Super Healer

Chapter 17

When night falls, the whole river and sea are covered with light, wine and green. This is the charm of a big city, which makes countless people indulge in such a night.

Lin Yulin took Chu Feng to have a haircut after work. How to say that he is now a regular employee of Shengyuan security company. Going out is the image of the company, and it needs to be sorted out. Therefore, Chu Feng's shoulder length hair was mercilessly cut off, showing a slightly immature face.

"I can't see. I'm still a handsome boy. If I go out, how many girls will be cheated!"

Lin Yulin, who has been waiting outside, sees Chu Feng, a short haircut with a little Han Feng. Compared with the cold and barren nanniang gun, Lin Yulin has a bit more masculine and looks like a little boy. Lin Yulin's eyes flash a bit bright. As expected, it's not ugly!

From the hairdressing and beauty came out of this short circuit, several fashionable and beautiful girls can not help looking back, because in Chu Feng can see that kind of clean smile, there is a kind of comfortable breath, it can be said that such a person in the big city has been very rare.

Hearing Lin Yulin's praise, Chu Feng felt embarrassed to feel his head. He also found that after wearing a suit and leaving a hairstyle, he did not look the same as before. As a rural saying goes, he looks like a dog, but his words are rough!

Feeling the look of people around, Lin Yulin is also a little uncomfortable. She pulls Chu Feng to stop a taxi and head for Jianghai hotel. Unexpectedly, Chu Feng has decided to do something. Lin Yulin can only follow his advice. After all, everyone needs opportunities to grow.

"Auntie, you look so beautiful tonight!"

In the taxi, Chu Feng looked at Lin Yulin sitting beside her and said sincerely that although Chu Feng still can't adapt to the great changes of Xiaoyi and 12 years ago, the fact is that this is his aunt, but I don't know why. Now it's so charming.

Can only be in the heart of a sigh, female big eighteen changes, a year like!

"Children's family, what is beauty?" Lin Yulin has been praised by many men, but only this time by Chu Feng, she felt a little embarrassed and slapped him with shame and anger, but her eyes were on the other side. She felt her heart beating fast.

Chu Feng just a simple smile, also did not say anything, silent for more than ten minutes, Lin Yulin or first opened his mouth: "Xiaofeng, this time to do bodyguard things may be a little dangerous, if you really encounter anything, you must not be arrogant, money is endless, human security is better than anything."

"Don't worry, auntie. I'm no longer a three-year-old."

Lin Yulin has said this for more than ten times from the afternoon to now, which can be said that she has never been tired of it. But Chu Feng's heart is moved. Since her adoptive mother died, no one has been nagging like this. Maybe some people feel bored, but only those who have lost know how precious it is.

Seeing Chu Feng's sensible appearance, Lin Yulin nodded happily and wanted to explain it again. She realized that she had said it many times. She shook her head with a bitter smile and fell into silence, but her heart could not be put down.

At about ten o'clock, the taxi arrived outside the Jianghai hotel. Lin Yulin explained some things, and then left a little reluctant. After getting off the bus, Chu Feng looked at the far away car and breathed out a breath: "my aunt is really wordy. Compared with my mother, she is more wordy, but I feel really good!"

Chufeng went to the door of Jianghai Hotel and put on the sunglasses he had just sold. In the past, when he watched TV occasionally, his bodyguards looked like this. Chu Feng learned from others and made himself a pair of sunglasses. As for what others thought, Chu Feng ignored it from the root.

"Guge, our surveillance shows that it seems to be that boy. Although he changed his clothes and cut his hair, I still recognized him."

When Chu Feng was walking towards the door of the hotel, an ordinary car stopped at the place where he got off the bus, showing a man with an inch head. Looking at Chu Feng walking to the door of the hotel, he said to a tall middle-aged man beside him.

