Super Healer

Chapter 23

It took more than two hours from Jianghai to Hancheng, the capital of Hanhuang south, and landed steadily at Hancheng International Airport at more than three o'clock in the morning.

Although it's evening, hanhuangnan International Airport is still very busy, welcoming visitors from all over the world. As the largest cosmetic surgery country in the world, the national cosmetic surgery rate is as high as 60%. Undoubtedly, cosmetic surgery alone attracts many tourists from all over the world every year.

This is the first time Chu Feng went abroad, and his job as a bodyguard is quite dramatic.

"Miss Cui, please book us tomorrow's flight." Just got off the plane, Xia Yan said to Cui Xinliu: "my sister is still in the hospital, I will go back to take care of her!"

Cui Xinliu is still very fond of Xia Yan. How can he allow such a fierce man to go back so quickly: "there must be medical staff in that hospital. I think it's your first time to come to Hanhuang south. It's good to stay here for two days. I'm familiar with Hancheng, but I'll take you to have a good time!"

"That's to say, it's not fun to go abroad. It's boring to go back after a while." Ma Liuzi saw people walking around, many beautiful young women. Although he knew that many of them might be plastic surgery, it was also good to play with the women in the cold wilderness south. Ma Liuzi immediately moved his mind.

"If you don't speak, no one will treat you as dumb!"

Xia Yan swept Ma Liuzi coldly, and immediately gave him a dangerous feeling of being watched by a poisonous snake: "if you want to play here, you can stay. I must go back to China tomorrow."

"Well, I'll arrange it for you." Cui Xinliu is a little disappointed, but the more she looks at Xia Yan, the more pleasant she is. Considering her sister in the hospital, she will certainly be a good husband in the future, and she can fight to protect me. I must pay close attention to it.

While thinking about how to catch Xia Yan, Cui Xinliu walked to the side to make a phone call to book a ticket. After a moment, she came back: "it's already reserved. The flight at noon tomorrow will fly directly to Jianghai."

Thank you Xia Yan nodded slightly, and then went to one side and stood seriously. Now, Jin Xiaoqi has not been sent to a safe place. He is a person who has a beginning and a ending. If he doesn't do it, he should do it well.

"Xiaoqi, it's so late now. If you go back, it will take more than an hour. Why don't you go to my place and have a rest?"

After getting off the plane, Liu Mo followed Jin Xiaoqi. Now he has arrived outside the airport. The motorcade to meet Liu Mo has arrived. There are ten Audi cars of all colors. They are high-end and high-grade. He said to Jin Xiaoqi next to him.

"No, I have a car!" Jin Xiaoqi is ungrateful at all. Looking at the two cars coming from the distance, the first one is a Maserati, and the other is an ordinary car. But the price also needs hundreds of thousands of yuan. Chu Feng sighs in his heart. When can I have my own car?

"You should be careful and make another appointment when you have time."

Liu Mo didn't show the displeasure of being rejected. Instead, he said with a slight smile. Then he walked toward his own motorcade, even without a glance. But Chu Feng could still see that Liu Mo was very angry. It was his business that Liu Mo was not angry enough. Chu Feng would not pay much attention to it.

"You get on the bus. My villa is in the east of Hancheng. It takes an hour." When Liu Mo's motorcade left, Jin Xiaoqi seemed to be relieved, smiling at Chu Feng and others, and then looked at Chu Feng: "you and I have a car!"

Chu Feng is stunned to see that Xia Yan and others have already got on the bus. With five drivers, one more person is overloaded. It seems that only with Jin Xiaoqi.

Quan Hao directly went to open the door and let Jin Xiaoqi get on the car. Chu Feng wanted to go to the front, but was pulled by Jin Xiaoqi: "sit back with me!" Then, without doubt, he took Chu Feng and sat in the back. Cui Xinliu, who wanted to sit next to Jin Xiaoqi, murmured in his heart that how could miss Jin treat this greedy guy so well?

