Super Healer

Chapter 20

Xia Yan and Xing Yu are ruthless people. Although Hu Gu and Hu Yuan are also people who struggle to get up in the bottom of the society, they still have the meaning that they can't support Shang Xiayan and Xing Yu.

"Stop it!"

Soon, Huyuan was taken by Xia Yan in his hand. His voice was cold and covered with the shouts of killing. A hand firmly pinched Huyuan's neck, and his firm face was full of hardness: "otherwise I will crush his throat!"


Xia Yan took Huyuan and slowly backed back to the car and said to Chu Feng, "send Miss Jin away!"

"Be careful. See you at the airport." Chu Feng didn't mention anything. You can see that Huyuan's position is not low enough for Xia Yan's whole body to retreat. He turned around and asked Jin Xiaoqi to change their cars and then entered the car: "drive!"

"What about him?"

At the moment, Cui Xinliu saw how Xia Yan looked at Xia Yan and how Chu Feng did not like him: "it's very dangerous to leave him here. These people are from the jianghaiqing Gang, and they are very powerful."

"Jidao?" Although the heart has long thought, but heard Cui Xinliu's words, chufeng still felt a little headache, aunt has been told not to deal with these people, do not want to encounter, but now entangled with these things is not necessary: "go first, Xia Yan, they will be OK."

"Xinliu, drive, listen to him!"

What else Cui Xinliu wanted to say, Jin Xiaoqi spoke faintly. Everyone felt that Chu Feng was greedy for life and afraid of death. But the person who rescued her in the morning was Chu Feng. If he was really greedy for life and afraid of death, he would not choose to help himself, but quietly watched everything happen.

"Well, be careful." Jin Xiaoqi opened his mouth, and Cui Xinliu couldn't say anything, but Chu Feng didn't like it. This greedy guy let others face danger alone.

"Brother, can you let me go now?"

After Jin Xiaoqi's car left several hundred meters, Huyuan said coldly that he was one of the four tigers in the Green Gang. Today, he was held in his hand. What a mockery he said!

Xia Yanmo looked at the distance silently, until he couldn't see Jin Xiaoqi. He said, "now you stand back a hundred meters, everyone has so many people. If I let go now, you will fight. How can we need a little time to leave?"

Hu Yuan's eyes were colder. He waved to the people of the Green Gang. More than 30 people followed Hu Gu and went 100 meters away. Xia Yan said to Xu Yi, "get a car that can drive, and we'll go to the airport now!"

At the moment, Xu Yi is full of worship for Xia Yan. He nods and runs to drive. Xing Yu stands there quietly. It seems that everything in the world has nothing to do with him. After the car comes, Xia Yan asks Xu Yi to lift Ma Liuzi who has fainted to the car. Then he pushes Huyuan and jumps into the car and goes away.

Yuan Xiuxian and others were stiff faced and ran to one side at the next moment. The cars that 15 people could run were certainly not enough. A few people could only run to one side without their lives. They all secretly scolded Chu Feng that they had no sense of righteousness and ran away safely. Leaving them here, they might be pursued and killed.

"Don't chase!"

Hu Yuan stood there and didn't stop anything. After the people of the Green Gang came up, he waved them to stop and added his lower lip: "little leader, don't let them leave simply tonight. Don't worry about it!"

HuGu looks at Huyuan. Every time this guy shows such a calm and terrible expression, it means that he wants to kill people. He can't help shaking his head. The bodyguard holds Huyuan in front of so many people. This time, he must be finished.

"It seems that I want to leave tonight. It's not so easy."

More than ten minutes after leaving the scene of the fierce battle, Chu Feng's car stopped again. It was two kilometers away from the airport, but they couldn't make it because there were ten cars on the road in front of them, which made it impossible for them to pass.

"Huang Shaoguang!" Jin Xiaoqi saw a figure among many people standing in front of the car, and immediately recognized who.

"Miss Kim, how can we be regarded as friends and leave without saying a word?" Huang Shaoguang hung up the phone. He had already received the failure of blocking. He was also glad that he had arranged two of them this evening. Otherwise, the fragrant beauty would be really *.

"You should have a good meal and talk about genius, don't you?"

Jin Xiaoqi's face flashed a look of displeasure. He opened the door and got out of the car. He tried not to show too much disgust in his voice: "Huang Shao, Xiao Qi is just a little star. How dare you bother Huang Shao? And now you know, can you make way for me to leave?"

"Joking, joking!" Huang Shaoguang twisted his neck and walked toward the front. Thirty bodyguards followed him, bringing out the meaning of "I love Miss Jin very much. How can I say this is OK? Besides, when you come to Jianghai, I haven't done my best in friendship with the earth!"

"Miss Kim, I'd better change the flight. We'll have a good night talk. I'll take you on the plane tomorrow. How about it?"

Jin Xiaoqi in the eyes of disgust is more thick, what candlelight night talk about love is false, just want to throw himself in bed, damned guy, but he clearly know now is can't do what."It seems that Miss Kim doesn't like it very much." Huang Shaoguang narrowed his eyes. He has played with many women, and there are now popular actresses. But there are few women like Jin Xiaoqi who are not so dusty. It's good to be used to eating delicacies and porridge occasionally.

With Huang Shaoguang's cold words, the two women behind him go out. They are usually bed mates. At the critical time, they are thugs, which Huang Shaobo specially trained.

Quan Hao stands in front of Jin Xiaoqi directly. Jin Xiaoqi gives him a salary of two million yuan a year. It's not a matter of sitting around playing video games. Sometimes when something happens, he really wants to go on.

When the two women were close, they suddenly pulled their clothes and revealed their bodies in small and close clothes. Quan Hao's eyes were straight and he subconsciously swallowed his saliva. But at this moment, two women suddenly burst into fire, one took the upper one and the other took the small one to fight Quan Hao.

Originally, according to the strength of Quan Hao, the two women could not do anything about him. But when a man loses his mind, his brain and movement will be slow. When he comes back to his senses, his head has been hit by a punch. Although it is a woman, the strength is not smaller than that of ordinary men.

A woman below also swept his legs directly, which made Quan Hao unstable. The two men went up and down at one go, and their movements were neat and uniform. Obviously, they had been specially trained. Within a short time, Quan Hao, a bodyguard worth millions, fell to the ground, which was a little like capsizing in the gutter.

"No wonder the master said," beautiful women can't see more. "

Chu Feng looked at Quan Hao who fell on the ground and shook his head. No one was more unjust than him. He pulled Cui Xinliu beside him and said in a low voice: "when I fight with these people, you will take Miss Jin to the side of the road. Don't turn back. Just walk forward. It will be safe in three minutes."

Just now, when Quan Hao was abused by two women, Chu Feng's left eye looked at a side road about seven meters away from here. It could be predicted that there was no danger. However, he only needed to block for three minutes. Jin Xiaoqi and his wife would be safe, because there was a prosperous business district!

"You? Is that all right? " Cui Xinliu was still surprised at what Chu Feng wanted to do, but when he heard his words, he took a look of contempt. He felt that Chu Feng did not look like a man of Xia Yan. Could such a man also fight?

"No nonsense, run!"

Chu Feng can ignore so much, a direct push Cui Xinliu, along with Jin Xiaoqi also pushed out, still don't forget to tell: "if you want to see my pay in vain, then stay here!" Jin Xiaoqi was still hesitant, but when he heard his words, he nodded: "well, I'll wait for you over there!"

Huang Shaobo, who had come over with a smile, did not expect such a thing to happen again. He waved his finger: "catch it back!"

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