Super Healer

Chapter 24

An hour passed, and it was almost five o'clock. Everyone was a little tired!

"Xinliu, arrange a place for them to rest. I'll go upstairs first!" In the hall of the villa, Jin Xiaoqi said to Cui Xinliu and turned upstairs. In the middle of the time, he stopped and turned around: "do you really don't want to stay and play for a while? You don't need to pay for it. Should it be my thanks?"

Ma Liuzi wanted to stay, but when he saw Xia Yan and others shaking their heads, they could only hold their heads in their hearts. Seeing you and me pretending here, I'll let my brother-in-law fire you when I get back to China, and I won't enjoy such a good opportunity. No wonder it's the life of a small bodyguard.

"There are ten rooms over there. You can choose one of them."

Cui xinlou said a word to the five Chu Feng people after Jin Xiaoqi went up. Then he yawned and walked to the second floor. Quan Hao also went to the room on one side. The second floor was where the maid and Jin Xiaoqi lived. All the men lived below.

"Let's have a rest. Get up early tomorrow morning. Don't miss your flight!" Xu Yi said to everyone that he walked towards a room with a smile on his face. This time he could get 50000 yuan in prize money. It's really good. It's less than a day.

Xia Yan and others also chose a room. Chu Feng chose a room close to the stairwell. Turning on the light inside also smacked his tongue. Originally, the decoration of the villa looked very luxurious. At the moment, he saw that the room was so luxurious that he could not speak: "is this for people to sleep? It is estimated that the previous emperor was also like this?"

Unable to understand the rich people's ideas, Chu Feng went to the nearby bathroom to have a bath, then went to the window and opened the window to blow the wind. In the past, Chu Feng got up at six o'clock. No matter how late he slept, now it is more than five o'clock. Instead, he began to be energetic, so he was not ready to go to bed.

But just as the window opened, Chu Feng's left eye flashed a ray of light, and a picture appeared in his mind. At the next moment, his face suddenly changed: "not good!"

Immediately ran to the door of Xia Yan's room: "come out quickly, Miss Jin has been kidnapped!"

All of us had not slept for a long time, and soon opened the door one after another. Ma Liuzi muttered discontentedly: "kidnap on the kidnapping, safe delivery here, our responsibility is done, what's going on has nothing to do with us, have a good rest and return home tomorrow, and what's quiet, ghost abducted ah!"

"Go up and have a look!"

Xia Yan kicks Ma Liuzi to the ground. Others may think that Chu Feng is an ordinary teenager, but he can feel the difference between Chu Feng and Chu Feng. He even says something is wrong. He and Xing Yu and Xu Yi quickly walk towards the stairs. At this time, Quan Hao also comes out.

All of a sudden blocked in the stairway: "do you want to do, don't you know the second floor men stop?"

"Miss Kim may have been kidnapped. We need to go up and have a look." Chu Feng was as patient as possible. His left eye could see things in the past and in the future within five minutes. Just now he took a bath for more than ten minutes before he came out. When he looked out, he saw two men in black running away with something on their back. About a few minutes ago.

I don't know if it's Jin Xiaoqi or the others, so he has to go up and have a look right now.

"No way. The villa is burglar proof. If someone comes in, it will call the police." Quan Hao still stands there without moving. He can make Jin Xiaoqi pay for 200 million years. Of course, he has his merit, that is, everything should be protected by the employer.

"No, Miss King is gone!"

When the situation was stalemate, and Chu Feng and others were hard to break through, Cui Xinliu's anxious voice came from upstairs. The woman in silk pajamas ignored the possibility of Spring Festival leaking out at the moment, and her expression was particularly anxious: "I just finished bathing, and I wanted to send Miss Jin my schedule for tomorrow, but I knocked on the door and no one answered. When I opened the door, there was no one else Fang is not here. "

Chu Feng pushed Quan Hao aside and ran upstairs quickly. He came to a room with the door open. Xia Yan and others followed him. The room was empty. Looking at the open wardrobe, everyone seemed to think that Jin Xiaoqi was taken away by someone hiding in the closet.

