Super Healer

Chapter 141

The night passed again. It was very peaceful, but it was not peaceful. Although the Green Gang and the Wolf Gang did not fight last night because of special circumstances, we all know that all this is just the peace before the storm. When they really let go of their hands and feet, it would be amazing.

The so-called restlessness is that the Pujiang district is in a turbulent atmosphere of dark waves. Last night, the Qingbang sent more people to Pujiang district again. The purpose is very clear, that is, to seize the whole Pujiang District in a concerted effort.

So far, the number of green gang members stationed in Pujiang district has reached 4000. As long as they really move that minute, they will surely be in full swing.

Similarly, last night, the last two elders of Pujiang District died inexplicably at home and Tangkou. No one knows who started the attack, but their low-level gang members all targeted the Green Gang.

After all, we can see that the Qingbang is the biggest beneficiary. Although there is a Yuanmin association with nearly 2000 members, we don't think it can compete with the Qingbang. It is only a matter of time before it is destroyed.

Up to now, only in a few days, only two forces have remained in Pujiang District, which was originally mixed with more than ten forces. The tiger like Green Gang and the rising yuan people's Association show the situation of two tigers fighting each other!

The wind and rain are coming and the wind is all over the building. Even ordinary people feel that kind of depression and try to reduce going out.

At 7:30 in the morning, Chu Feng got up early and prepared everything. He washed Lin Yulin's clothes and walked alone in the garden. When he sent Lin Yulin to work at 8:30, he would go back to the boot camp. After all, he promised Zhou Xiaoxuan what he would do.

Today, Xia Yan was in charge of the afternoon shift, so he didn't go. After walking half a circle around the garden path, Chu Feng appeared in front of him and looked at the surrounding environment. He walked and sat down directly on the grass: "as you expected, there are only two forces left in Pujiang District, namely, the Yuan people's Association and the youth gang.

It is estimated that there will be a battle of killing and cutting in Pujiang District in the next week. After that, Pujiang district will be either from the Qing Gang or from the Yuan people's Association. "

"The Yuan people's Association must be the fourth force in the river and sea."

Chu Feng confidently threw out a sentence. Yesterday, he killed the last two big brothers in Pujiang district with his own method, leaving the gang in which they were working without a leader. Moreover, he put the blame on the Qing Gang for the killing: "I am more concerned about the Shuangzhu Association, which has not been moving, what they are thinking."

Chu Feng couldn't see clearly the purpose of the Shuangzhu Association at this time. According to the truth, it is the most chaotic time. Although the Green Gang is angry and everyone will die, as one of the three big gangs in the river and sea, the Shuangzhu association should have the strength to counter the Green Gang.

But after so many days, there was no movement at all. Chu Feng couldn't help but have a lot of heart.

"Shuangzhu will be very calm. It is estimated that she will start her work only after sitting and watching the final result." After Chu Feng explained that day, Xia Yan paid close attention to the double pearl Association, so he said without hesitation: "after all, it's better to wait for them to be defeated than to be hated by the Wolf Gang and the Green Gang now."

Chu Feng didn't speak. Xia Yan's words were reasonable, but he always felt that things would not be so simple. He looked at the distance with deep eyes: "these days, the main thing is to defend. I always feel that things will not be so simple. Where does the Green Gang have the strength to fight on both lines? If we want to win Pujiang District, we should also deal with the Wolf Gang?"

"I think it's a bit incredible. You know, there is still a covetous double Pearl Club behind me. Huang Luowen is not a fool. He is certainly sad about Huang Shaoguang's death, but today, he will never be a spirited person, so pay attention to it. I feel that something will change."

Xia Yan just nodded slightly. Now he admired Chu Feng and said, "is there anything else I need to do?"

"Not for the time being. There will be days to come. The dark waves are turbulent and the situation is not clear." Chu Feng thinks about it for a moment. At present, the death of Huang Shaoguang and Hu Gu makes the Green Gang a dynamite barrel. The wild wolf Gang is also an invisible black pot. When both sides are full of anger, they are not suitable to do too many things.

At least, the decision can only be made before the official attitude is clear, because if one is not careful, he may become the official chicken to make an example.

"I'm leaving first. Come back and contact me!"

Xia Yan also wanted to say something. She told Lin Yulin to put on a hat and leave quickly. Lin Yulin came to look at Xia Yan's back: "who is that?"