After thinking about it for a while, they all felt that their ideas were ridiculous. Maybe Miss Jin just saw that this guy was still young and wondered why he was a bodyguard. How could he compare with Liu Shao, a powerful family?

Two quickly left the airport, a few minutes later, Liu's motorcade returned to the airport again. In the middle of the car, Liu Mo looked at the direction of Jin Xiaoqi's car leaving and put on headphones: "do a better job. Send Jin Xiaoqi to my secret manor, and then throw the black pot on the five celestial bodyguards."

"Yes There came a cold voice from the other end, and then cut off the call.

"Jin Xiaoqi, no woman can refuse me." Liu Mo, who put up the phone, looked into the distance and waved to the driver to drive, but his face was ferocious: "anyway, your family are very happy to see me with you. I believe that no one will say anything about my uncooked rice and cooked rice. Then I will see if you are still as cold and arrogant as you are."

"Wind, don't you like me?" When the car drove smoothly on the road, Jin Xiaoqi didn't know that she was missed. She just looked at chufeng all the way and finally asked. Especially when she thought that Chu Feng couldn't break her hand when she was on the plane, it hurt her self-esteem a little bit."I don't like it."

When Cui Xinliu was surprised and shocked and Jin Xiaoqi asked what to do, Chu Feng nodded without hesitation, and then added: "I only like my women, my friends, my brothers and my family. I don't like strangers or employers. All we have is trade."

"Good reality!" Jin Xiaoqi pouted a ruddy little mouth, showing a bit of playfulness, as if a friend of nature: "you are now a bodyguard how many months?"

The Chu wind really did not know, thought for a moment, said simply: "it seems like seven thousand a month!"

"Seven thousand?" Jin Xiaoqi's surprised little mouth becomes the original shape. She knows how much money she paid Chu Feng when she asked them to be bodyguards. Chu Feng even replied that she had been paying less than 100000 yuan a year for seven thousand one months. How could it be that Quan Hao was two million yuan with him!

"Seven thousand indeed. Is that a problem?" Chu Feng knows this from Xu Yi's mouth. If you remove the miscellaneous things, it will be 7000 yuan a month. Of course, it doesn't include the year-end bonus. But for Chu Feng, he just takes it for a month, so there's no need to talk about other things.

"No problem!" Seeing Chu Feng's serious look, Jin xiaoqiquan was too mean to be the boss of Chu Feng. He didn't have a hundred thousand a year. He suddenly laughed and blinked: "why don't you come to work as a bodyguard and driver for me? I'll give you two million a year, which is much better than you are now?"

Not only did Chu Feng almost fall from his seat, but even Quan Hao in front of him almost hit the window. He was only noticed after a lot of training and selection. At the beginning, he was only 800 thousand bodyguards for Jin Xiaoqi. His retinue gradually added up to two million yuan. What's the matter?

"No interest."

Chu Feng reluctantly digested the bomb suddenly given by Jin Xiaoqi and recovered his calm. If it had been before, chufeng might have been very excited. But since the trend of adoptive mother, Chu Feng has vowed to fulfill his adoptive mother's wish, that is, he and his brother must have one to become a college student.

Therefore, although there are more than two million yuan, Chu Feng is still motionless, but seeing Jin Xiaoqi's stunned look, he added: "first, I'm not a professional bodyguard, I'm just a part-time job. Second, I can't drive and I can't be a driver for you. Third, I have a national complex. Even if I have to do anything, it's in China!"

Chu Feng gave three reasons, the first two can not be said to be reasons, part-time can become full-time, can not drive can learn, but the third Jin Xiaoqi is deeply powerless, finally nuozi: "angry youth!"

But she didn't say anything more. Chu Feng saved her only once. When she was blocked on the airport road, she could let herself go first. She wanted to find a bodyguard with a better sense of security. However, Chu Feng refused, and she would not say anything more. She still has the pride of girls.

But chufeng's refusal falls in Cui Xinliu's eyes, which is Feibi. Later, you will cry. In the eyes of quanhao, it is silly. Two million, go up to heaven and find it. This year!

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