Super Healer

Chapter 19

When the doors of the five cars opened, the 14 bodyguards brought by Yuan Xiuxian all quickly stood out. At the moment, all of them were surrounded. Facing the encirclement of more than 30 people, their faces did not show any anxious color, but showed disdain. They felt that these people were just small horns.

Xia Yan and other four people also came out, but Ma Liuzi was at the back, his legs were shaking. His brother-in-law said it was just alarmist. How come now there are so many people who can't kill people?

Xia Yan and Xing Yu and Xu Yi were supposed to do something, but yuan Xiuxian's people just asked them to protect Jin Xiaoqi's car. They didn't want to talk so much. They went directly outside the car where Jin Xiaoqi was. Ma Liuzi staggered and quickly followed him.

Jin Xiaoqi is not shocked by the things outside at the moment, but her eyes are fixed on Chu Feng's face and her head is thinking about today's affairs. When she is in the hotel, and here, Chu Feng gives reminders. Does he really have a prediction of danger? In an instant, she is interested in Chu Feng.

I really want to know what this teenager who looks a few years younger than himself has experienced and how to encounter such a scene seems to be calm.

"I didn't expect Miss Kim to find so many bodyguards so quickly, and the speed was pretty good!"

At the end of the car, Hu Gu slowly walked out from the back. As a middle-aged man, he didn't look very old-fashioned. The whole person was about 1.8 meters like a bear. He looked at Jin Xiaoqi's car with wild breath in his eyes: "if you need bodyguards, you should tell us, we have nothing, but we have more brothers!"

"HuGu, what's so much nonsense to do? Get rid of them and go back to sleep." Hu Gu was still there talking slowly. On the other side, a man who looked very thin came out: "I don't know what happened to Huang Shao recently. A woman even asked us to act."

"When the leader comes back, it seems that we need to talk about how we can become our little leader if we go on like this!"

"Huyuan, that's not what you said. Didn't you win a little star two days ago?" Hu Gu laughed and didn't pay attention to Yuan Xiuxian and other 15 people: "so there's nothing to say. Besides, the leader is not in the river now. We're bored. Let's go out and do some exercises."

Yuan Xiuxian's face was particularly ugly. When was he not respected in front of the master, but now he was regarded as transparent by some small Jidao members. He was immediately angry and said, "who are you? Are you a distinguished guest of Liu's group? What do you mean?"

"Liu group? What is it? " Huyuan said impatiently, and then suddenly took out a gun from his body and pointed it at Yuan Xiuxian: "if you are smart now, just squat down for me, or I'll blow you out with one shot. I hate you all the people who look like milk. Are you cold and desolate?"

"It's like on TV, a bunch of girls. Cannon, I don't know how those crazy girls are so infatuated

When Yuan Xiuxian and others did not dare to move the gun that tiger yuan pulled out, the latter waved with a big hand: "go up to me, all of you will get down to me. If anyone dares to say one more word, he will directly give it to me, mother. The gun is still chirping in front of me. Don't you know that my first love is with the cold desert nanniang. The gun ran away

Hu Gu just stood beside him smiling and didn't stop Hu Yuan. He didn't worry about what would happen. In Jianghai, as long as there was no life, there was nothing that the Green Gang couldn't suppress, let alone some bodyguards.

Facing the muzzle of the gun, Yuan Xiuxian and others have lost all their backbone. What is backbone? Living is backbone. When they die, they all squat down.

However, he scolded Huyuan eight times ten times. They were foreigners and could have brought guns. However, because of the trouble in procedures, they didn't feel that anyone would dare to do anything to them, so they didn't take a gun. At the moment, they were deterred by a gun, and suddenly felt a little bit cowardly.

At the command of Huyuan, more than 30 people rushed to the ground, punching and kicking at the people on the ground. After a while, Yuan Xiuxian and his people who had a high sense of presence in front of Chu Feng just now fell to the ground and screamed.

"A bunch of useless things, you know how to brag."

