Super Healer

Chapter 154

The assembly of the lecture hall does not take long. After Huang Fu Ruo die briefly introduces the new year's party tomorrow, let everyone go to prepare.

Because Huang Fu Ruo die has invited Chen Xiao, a popular student, Chu Feng's class can or can't choose a program. Anyway, with the help of Huang Fu Ruo die, they are still relaxed. However, many people are still very excited to see the most popular Chen Xiao in China tomorrow.

"Well, isn't that cold fairy? Why are you here? "

When everyone was ready to leave, although four eyes were short-sighted, he had a kind of inborn keenness in the face of women. Before everyone turned back, he saw a woman standing at the door of the lecture hall with no expression, revealing a serious atmosphere.

The rest of the people also saw the woman standing at the door, wearing a simple sportswear. At first glance, she is a sunny woman, but when you see her face, you will immediately feel the breath of Rome.

Chu Feng is indeed a rare beauty. She didn't know much about these things, but it's impossible to understand them with people like four eyes. The person in front of her, known as the cold fairy, must be a high-quality student of the third political system, Yan Ruyu, one of the school flowers.

Yan Ruyu doesn't care about other people's eyes. She goes straight in. Huangfu ruodie looks at her and goes straight out of the lecture hall. The same beautiful women are often reluctant to say hello to women who are similar to themselves.

But when Huang Fu Ruo die leaves, the rest of the students are still standing there, curious about what the cruel fairy did here.

Being watched by nearly a thousand people, Yan Ruyu did not feel embarrassed. She walked to the podium as if she was walking in her own house. Standing at the position where Huangfu Ruo die was, she looked down at the people below: "who is Chu Feng?"

People are beautiful, but the tone of speaking is to make people feel cold and merciless, some people also subconsciously hit a spirit, too cold!

However, for a moment, everyone's eyes were on Chu Feng. The name of chufeng has been famous in Jianghai University since the beginning of school. Especially for freshmen who have experienced military training, no one does not know Chu Feng. Now Yan Ruyu comes to find Chu Feng, and some people are secretly speculating.

Is it true that Chu Feng not only has friendship with sweet fairy and snow fairy, but also has a problem with this cold fairy?


He looked at Chu Feng respectfully and said in a low voice: "it's said that Yan Ruyu is very serious. Maybe it's because she is in the Department of politics and law. Although there are many people who like her, no one can walk into her. Chu Feng, you cow!"

Chu Feng is also a Leng, he can be sure that he and Yan Ruyu have never met, but now Yan Ruyu is to find himself, let Chu Feng a little curious.

Although Chu Feng did not stand up, but through everyone's eyes, Yan Ruyu still locked him in. He saw a trace of disgust in Chu Feng's eyes, which was nestled in Huang Jingyin's body. However, it was not obvious: "are you Chu Feng?"

That kind of unfriendly words made many people wonder what was going on. Was Yan Ruyu as infatuated with Chu Feng as Huang Jingyin, but the cold fairy didn't seem to be interested in men?

Chu Feng eyebrows slightly a wrinkle, he can feel Yan Ruyu's impolite words, shrug his shoulders: "I don't seem to know you."

Yan Ruyu seems to be too lazy to say anything to Chu Feng. She just turns around and walks outside. When she comes to the door, she feels what she looks back. However, she sees Chu Feng walking towards another door. She frowns slightly: "don't you hear me?"

Chu Feng couldn't shake Huang Jingyin, so she put her arms around her waist directly. Hearing Yan Ruyu's question, she stopped and turned back: "do I know you? Are you my mother? I want to listen to you? "

Three questions in a row, let Yan Ruyu for a time did not know how to answer, but Chu Feng did not seem to want to give her face, light added: "go with you, you think you are a flower, the sun shines for you?"

Said scornfully, chufeng directly hugged Huang Jingyin and left the lecture hall. Chu Feng is not a person who is difficult to speak. But based on the situation that the other party is good at talking, Yan Ruyu comes to find himself, but it is a bossy appearance, which makes Chu Feng feel that he does not respect himself so much.

Even if you don't respect me, I don't seem to have to give you face, right?

Yan Ruyu looks stunned. Originally, her grandfather asked her to invite Chu Feng. She felt that as long as a phone call or a casual remark, Chu Feng must have followed her, but now she found that there was a little deviation from her own cognition.

Chu Feng did not give her face at all, so that her proud heart suffered a little blow.

But Yan Ruyu did not become angry because of this. She just continued to leave with a cold hum. She believed that the attitude of Chu Feng today would be taken care of by others soon.

"You can't measure it with common sense."

It was not until Yan Ruyu and Chu Feng's figures disappeared in the public's sight that everyone reacted. They looked at the direction of Chu Feng's departure and worshipped: "the five school flowers, four of which are not clearly related to him now, the model of our generation!"Other people also secretly nodded, Chu Feng did pull the wind just now, unexpectedly directly refused Yan Ruyu's request, cow!

Some people have even picked up their mobile phones and sent the things just now to the campus network forum, adding their own fantasies, saying that Yan Ruyu is infatuated with Chu Feng and wants to invite Chu Feng to have dinner with her, but she is rejected by Chu Feng mercilessly and leaves with tears!

Chu Feng who has left doesn't know, and Yan Ruyu doesn't know that the two people have been said to be such a relationship. However, even if they do, they won't clarify anything. There is no matter what they don't have. No matter how much they say, there is No.

"What about Chu Feng?"

After Yan Ruyu left the lecture hall, she went directly to the office building and the principal's office. Just after opening the door, an old man stood up and just looked at Yan Ruyu's back. She was curious: "didn't you find him? Didn't their class meet in the first lecture hall just now

Yan Ruyu saw the old man, the ice frost look relaxed a little, went to sit down and then coldly opened his mouth: "I told him to go with me, but he refused, so I didn't care, let him go."

Yan Qingshan finally laughed bitterly: "good granddaughter, grandfather asked you to go to him, that is to say, you are a girl, maybe Chu Feng will come, but what are you doing now? He may be able to cure my grandfather's illness!"

"What, cure you?"

Yan Ruyu frowned. Yan Qingshan did not know why he was infected with a strange disease, like epilepsy. His body and bones were much worse than before. He had seen many doctors and even Taoist priests, but it was useless at all. At the moment, Yan Qingshan said that Chu Feng was ok, and Yan Ruyu thought it was impossible.

18-year-old boy, can be compared with the national players for many years?

Seeing that his granddaughter didn't believe it, Yan Qingshan knew that no one would believe it. He said with a smile: "do you remember what I said to your father? One morning two months ago, I fell ill at the door of a breakfast shop, and I didn't take any medicine with me!"

Yan Ruyu nodded. She knew that, looking at Yan Qingshan, she seemed to catch something: "grandfather, what do you mean, the person who saved you was him?"

"Yes, and your uncle Shen told me that a young man was the same as Chu Feng." Yan Qingshan nodded. He knew that his granddaughter was a proud person, so he didn't mean to scold her: "moreover, in this world, many things can't depend on their age, like you. Who believes that you are already a department head in Jianghai?"

Yan Ruyu stood up. She was a reasonable person: "I'll invite him again!" Immediately said to do, immediately left the office!

What Yan Ruyu doesn't know is that Chu Feng and Huang Jingyin are surrounded by several people at the gate of Jianghai University.

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