The tall middle-aged man stretched out his head to have a look, and saw Chu Feng at one glance. He hummed: "what a group of rubbish. It's useless to be knocked unconscious by such a hairy child. Let the brother move immediately, catch the boy and cut off his limbs. He dares to attack us. He should be ready to be chopped."

"Guge, he seems to be here to be a bodyguard."

The cuntou youth looked at it, then remembered something and said, "it's said that the star that you like is going to leave the river and sea this evening. The young master has sent people to prepare to fight on the airport road. According to our information, she has also hired several bodyguards. Do you think we should start with the people on the other side?"

"Bodyguard, this kid?" Tall middle-aged man looked at it, slightly disdainful color, but still nodded: "even if the target characters are together, then contact and start together!"

"Are you the bodyguards arranged by Jin Shao?"

At the gate of Jianghai Hotel, Chu Feng and Xing Yu were waiting here for a while. Cui Xinliu came out of the hotel. He was stunned when he saw Chu Feng. Isn't he the little beggar who sent things during the day? However, it also immediately dispersed the thought: "is it not said that five people? Why are there only four now? "Chu Feng looked at it. He also had Xia Yan and Xingyu and Xuyi. Why didn't another man come, didn't he stop the traffic?

"I've been there long ago!" Cui Xinliu was a little impatient, a sharp voice came from the side, only to see Ma Liuzi in a suit wearing sunglasses coming from the side: "but I just went to investigate the surrounding environment, to ensure that nothing happened, sorry!"

Then in the confused look of four people in Chu Feng, he came to Cui Xinliu: "I am the bodyguard captain of this task. You can call me mago. We will finish this task!"

"Mr. Ma, please set your place." Facing the hand and self-conscious smile of the six children, Cui Xinliu showed a little disgust: "you are only supporting this evening. We have our own security team, and you just need to be responsible for the peripheral things."

"Of course, we will pay the money as usual, but the rest of the things we will arrange normally."

Cui Xinliu then turned straight to the elevator direction, for these bodyguards she had no good feeling, Ma Liuzi reached out but was stiff there, then he took back, looked at Cui Xinliu, who swayed his waist and walked away, said: "Stinky ladies, arrogance, I have done ten or eight of you in a year!"

Xing Yu looked at him coldly, took out sunglasses and put them on to one side. Xia Yan also went to the other side. Chu Feng saw Xia Yan both. Although he wondered how the six sons of horse came, he was relieved to think of his brother-in-law as deputy minister, but he didn't give him too much smile, and went directly to Xia Yan.

Xu Yi frowned. Luohu told him when he was off work in the afternoon. He was the leader of this bodyguard task. But now Ma Liuzi appears here. He knows something. Although he is unhappy, he doesn't want to say more with such yamen, and walk away as straight as Chu Feng.

I feel good about myself, but I was beaten twice in a while. Cuixinliu was the person around the employer. You have any qualifications to me. Ma Liuzi is trying to turn around in a rage and give full play to his privileges. But he can't say anything next time. He looks at the open elevator door with his eyes staring at the open elevator door: "jinxiaoqi!"

With Jin Xiaoqi's appearance, there were more than ten people in the quiet hall. A man with a rigid face walked directly to her side. Jin Xiaoqi showed a slight frown, but he was still unable to bear it, but he just glared at cuixinliu.

But when passing the door, Jin Xiaoqi suddenly stopped his steps, then retreated two steps, and the dead cerume was on the face of Chu Feng. The latter had a pimple in his heart. Did he see that I was too tender to ask me?

Because when he came in the morning, Jin Xiaoqi wore hat and glasses and couldn't see clearly his face. So Chu Feng didn't recognize it for a while. But what person jinxiaoqi was, she had already practiced a pair of eyes. Although Chu Feng had changed his hair and changed his hair, she recognized it.

But Jin Xiaoqi did not reveal the novel that he was so forgetful to see his rescue and benefactor, so he rushed up to meet each other by himself. It was just a little chufeng: "you and I have a car!"

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