Super Healer

Chapter 21

Huang Shaoguang's command fell, and immediately ten people ran toward the side road where Jin Xiaoqi and Jin Xiaoqi went. Chu Feng's eyes coagulated, and as soon as he lifted the ground, Quan Hao, who was hard to move on the ground, burst out and blocked the intersection of the side road.

On the four meter wide side of the road, Chu Feng threw Quan Hao aside and then stood there. It was a stop that made people feel insurmountable. All the ten people in front of him stopped. You look at me, I look at you, and then look at Huang Shaoguang. The meaning is very obvious. How much should I teach you.

"I heard that it was you who knocked out my seven subordinates. Good, very good!"

A man whispered a few words in Huang Shaoguang's ear, then he said with a smile and his fingers pressed down: "beat the disabled!"

Ten people suddenly lit up their eyes and walked towards Chu Feng. The latter just moved slightly and approached a man in front of him. It was almost a matter of blink of an eye. Before the man could figure out what was going on, a fist had already hit his belly directly.

The Green Gang Member's eyes protruded, covered his stomach, and slowly fell to the ground. Chu Feng counted the time and looked back at Quan Hao, who was panting and sitting up: "follow up, here is me!"

Quan Hao was still shocked at how Chu Feng knocked down a man with one blow, but after hearing his words, he realized that the situation was not as simple as he thought. He nodded and struggled to stand up, and directly pursued Jin Xiaoqi's direction.

With Quan Hao's leaving, Chu Feng loosens his collar and is used to loose clothes. Now he's wearing a suit. He unties two buttons and pulls off his tie. Chu Feng's finger is still stunned by Huang Shaoguang: "let's go!"

"Well, I was surprised, but it was just a little bit!"

Huang Shaoguang realized that he was a little lost in his mind just now, but that's all. He raised his hand and pressed ten people again. However, Chu Feng stood there like that and did not give them a chance to pass.

"Ah All of a sudden, a member of the youth gang seemed to be unable to bear the atmosphere, and seemed to be not used to Chu Feng's appearance. After a burst of drinking, he took the lead in rushing out. His huge fist hit the sunglasses on Chu Feng's face. Who would you wear sunglasses to see in the evening? I won't blow you up.

Chu Feng stood still and did not dodge. When the fist was only 15 cm away from him, he suddenly took the man's wrist with his hand. Then, with a gentle area, the man's step would not be stable. Chu Feng timely stepped forward and ran into him.

The man only felt that he was hit by a fast-moving motorcycle. He directly fell back and knocked down two members of the youth gang. Just a simple collision made the three lose their fighting power in an instant. Huang Shaobo's eyes were full of playfulness, and he lit a cigarette and watched with interest.

Chu Feng stopped without knocking down one person this time, but directly ran into the crowd. Four people wanted to take advantage of the gap between Chu Feng's hands to run into the side road to pursue. However, Chu Feng seemed to have long eyes behind him. Before they ran too far, they immediately backed back to catch up with them and whirled and kicked them. The four people directly rushed forward and fell heavily on the ground.

With the help of the power of the whirlwind kick, chufeng bounced back. A fist and a man's fist were matched together. With a click, the man's wrist was dislocated directly and was directly injured by the power of Chu Feng.

At the moment, Chu Feng is like a beast into the sheep. Every fist and foot brings out a terrible force. There must be one or even two people falling on the ground in one go, which has a master's demeanor. In only two minutes, there are more than ten people lying on the ground.

Chu Feng took a look, did not continue to entangle with them, directly moved a kick to fly a person, directly into the side of the road, quickly left, everyone only saw a figure across, soon Chu Feng disappeared in their line of sight, turned into the side of the road.


Huang Shaobo put out the cigarette end in his hand. So many people even couldn't beat down one person, and they ran away. If he wanted to spread it out, how could he put his face on it? He said ruthlessly, "kill it!"

After the rest of the people ran out, Huang Shaobo's mobile phone rang at this moment, impatiently took out to answer, and left Xiong's voice came: "Huang Shao, what are you doing now?"

"Didn't you do it? Jin Xiaoqi doesn't give her face. I brought some people to invite her to play, but her bodyguard is good. I haven't got it yet, but it's fast." Huang Shaobo heard Zuo Xiong's voice on the other end of the phone, and his tone was a little more peaceful.