"The villa should be monitored to see which direction the kidnappers ran away from."

Xia Yan immediately showed a calm and calm side, pulling the nervous Cui Xinliu out of the room. Xing Yu also moved directly. He began to search on the second floor. Xu Yi also cooperated with him to find out. Only Ma Liuzi yawned and rubbed his butt which had been kicked by Xia Yan.

But the eyes are intentionally or unintentionally swept in the wardrobe of those close clothes, the original inside Jin Xiaoqi is wearing these ah!

"Quan Hao, take good care of this wretched guy. I'll go out." Chu Feng's left eye has been restored for a while, but it has been more than five minutes. He doesn't see anything at all. When he goes to the balcony, he looks at Ma Liuzi and says to Quan Hao. He jumps out directly.

"You boy, you are not honest at first sight. Follow me!" Quan Hao himself was not satisfied with Ma Liuzi at the beginning. His eyes were always on Cui Xinliu and Jin Xiaoqi intentionally or unintentionally. Now that such a thing happens, he is naturally not polite at all.Chu Feng jumped off the second floor and went in the direction he had seen before. At first, he was not sure. Now he is sure that nature is going to do something. Although escorting Jin Xiaoqi back here is even if the task is completed, it is not chufeng's character that he will not rescue him in the face of death.

Running hundreds of meters toward the periphery, this is a villa area with a lot of cameras. If the kidnapper kidnaps Jin Xiaoqi, he will certainly not follow the normal road. Therefore, the places Chu Feng seeks are all on the side of the road. With his sensitive intuition, Chu Feng quickly reaches the outer fence of the villa area.

As soon as he jumped, he pulled the railing, and chufeng jumped out. His left eye looked at the surrounding environment. Pictures appeared in Chu Feng's eyes. That was what happened five minutes ago to now. A moment later, Chu Feng's face showed a happy look: "it's really this way!"

Then he quickly chased forward. His left eye could see the past five minutes. It was not convenient to drive into the villa area just now, so he stopped here. Jin Xiaoqi was taken away from here. It is not more than five minutes now. As long as he knows the route, chufeng is confident that the car can't run away, because it is the same as chufeng watching the car run.

It's early in the morning. There are no pedestrians or cars on the street. Chu Feng doesn't cover up his speed. He shuttles through the street quickly, not to mention missing people. However, he is much faster than many people. In just a few minutes, he runs a distance of two or three kilometers.

And the car has been under Chu Feng's left eye. Now the distance between the car and the car is one minute, which is about one kilometer or more. Chu Feng tries to be as fast as possible, but the manpower can't be compared with the car. If it's short distance, it's OK. If it's farther, it's a bit unsustainable.

"Are you all set up?"

At the moment, in the front of a black car, a man with a scar on his face looked at Jin Xiaoqi lying in the back seat, and said to the driver: "this matter must not be known. After the completion of the matter, we will quietly send people back, so that the five tianchaoren can bear the black pot!"

"It's all arranged. I don't know what's going on. In addition, they all rest very late today. I don't expect to wake up until noon tomorrow." The man who was driving back to the road, and then continued: "Liu Shao, why do you have to be so troublesome? Just cook cooked rice. Why do you want us to take people back?"

"Don't you understand that?"

Scar man's face appeared a know it all look, a pair of expert's appearance: "Liu Shao, this is to create their own perfect image, you think, a girl is inexplicably bullied, but at this time it is suddenly a man came out and said, he is willing to take care of your generation, what do you say the result?"

"High!" The driver thought about it for a while, and immediately knew why it was so troublesome. He gave a thumbs up directly: "then I have to drive the car faster, or it will be inconvenient to do business when there are too many people in the morning!"

After all, it is in the capital of Hancheng. If it is too fast, it is easy to be traced!

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