Super Healer

Chapter 18

Jin Xiaoqi is really depressed at the moment, or really want to take off Chu Feng's glasses and ask him, are you from the cave at the top of the mountain?

Jin Xiaoqi is not already famous in the world, but in the past two years, he has produced two good idol dramas and some advertisements and films. In addition, he has attended many activities. He is known as the most popular little queen of the day. There are many people who know about it, but it is said that from the age of three to the age of eighty.

However, Jin Xiaoqi is not very satisfied with the five bodyguards arranged this evening. Xia Yan and Xing Yu basically ignore her, but Xu Yi recognizes her with a nervous face. In addition, Ma Liuzi, a man, Jin Xiaoqi wants to give him a slap in the face. It's really presumptuous to look at himself.

But what makes Jin Xiaoqi helpless is that Chu Feng, who sits opposite him now, doesn't say a word from the beginning. Even if he is sitting in a car with him, he is still unmoved. Is it that I am so unattractive that you are not excited at all?

In fact, Jin Xiaoqi really wronged chufeng. In the past, when he was in the countryside, the signal was poor, and satellite TV couldn't get there. When installing the antenna, he often had problems. He seldom watched the TV. In addition, Chu Feng went to high school in the past two years, so he focused on his study and medical skills.

Who has free time to catch up with someone's TV, at least Chu Feng thinks that it is better to think about making more money and chasing stars? Can you make it?

So at the moment, although Jin Xiaoqi is sitting opposite him, he really doesn't know him. What he only knows is that this is a beautiful woman, the best beauty like my aunt, that's all!

"You don't know me?"

After a long silence, Jin Xiaoqi finally broke the silence. Chu Feng shook her head but did not return a word. Jin Xiaoqi moved forward. Her beautiful face and Chu Feng were 30-40 cm apart: "are you sure you don't know me?"

"Do you know that you have money?" Chu Feng looked at the pretty face close at hand and wanted to pinch it. But he felt the vigilant eyes of Quan Hao and Yuan Xiuxian sitting beside him, and stiffly suppressed the impulse: "if you don't have money, don't know!"


Jin Xiaoqi is really sure that Chu Feng doesn't know herself now. She is proud to be careful that her liver has suffered a little internal injury. After a deep breath, she calms down and says, "what's your name?"

"Miss Cui asked me just now!" Chu Feng secretly said that he was really annoying. He just wanted to be a bodyguard to earn some money. How could he meet such an annoying employer? Who are you? Do you have to know you? As for who I am, we don't have to be relatives. It's not necessary to ask?

Jin Xiaoqi was so angry that she wanted to take off her high-heeled shoes and smashed them in the past, but she still kept the image of a lady and laughed. Then she leaned on the chair in an instant. It seems that this lengtouqing really doesn't know me anymore. Didn't he take a look when he saved me in the morning?

Chu Feng did not know what Jin Xiaoqi was thinking at the moment. He just flashed a picture in his mind and immediately sat up straight: "stop!"

Chufeng's voice was very loud. Cui Xinliu, who was driving in front of him, subconsciously stepped on the brake. However, seeing that the person who opened the door was Chu Feng, he immediately frowned and said, "wind, what are you yelling at? There is still an hour to board. If you want to be convenient, bear with it!"

"In danger!"

Chu Feng didn't tell them their real names, but just said a word called Feng. So Cui Xinliu questioned them. He just said two words lightly and looked forward. The picture just now shows that the car will burst suddenly three minutes later, and then it is surrounded by people.

"Hairy boy, don't be alarmist here!" Yuan Xiuxian, sitting on the left side of Chu Feng, wondered why Jin Xiaoqi wanted such a person to share the car with them. Seeing him speak at the moment, he immediately showed a professional look: "this road is the only way to the airport.

The whole road starts from Jianghai Hotel, with a total length of 17 kilometers. There are eight security posts, one of which is about two kilometers on average. Most of the time, there are three to four police officers guarding all day long, and in the middle is the Jianghai criminal investigation team, so this road is absolutely safe, understand? "

"Data doesn't mean everything. I've already said it. Believe it or not is your problem."

Their car stopped and the cars that followed them all stopped. Xia Yan and the bodyguards brought by Yuan Xiuxian were all in the back cars. As for yuan Xiuxian who seemed to be sent by some friends, Chu Feng did not go into any deep research. As long as the employer's safety was ensured, more people would be better and he would be more relaxed.

Thank you

Jin Xiaoqi said a tepid, obviously for yuan Xiuxian this person is not very cold, but the so-called hand out do not smile, Yuan Xiuxian is the person sent by his pursuer, although he does not like it, Jin Xiaoqi can only bear it down and prepare to go back to talk with Cui Xinliu and Quan Hao.

If later often betray her information, then just pack up and leave!

Bang bang bang!

At this time, the car suddenly heard a few burst sounds. Yuan Xiuxian's face changed instantly, and then he gave Chu Feng a fierce look: "crow mouth, if you didn't talk nonsense, would you encounter such a thing? Now the tire has burst!""What you should think about now is how to solve these dozens of people, not talk about this nonsense with me here!" Chu Feng sits between Quan Hao and Yuan Xiuxian, but his eyes are on the dozens of men in black who appear in front of him. They are the same as the images he just saw. They are really dangerous!

Chu Feng's words immediately attracted everyone's eyes. They all looked at the front together. Dozens of people who didn't know when they appeared had surrounded the five cars. Everyone's face was unscrupulous. There was no fear of making trouble in such a busy place.

Jin Xiaoqi did not seem to have any fear meaning, blinking at Chu Feng: "wind, how do you know there is danger?"

"Are you their accomplice?" But Chu Feng did not answer, but yuan Xiuxian suddenly took hold of his collar, exerting a strong imagination: "otherwise, how do you know that there is danger ahead, is there someone who sent you to harm Miss Jin?"

Yuan Xiuxian's words made the atmosphere in the car tense. In addition to Jin Xiaoqi, Cui Xinliu and Quan Hao all tensed up. I really don't know how to explain this.

"Aren't you a professional?"

Chu Feng was totally indifferent, clapped yuan Xiuxian's hand, sneered a little, and then lit his head: "as a professional bodyguard, not only need strong skills and careful brain, but also need to have the awareness of danger, not to say the police everywhere? But now where? "

Twisting his neck, Chu Feng looked at the people on both sides, and it was a little difficult to get out: "moreover, if I really want to hurt Miss Jin, I will keep silent and don't need to remind you!" After a pause, she looked at Jin Xiaoqi: "and Miss Jin, in addition to her good-looking appearance, what is worth my coveting?"

"Money, I have both hands to create, power, I believe she can not give, what do I covet?"

Yuan Xiuxian's face turned red and white. The analysis he had just made was reasonable, but now it has been directly smashed by reality, which still makes him embarrassed. However, he has experienced a lot of storms. He only regained his calm all of a sudden: "protect Miss Jin. I'll give these people to me and my people."

Chu Feng has been satirized by Chu Feng. He urgently needs something to prove and reverse himself. At the moment, dozens of people around him are the best thing to turn around his embarrassing incident.

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