little guy, if you talk so sweetly, I can't help but devote myself to it." When Chu Feng was aroused by her words, Murong Bing pushed him away: "as for Xuanyuan family, don't worry. Cold Wuxi tells Leng rujun that he will come to the hotel tomorrow. If you don't guess wrong, we should take us to Xuanyuan family."

Chu Feng opened his mouth and looked at his half stretched hand, holding the air. He said, "I depend on you!"

Murong Bing giggled and giggled. How could he not know what Chu Feng wanted to do just now. He blinked his eyes and gave Chu Feng a enchanting figure of his back. He waved: "by the way, yesterday you seem to have touched the taboo force in the body. Next time, pay attention to it. The more people you know, the more unsafe you will be!"

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