Super Healer

Chapter 155

"Are you Chu Feng?"

Wen Aojun stands two meters away from Chu Feng with a smile of fun, followed by four people behind him. Standing in front of him, he seems to have extraordinary temperament. Chu Feng is just a simple look and knows his origin. He is rich or expensive!

But read in Wen Ao Jun's tone is still polite, Chu Feng also did not show what to resist the appearance of thousands of miles away: "I am!"

"What is the relationship between you and Yan Ruyu?" Wen Aojun is very angry in his heart at the moment, but his Chengfu let him restrain the anger in his heart and try to make things clear again.

Chu Feng was still wondering how a man came to find himself, but Wen Ao Jun asked, as if he understood something and shook his head: "see you for the first time!"

Wen Aojun looked at the mobile phone in his hand. He had a meal outside with several people. When he landed on the campus network in his spare time, he saw a post that had been over ten thousand clicks. Click into it and have a look. The mood of eating is gone.

Although Chu Feng said very straightforward, but Wen Ao Jun is not how to believe: "what did she say to you?"

Chu Feng frowned carelessly, a little uncomfortable, Wen Ao Jun's way of asking people, the tone also began to change not very friendly: "it seems, I don't need to report to you?"

Wen Ao Jun was stunned, then he laughed and nodded: "yes, what you do really has nothing to do with me, and you don't need to report to me!" But the smile is also at this moment suddenly overcast: "but, if you offend the person that shouldn't be provoked, then there are some things you will understand."

"Maybe you are a little famous now, but it doesn't mean you are invincible, understand?"

When Chu Feng's mouth was full of fun, Wen Aojun's hand waved: "give you a chance to clarify the facts in your name on the campus network. You don't deserve to spread rumors with Yan Ruyu!"

Chu Feng just wanted to talk, but Huang Jingyin took his hand and said softly, "Xiao Feng, you'd better listen to him. His name is Wen Aojun. He's a junior. He's in the same department with Yan Ruyu. The key is that he likes Yan Ruyu, which has been revealed since he was a freshman. Because of his existence, many people like Yan Ruyu, but few people pursue him."

"Because the pursuers will break their hands and feet inexplicably!"

Huang Jingyin's voice is very small, but Chu Feng still hears, and her eyes narrowed slightly. Originally, she thought Wen Aojun was a person with a false appearance. At the moment, she just confirmed her idea in her heart.

Some students also saw this scene in the distance. When they saw that the person stopped by Wen Aojun was Chu Feng, they all showed a playful look. They also saw the posts on the campus network. They could almost guess that Chu Feng was going to have bad luck at the moment.

Who is involved in the relationship is not good, but with Yan Ruyu, that is not looking for death?

"It's your freedom to say what you like, but it's my freedom to do what I love!"

When everyone felt that Chu Feng must compromise, he shook his head firmly and said a word indifferently. Then he took Huang Jingyin and walked to one side. If he only had two words with Yan Ruyu, he would not be used to him!

Wen Aojun's eyes narrowed slightly, and his head deviated. Taigu, standing behind him, shot out directly. His fierce fist directly hit Chu Feng's head from behind.

When everyone whispered that Chu Feng was going to sleep in the hospital for a few days, chufeng suddenly stopped and kicked out in the back without turning his body. Taigu, who was astonishingly castrated, was directly kicked in the chest. His body of nearly 1.8 meters flew out and knocked over Wen Aojun. The two people fell together.

It looks like two abnormal men.

However, it was just a kick that made the scene quiet. Some people rubbed their eyes and felt whether it was true just now. They just kicked Taigu. It was a man with a meter of 800 kilograms. How could they feel that it was just a little kitten?

However, although he was shocked by Chu Feng's strength, he was more sympathetic. He even offended Wen Aojun. You know, in Jianghai University, he would rather offend the president than Wen Aojun!

Wen Aojun stood up from the ground in a state of embarrassment. After kicking Taigu, he looked at chufeng: "give you one last chance, or you will regret it!"

