Super Healer

Chapter 22

The flight was scheduled for 11:00 sharp, but it didn't take off until 12:00. Many people sat in the cabin and were curious about what happened. The airport said that the plane needed to be repaired temporarily, but there was no one to repair in an hour.

Jin Xiaoqi's actions are arranged in the VIP cabin with only 12 actions. She was recognized by the stewardess just after she came in. At the moment, she was surrounded by a group of stewardesses who were taking photos and chatting. However, Chu Feng smelled an unusual breath.

Although this is Chu Feng's first flight, it doesn't mean that he doesn't know that the plane is delayed. However, if there is no special situation, it will never happen late. However, at a non special time, it is such a thing.

"Look at it. I'll go to the bathroom."

"Captain, if you don't take off, the passengers will have a problem!" Chu Feng just went to the bathroom, and heard a man's voice coming from a stewardess lounge next to him: "and for an hour, no matter how things can't be delayed so much, we still have other things to do!"

"You think I don't want to hurry up, but don't forget where the plane belongs to!"

Then came a man's thick voice, and deliberately lowered some: "this is controlled by Liu's consortium. Do you know who told me to fly slowly? Liu's successor, Liu Mo Liu Shao, who is our boss, don't you want me to think that I don't know? "

"Liu Shao asked, why?" The man who began to talk seemed a little surprised and asked.

The man who was called the captain said coldly, "don't ask what you shouldn't know, but it's said that you're going to go back on a flight with Miss Jin Xiaoqi, but the specific information is not what we people should know."

All these words were heard by Chu Feng, who understood the reason why the plane was late. This flight belongs to an airline in the south of Hanhuang, and Liu Shao, who was mentioned by Cui Xinliu just now, can let the people of the Green Gang give up pursuing and let the flight wait for him. It seems that he is not an ordinary person.

It's just that a rich young master seems to be very interested in Jin Xiaoqi, but this woman has no interest at all. It's really strange!

Knowing the reason for the late flight, Chu Feng was a little more stable. He was actually a person who liked Jin Xiaoqi. Naturally, he would not hurt Jin Xiaoqi, so there was no need to continue to listen. Chu Feng turned around and went back to sit down.

"Xiaoqi, I didn't expect one of our flights. What a coincidence!"

After waiting for nearly half an hour again, a man's voice came from the entrance. A black bodyguard with three black sunglasses came leisurely. All his actions revealed his noble demeanor, which immediately attracted the attention of many flight attendants.

"You see, isn't that willow that often appears in magazines?"

"It's really him. He's more handsome than a magazine. But why doesn't he take a charter flight instead of a regular flight?"

"It's said that he is the successor of Liu's financial group. He's really the second generation of the top rich. He's handsome and charming."

Liu Mo wears a simple casual dress and a simple smile, which can make people feel his difference. Since he appeared, the comments of the stewardesses have never stopped. The second generation of rich people is very lethal to women now, and Gao Fu Shuai is even more lethal to women. Like Liu Mo, a top-notch rich second generation, is even more sought after.

Miss Chui Xiaojin and Liu Xiaojin stand beside each other, but they don't have the same idea when they come to the end of the flight

"Miss Cui is joking. I just happened to deal with some things and prepare to go back."

Liu Mo politely smiles, but obviously agrees with Cui Xinliu's words, and gives an unobtrusive appreciative look. He directly sits on Cui Xinliu's standing position and looks at Jin Xiaoqi: "Xiaoqi, I heard that you are in danger this evening. Does it matter?"

"Very well, thank you." Jin Xiaoqi's eyes did not look at Liu Mo for a moment, but looked out. Her voice was cold and light, and she didn't give her face at all.

But Liu Mo didn't mean to be angry at all. He turned his head and looked at the five people of Chu Feng who were sitting in several positions: "they are the bodyguards you hired. It's not good to let you run for your life to go to the airport. If you encounter any trouble in the future, you can call me. Liu's family in the Chinese dynasty can be said, and all parties are willing to give some face Yes. "

"Liu Shao has a lot of face. If it wasn't for a phone call from you tonight, we don't know whether we can get on the plane." Cui Xinliu, standing next to her, flattered her in time, but she was a smart woman. She knew that Liu Mo could only make money on him. It was very difficult for such a man to take a fancy to himself.

"Do you want to sit here?" At this time, jinxiaoqi suddenly looked back at Liumo. When the latter did not know how to answer, jinxiaoqi stood up: "then I will give it to you!"Then Liu Mo came out when he was moved by the corners of his mouth. He went directly to Chu Feng and politely opened his mouth to Xu Yi beside him: "can I change my position with you?"

Xu Yi was frozen there. Originally, he was excited to see his goddess, but now he is not excited at all. Anyone who is not stupid can see that Liu Mo is interested in Jin Xiaoqi. Now, if anyone gives up his seat to Jin Xiaoqi, he will be hated by Liu mo.

"If Miss Kim wants to sit there, you can give it to her."

When Xu Yi didn't know whether to stand up or not, Liu Mo leaned against his chair and spoke with a sense of reason in his voice, as if his words were not discussing with others, but that others had to do it.

Xu Yi breathes out a breath. Although Jin Xiaoqi is his employer, Liu Mo is not simple. Moreover, Jin Xiaoqi gives up his position. That is to stand up.

After Xu Yi got up, Chu Feng also stood up. He knew that such a thing was the most troublesome thing, and Liu Mo's words were very clear. You can give it to her. Everyone knows what it means. Chu Feng doesn't want to cause unnecessary trouble because of such a thing. In any case, just ensure the safety of Jin Xiaoqi.

As for the pursuit of her, it is her own business, Chu Feng's concept is so simple.

But the buttocks just raised, Jin Xiaoqi suddenly sat down and hugged Chu Feng's hand. The latter's face suddenly became stiff and finished!

Sure enough, Liu Mo's face, which was still smiling, suddenly changed a few times. Of course, he could see that Chu Feng was going to stand up just now, but he was held by Jin Xiaoqi. However, although he knew that seeing his favorite woman holding a man's hand so close, he was still very uncomfortable.

"Feng, you go and sit over there. I'll sit with Miss Kim." Cui Xinliu observes his words and looks. He immediately knows that Liu Mo is in a bad mood. He immediately opens his mouth to Chu Feng. The latter says that you are finally a good man and wants to stand up, but he finds that Jin Xiaoqi is holding tightly. Chu Feng secretly thinks that I don't need to be like this?

A dark force surges. Jin Xiaoqi only feels a little numbness in her hand. Then Chu Feng walks directly in front of her. When she reacts, Chu Feng has already gone to one side and sits with Xu Yi. Jin Xiaoqi immediately bites his lips. This bastard is too confused about the amorous feelings.

But no one saw Liu Mo winking at a black bodyguard beside him, so he left the cabin quietly and didn't come back until the plane took off. He nodded to Liu Mo imperceptibly, which happened to be seen by Chu Feng this time.

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