Super Healer

Chapter 142

Chu Feng took a passenger car. When he arrived at the station, it was already two o'clock in the afternoon. He had to transfer for an hour to get to the military camp. So after getting off the bus, he left the station without stopping. There was no special car to go to the military camp. All of them were private taxis, so he could only take them outside.

Just just outside, a red Maserati was printed into Chu Feng's eyes. A little surprise flashed in her eyes, but then she walked away without any movement. Instead of dodging, she was better to face it directly.

Chufeng went to the side of Maserati and directly opened the car door to get on the car, which attracted many people's attention. After all, it was very attractive to see a world-famous car like Maserati in such an area. Some girls couldn't help thinking about whether chufeng would be a second generation?

"I thought there were so many things going on that you wouldn't come."

When Chu Feng got on the bus to fasten his seat belt, he said without changing his face: "but now it seems that Miss Lang is a very courageous person. If I had known you would come, I would have gone to see you. I could save more than 100 yuan for the bus fare, which is also the living expenses for several days."

Chu Feng was still there to say this, but his head was butted by something. When he looked back, he saw that a senhan short gun was facing him. Chu Feng did not move his mouth: "how can you hold such a cold and merciless thing with such beautiful hands? And be careful of the gun fire, you are a murderer."

"Why did you do that?"

Lang Meimei managed to get her out. Knowing that Chu Feng would return to the barracks today, she drove her Maserati all the way. She had been waiting for more than half an hour at the station. As she expected, Chu Feng appeared.

In the face of the problem of Lang Mei Mei, Chu Feng's face was blank: "what?"

"Do you want to play with me till now?"

Seeing this, Chu Feng still looked ignorant. Lang eyebrow sneered: "it's nice to say. Take me to Qingge to enjoy the excitement. But after the accident, I was left alone. Huang Shaoguang is not so much injured as you that Chu Feng framed me?

Why did you do that? Why did I offend you

Chu Feng leaned on the chair, looking very calm: "you didn't offend. As for leaving you there, it's just people's instinct to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. You are the eldest lady of the Wolf Gang. Even if Huang Luowen catches you and injures his son, he won't kill you. But if I'm here, do you think I can survive?"

When the sarcasm appeared on Lang Mei's face, Chu Feng said all the words filtered once in his heart: "so, under such circumstances, I can only leave by myself, but you won't say it. Is it that I hurt Huang Shaoguang? I was curious at first that you didn't want to protect me, but now it looks like I'm wrong

Lang Meimei frowned slightly. When Chu Feng spoke, his expression was very serious. His eyes did not blink. His expression was very natural. Lang Meimei's heart also wavered. But when I thought of the situation of the Wolf Gang, he firmly held his hand: "that's when I was scared, so I forgot to say it."

"It's just that you can't rule out the possibility that you put the blame on the Wolf Gang and stir up a fierce fight between us and the Green Gang."

Seeing that Lang Mei Mei didn't continue to tangle with her memory loss, Chu Feng was also relieved. Hearing her question at the moment, Chu Feng spread out his hands and said, "Miss Lang, I am a poor student who worries about the three meals every day. What benefits can I get from provoking you to fight with the youth gang?"

"Then you can get rid of the danger of Huang Shaoguang from the Green Gang," he said subconsciously

"Did I hurt him? If you tell me, I'm not in danger?"

Chu Feng asked directly, and continued to say: "so your hypothesis and conjecture are not tenable at all. I want to get rid of the danger from Huang Shaoguang and risk being hurt by what you know. Do you think I am stupid?

Don't I know I went secretly? In this way, you all know that I hurt Huang Shaoguang. Won't Huang Luowen know it in the end? "

After being questioned continuously by Chu Feng, Lang Mei Mei's heart is getting worse and worse. Chu Feng is right. There are many ways to get rid of Huang Shaoguang's troubles. It is undoubtedly stupid to have a third person present in such a way.

"but you can't deny that the current situation of the Qingbang and the wild wolf Gang is related to you. If you hadn't taken me to Qingge to cause these things, there would have been no present embarrassment It's a dilemma. "

However, there was still a little blockage in Lang Meimei's heart, and the hands holding the gun were shaking: "so you have the responsibility to blame. It is you who opened up the situation and let the Green Gang and the wild wolf gang fight. Besides, Huang Shaoguang is dead. You must know whether you did it to increase the hatred between us and the Green Gang?"

A clever girl secretly said in his heart, but how could Chu Feng admit: "I admire your imagination very much. It's just that I have the ability to kill Huang Shaoguang. Moreover, as the eldest lady of the wild wolf Gang, you should know that Huang Luowen's heart to swallow up the Wolf Gang has never died."

"Why don't you think about it? Everything may be made up, directed and played by the youth gang. Hu Gu was killed by their people, and Huang Shaoguang was kidnapped by their people. Hu Gu is indeed dead, but have you seen Huang Shaoguang? Are you sure he's dead? Or is this Huang Luowen trying to find an excuse to attack you? "Her brow and eyes shrank sharply. Chu Feng's words did not come to her mind, but she did not think about it. If this is the case, then the crisis of the Wolf Gang will be very serious. Huang Luowen can play this way, and naturally, he will take down the wild wolf Gang 100%.

Seeing Lang's eyebrows not talking, Chu Feng understood that her heart had become loose. He beat while the iron was hot and said: "so you want me to admit that I almost don't know something here. It's better to let your father investigate whether Huang Shaoguang is really dead, or the self-made and self-directed director of the Green Gang."

"You should know that this method is a little bit despicable, but if the Green Gang really exterminates the Wolf Gang, Huang Shaoguang will not be able to say anything and dare not to say it!"

A sentence of Chu Feng is only a form of conjecture, but it falls in Lang Meimei's ears like a storm. What he wants to say is just one side of the story, just a guess. However, if the conjecture given by Chu Feng is tenable, it is absolutely terrible.

However, when people hesitated, they were prone to make mistakes. Lang Meimei finally put down his gun and remained silent in the car for more than ten minutes. During this period, Chu Feng did not say anything. He just quietly closed his eyes and sat there. He believed that Lang Meimei would do what he expected. There could only be one winner in this river sea competition.

That's him, chufeng!

Finally, after a lot of struggle in his heart, Lang Meimei dials langdeli's phone and tells Chu Feng's conjecture once. By the way, he also starts the car. The call lasts more than ten minutes. Lang Mei takes a complex look at Chu Feng: "I know!" Then he cut off the phone.

Chu Feng looks at the other side, Lang Meimei's conversation is still very clear, his eyes flash a shrewd smile, the more chaotic the situation is, the more favorable it is!

"Lord, do you really believe what randley said?"

At the same time, in the headquarters of the youth gang, Hu Quan looked at Huang Luowen standing in front of the French windows: "the little leader is indeed a bit resentful to that Chu Feng, but it is said that the Chu Feng is just a freshman. No matter how bold he is, it is OK to argue with the little leader, and it is impossible to hurt him.

Moreover, we have investigated all the monitoring of Qingge, and we can only see the trace of Lang Meimei, and there is no second one at all. In addition, it was the young leader himself who said that it was Lang Meimei who hurt him

Huang Luowen looked out of the window quietly like that, and a little broad lips showed a smile: "now langdeli told me to stop the war, I also promised him, and made a guarantee to let her daughter leave the house safely. Do you think that when I give such a concession, he will not take it lightly."

"So, you go to do two things now. The Wolf Gang wants to fight, and Chu Feng also wants to kill. It's better to kill the wrong one than let it go. It's like bleeding a little and offering a memorial ceremony to my son!"

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