Chu Feng glanced at him. He didn't want to say a word. He walked directly in front of him. In Wen Ao Jun's eyes, a trace of ferocity flashed in his eyes. A finger waved slightly, and the three people behind him put their hands together. One of them blocked Chu Feng's face and pulled his left fist toward his face.

The other two blocked Chu Feng's retreat. The other one kicked Huang Jingyin with a sinister foot. As long as Chu Feng protected Huang Jingyin, he would be injured by his two little partners.

It's just that the dream is beautiful, meeting ordinary people, their move may be useful, but at the moment meeting the person is Chu Feng, it is doomed that their method is not feasible.

See, Chu Feng's head to the side of a bit, let the fist rub his face and pass, and then the right foot forward kick, powerful kick in that person's abdomen position, with the help of kicking people's strength suddenly and behind a person collide, the person directly bumps out.At the same time, Huang Jingyin opened the scope of her attack and let go of her hand. Her left hand passed through Huang Jingyin's armpit like a snake. Holding the third person's wrist in one hand, she gently twisted around and fell three meters away.

Just a short time less than a minute, the three fell to the ground and lost their fighting power. Chu Feng clapped his hands and looked at Wen Ao Jun: "it's you!"

Wen Aojun looks astonished. He thought Chu Feng had some skills, but now it seems that he has more than a little skill. He is really good at fighting. He knows that although not everyone is the same as Taigu, he is also very good at fighting.

But now in the hands of Chu Feng, even a few moves can not resist?

"Wen Ao Jun, what are you doing?"

When Wen Ao Jun was a little bit difficult to get off, Yan Ruyu, who asked all the way, also came to the gate of the school. She saw four people standing up slowly with Chu Feng and Wen Aojun. Although she knew what was going on in her heart, she pretended not to know: "fighting at the gate of Jianghai university is really promising!"

Wen Ao Jun saw Yan Ruyu appear, the haze on his face changed into a brilliant smile in an instant: "yu'er!"

"Didn't you brush your teeth today?" Yan Ruyu shows eyebrow to stare, she knows Wen Aojun to own mind, but she is not like at all: "if you don't brush your teeth, don't talk, I feel disgusted!"

Wen Aojun looks a little embarrassed and even ugly. He doesn't know what to say when he faces Yan Ruyu. He just chuckles and says, "I didn't expect you would be joking. I was your fiance. I saw someone on the campus network who was not polite to you. So I wanted to ask what was the matter. I just didn't want Chu Feng to say anything against him

"Wen Ao Jun!" Yan Ruyu didn't hear what he said, but was attracted by the three words of his fiance, and his voice was cold: "that was the decision of my father and Wen Lao. It has nothing to do with my Yan Ruyu, self-respect!"

Then he turned to look at Chu Feng, and his cold face softened a little: "Chu Feng, can you come with me?"

Yan Ruyu's words not only make the people around him stupefied, but also make Wen Ao Jun Leng. He has known Yan Ruyu for many years, and the latter has never spoken with him so politely, not to mention the tone of such a discussion. In his heart, he looks at Chu Feng angrily. Is it true what the campus network says?

"No time!"

Chu Feng sneered in her heart. Although Yan Ruyu scolds Wen Ao Jun here, Chu Feng can still hear some content in the words. She had expected Wen Aojun to find her own trouble. For such a woman with a heart, Chu Feng is used to keeping a distance!

Coldly, chufeng took Huang Jingyin and turned away. Yan Ruyu pursed her lips slightly. She was very upset. But when she thought of her grandfather's words, she forbear and just looked at Wen Aojun: "I warn you, don't trouble Chu Feng!"

Then he quickly followed the direction of Chu Feng's departure. Wen Aojun clenched his fist and stood in the same place with a gloomy look. All the people around him were stunned. Yan Ruyu was Wen Aojun's fiancee. No wonder Wen Aojun maintained her so much!

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