Jin Xiaoqi in the car snorted coldly, without any sympathy. He could not bear to see these people, so whether they could protect themselves, Jin Xiaoqi didn't care at all, just looked at Chu Feng: "you will protect me, right?"

"Don't talk to me about this, talk to me about money!" Chu Feng looked outside and saw a few familiar figures. It seemed that he was going to attack Jin Xiaoqi when he was in the hotel. Unexpectedly, he turned around and came back at night. Moreover, there were so many people out there. I think it must be some kind of force.

"How much do you want to keep me safe?" Jin Xiaoqi sees Chu Feng to now still very calm, a bit anxious in the heart seems to calm down, very interested asked.

"Shut up!"

Chu Feng said directly, and then let Quan Hao take good care of himself. He got out of the car and stood with Xia Yan. The other side had a gun in his hand, which was not so easy to deal with. Besides, there were only a few people on his side. Xia Yan and Xing Yu should not have asked questions. That was Xu Yi and Ma Liuzi.When Chu Feng and Xia Yan were watching the man in black who was slowly surrounded by him, Ma Liuzi ran out and said with a smile, "isn't this the old and Yuan masters of the Qing Gang? Long time no see, long time no see!"

Hu Gu and Hu Yuan looked at Ma Liuzi who came by and waved his hand so that the people under him did not move him. Until he came to the front of him, Hu Gu frowned and asked, "who are you?"

"I'm the brother-in-law of the left Deputy staff member's brother-in-law. We met once before. My name is Ma Liuzi." Seeing tiger Gu, they didn't do it by themselves. Ma Liuzi's smile on his face was exuberant two points: "that I am the bodyguard captain tonight, can you give me some face, forget it, I will thank you!"

"Fuck you, nepotism is here too, Niu Bi!"

But before Ma Liuzi's words that he felt good about himself had not been finished, Hu Yuan slapped him and fainted on the ground. He also spewed out a mouthful of saliva: "you don't have a long eye to see what you're going to do, and you dare to come out and ask for friendship. You don't want to die!"

Then he stepped over from Ma Liuzi and looked at Chu Feng and others with a fierce look: "who are you today who knocked out our seven brothers in Jianghai Hotel today? Stand up and chop me two knives. Otherwise, all of you will die!"

When he was talking, Hu Yuan's gun was still lifted and shaken twice. However, when he lifted it for the third time, Xia Yan suddenly moved and drew the distance of three meters closer to Huyuan. A military catcher grabbed Huyuan's arm, then twisted the gun and landed on the ground.

When Huyuan came back to pick it up, Xia Yan kicked the gun out with a quick kick and fell into one side of the drainage channel. It was impossible to find out.

"Damn it, how dare you do it to your master tiger?"

Tiger yuan is very angry, originally according to his skill, Xia Yan will not be so easy to drop the gun in his hand, just because his side of the people more careless just like this, at the moment, a voice toward the Xia Yan start to move.

"Good man!" In the car, Cui Xinliu, who was nervous in the car, saw that Xia Yan was so brave. Suddenly, he had a glimmer of hope. Looking at Xia Yan's eyes, he was very crazy!

When Xia Yan started, Xing Yu burst out to fight Hu Gu Ji. The investigation of firearms in the Chinese dynasty was very strict. Even Jidao could not have too many guns. So after Xia Yan dropped Huyuan's gun, Xing Yu and others seized the opportunity to move and prepare to take down two main characters.

Xu Yi is directly against many bodyguards. After training in the army for several years, he can't deal with too many people, but he can't deal with four or five big men.

Chufeng's left eye twinkles. Xia Yan can win Huyuan, but it takes two minutes. So Chu Feng stands by the car and tries to buy some time for Xia Yan. This is not a time for personal heroism. Of course, he will not do some unnecessary things like Ma Liuzi.

But in the eyes of Cui Xinliu and Quan Hao, Chu Feng is greedy for life and afraid of death!

Because of Xia Yan's hands, Yuan Xiuxian, who was beaten on the ground and screamed, seemed to be OK. All of a sudden, they all jumped up and joined the battle group. At the moment, the most peaceful and leisure person on the scene was Chu Feng.

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