"Not yet. Great!"

Zuo Xiong over there suddenly wanted to see a big stone fall to the ground. When Huang Shaoguang was curious, he said, "didn't you tell me that you want to join hands with me to develop real estate? I have studied this matter. It's impossible for us to get too much benefit from our words alone, so I want to introduce foreign capital."

"Foreign investment, what does that have to do with my arrest of jinxiaoqi?" Although Huang Shaoguang was born in the extreme way, he doesn't mean he is a fool. What Zuo Xiong said just now has revealed some information: "Zuo Shao, can you make it clear?""It must have something to do with it, or I wouldn't have called you."

Zuo Xiong heard that Huang Shaoguang seemed a little impatient, so he didn't sell the key: "because the foreign capital I was negotiating with was from Hanhuang Nanliu financial group. The background of the two of us made the person in charge of their coming to China very excited. He thought we could talk about it, but he said, I hope you can release Jin Xiaoqi, that's the woman he likes!"

Zuo Xiong was worried about Huang Shaoguang's insistence on his own way, adding: "there are many women. As long as we have a good relationship with Liu's consortium and foreign capital is involved, we will be very relaxed in any aspect. The group policy will also allow us to do a lot of things. When we have money, are you afraid that there will be no women?"

"And Liu Shao is a good friend. As long as you release Jin Xiaoqi, we can sit down and have a good talk. He can get a lot of indicators from the above."

"That's good!" Huang Shaoguang naturally knew that Zuo Xiong was right. Although he was salivating at Jin Xiaoqi, he was still worried about not having a woman if he was rich. He asked for the address, then hung up the phone and dialed the person in charge of the pursuit: "people withdraw back. This is the end of the matter. I'll go to Yuanxiao Pavilion and wait and see me!"

After cutting off the phone, Huang Shaoguang drove directly away from here. In any case, there was no loss, but the people under his command were injured. Moreover, some people are willing to pay huge benefits to protect Jin Xiaoqi. He doesn't mind giving some favors or seeking some benefits. After all, the debt of human relationship is the most difficult to repay these days!

Twenty minutes later, at the gate of the airport, Jin Xiaoqi, who had been waiting here for a long time, had already met Xia Yan from another road. However, he had not seen Chu Feng. His heart was full of worries. Maybe Chu Feng could fight, but there were dozens of people there!

"Miss Jin, don't worry. Liu Shao has stepped in and will be OK."

Next to Cui Xinliu a pair of eyes is to look at Xia Yan, but see Jin Xiaoqi worried look or relief, just at this time her mobile phone rings, answer after the face is full of flattering smile, wait until hang up and smile: "I say, Miss Jin, it's OK, Liu Shao said, this matter has been settled, there will be no danger."

"Did you call Liu Mo again?" Jin Xiaoqi was worried about the comfort of Chu Feng at the moment, but he was a little unhappy when he heard Cui Xinliu's words: "Xinliu, I have told you many times that Liu Mo and I are just ordinary friends. It's impossible for us to do so. It's meaningless for you to do so."

"And even if I don't have him tonight, I'm safe here now. It's hard to repay the favor. Don't you know?"

This is Jin Xiaoqi rarely serious, Cui Xinliu is a little embarrassed, but in the heart is not satisfied, you are no more red but also a actor, others are the heirs of Hanhuang Nanliu financial group, it's good to look at you, still play high here, even so lofty, you don't want to enter the entertainment industry?

Although the heart slander Jin Xiaoqi, but the surface or seriously nodded: "next time will not!" Just add a sentence in the heart, will not give you to know, dull voice makes a big fortune!


There are so many people in jinxiaoqi's view. Naturally, you can see that Cui Xinliu is perfunctory, but before he is ready to speak, he sees a figure running from afar: "great, Quan Hao said that when you face dozens of people, I'm still worried. It's ok now, too good!"

Cui Xinliu, who had a problem with Chu Feng, said: "if it wasn't for Liu Shao's intervention, he might not have known where his limbs had been broken by others."

The Chu Feng who came over was stunned, but then understood why the man who was chasing him suddenly retreated. It turned out that someone was exerting himself behind him!

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