"Stranger." Chu Feng stood up with a smile and looked at the charismatic Lin Yulin: "just now I was walking in the garden, pulling me to chat with him. When I saw you coming, I left. I'll take you to work, and then I'll go to the training camp. It's estimated that I'll come back in a few days."

Lin Yulin looks suspiciously at the direction of Xia Yan's departure, wearing a hat in the morning, just a stranger?

But Chu Feng said that, and she did not doubt anything. When she left the green garden, she did not forget to say: "now you have grown up to be sensible. There are some things you should understand. You must be a law-abiding person. Don't make friends with those irregular people. Otherwise, you can only harm yourself. Do you know?"Chu Feng looks affected, nodded: "I know, I must be a good man."

Lin Yulin took a serious look at him: "I hope so, or I know what you do to harm the nature of things, then you don't recognize me this little aunt."

Chu Feng's heart sank, and his face should not have laughed: "I know!"

Lin Yulin nodded with satisfaction. She walked with Chu Feng's arm for the first time. It was very natural. To outsiders, it seemed like a pair of brothers and sisters in love. Chu Feng was also a little surprised. However, seeing Lin Yulin's natural look, she secretly scolded herself for thinking too much.

At more than ten o'clock, Chu Feng got on the bus to the training camp. At the moment, in langdeli's home, a garden covering an area of nearly 1000 square meters, Lang Meimei seems to have suffered a great blow. The whole person is crouching on the ground with his head in his arms, as if in great pain. The servants and bodyguards are afraid to get close to him.

"Eyebrow, what's wrong with you? Don't scare me!"

Although randley is insidious and insidious, he still loves his only daughter. When he hears the phone call from a servant in the garden, he quickly rushes back and ignores that it is a special time and may encounter unknown risks at any time.

Lang Meimei was there constantly shaking her head. That day, she knew that she had hurt Huang Shaoguang, so she also knew that she had made trouble. So when she left Qingge, she called langdeli to tell him these things.

Langdeli also quickly arranged for someone to take Lang Meimei home. However, when she got up this morning, she felt a slight pain in her head. Then, she and Chu Feng went to Qingge.

However, in her memory, there was no Chu Feng at first, so she squatted on the ground and pondered over what happened. If her guess was true, then it would be easy to know who was playing tricks behind the back in the battle between the Wolf Gang and the Green Gang.

Hearing his father's call, Lang Meimei stood up and said, "Dad, I did hurt Huang Shaoguang, but I didn't start very hard. At most, it was just a few days' rest. It was Chu Feng who took me there."

Langdeli suddenly felt that the name was a little familiar, but he couldn't remember it for a moment. He just looked at his daughter curiously: "why didn't you say that at that time? If you had said it earlier, we would not have fought with the youth gang like this."

Lang Meimei kept shaking her head there: "I don't know why. At that time I thought it was Huang Shaoguang who was injured by himself. But just now I suddenly remembered that the man was knocked unconscious by Chu Feng. Later, I just went up to teach a lesson, and then the people of the green Gang came. You know the next thing."

Langdeli understands Lang Meimei. Although there are many things in ordinary times, he will never make fun of such things. However, langdeli sighs at the moment: "it would have been good to say so, but now it's too late. Even if the truth is that someone is secretly provoking, now Huang Luowen will only choose the most altruistic thing to do."

"Of course, secretly, I also believe that Huang Luowen is pursuing the truth!"

Lang Meimei also knows what happened these days. He knows that Huang Shaoguang is dead. Seeing langdeli with a sad face at the moment, he says anxiously, "what can I do?"

"Don't worry, I won't let him feel so good, I will certainly let him pay a heavy price." Langdley's eyes burst out with terrible color, and the killing machine was just like a hungry wolf: "Tai Sui's head starts to dig. It depends on whether his life is so hard."

Lang Meimei realized that it was her fault that caused all this. She regretted that she knew the grudges between Chu Feng and golden wolf and went to Qingge with him. As a result, she was calculated. Her heavily made-up face burst into a fierce look: "Dad, you can tell Huang Luowen truthfully about this matter. As for whether to believe or not, it is his business, but at least it can give us some space."

"If I guess correctly, Huang Shaoguang may have been kidnapped and killed by Chu Feng, because he has such motive."

Know a little bit more Lang Meimei is clear about the gratitude and resentment between Chu Feng and these people. She looks a little angry. She has been playing with people all the time, but now she has been played by Chu Feng. Can you not be angry?

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