Super Healer

Chapter 185

Chu Feng took Lin Yulin out of the small hotel overnight, but in the room with Yao Xin for two hours, no one knew what they had talked about, but when he left, Chu Feng's eyes flashed a cold light!

At eight o'clock in the morning, Lin Yulin is still in a deep sleep. Chu Feng temporarily stimulates Lin Yulin's brain with a gold needle, which makes her temporarily forget what happened yesterday. Maybe she will know it after a few months, but it is better to know after a few months. Some things, at least for now, are not explained clearly.

Chu Feng stayed up all night. When he got home at 5 a.m., he had been sitting on the sofa thinking about his own way. This would undoubtedly bring danger to the people around him, just as Lin Yulin was kidnapped yesterday.

It's just that Chu Feng in this world is also slowly understanding that some things, some people, it's not that if you don't provoke them, it won't happen to you.

Just like Lin Yulin this time, she just had a drink and chat with Yan Ruyu, and stopped the assassin's attack and killing for her. As a result, she was hit by a reckless disaster, implicating the people around her. There is no specific thing.

"Where there are people, it's the lake and the lake."

Finally, Chu Feng sighed a long sigh. It was already eight o'clock, but Liu Yan and Jin Xiaoqi had not come back. Chu Feng didn't worry about it. Although Liu Yan was a little tiger, her brain was not simple.

At this time, the door of the room was opened, and Liu Yan and Jin Xiaoqi walked in tired. Last night's incident caused too much fluctuation, and more than ten people died. Although Yan Tianming finally determined the case, Liu Yan was still busy until just now to deal with these things.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Chu Feng, and his shoes ran over before he could change them. "What happened last night? Why did the fire break out after we went to the Sanxiang warehouse? What was the matter with the 15 people who died?"

"Fire, fifteen people, why don't I know what you're talking about?" Chu Feng has long been in the heart of heaven and earth, so at the moment, his face is at a loss: "last night I went to the Sanxiang warehouse, but I saw my aunt running on the road, so I brought her back. What's the matter?"

"Sister Yulin is back?"

Hearing that Lin Yulin came back, Liu Yan forgot to ask about Chu Feng. She was excited to go to Lin Yulin's room, but was quickly pulled by Chu Feng: "my aunt was stimulated by yesterday's things, and some things seem not to remember. I hope you don't mention it in front of her."

Liu Yan originally had a look of excitement on her face, but then she nodded and knew Lin Yulin for two years. In her eyes, Lin Yulin is an ordinary white-collar in the company. It is possible to be stimulated by such a thing.

Scattered now go in to disturb Lin Yulin's idea, Liu Yan thought of the matter just now: "the matter of three chamber warehouse, really have nothing to do with you?"

"What's the matter? I don't know what you're talking about!"

Chu Feng tried his best to make his expression at a loss, and a little annoyed and asked, "I don't know about the fire you said. Are you doubting me?"

When she said this, Chu Feng felt a little guilty. Although Liu Yan was a public servant, she could see a lot of things. But if Liu Yan knew that she had killed 15 people and burned down the warehouse, I believe that even if Liu Yan did not know how to do, she would fight against herself.

This is a kind of intuition and affirmation of Liu Yan's character.

"Sister Yan Yan!"

One side of jinxiaoqi Liu Yan seems to want to ask what, quickly out of the voice: "the wind does not know, then certainly does not know, he does not need to deceive you, or do not ask, to save wind angry."

Liu Yan looks at Chu Feng suspiciously. Last night, when she confirmed that there was no Chu Feng and Lin Yulin among the 15 dead, she suspected that it had something to do with Chu Feng. But at the moment, Chu Feng's performance was too normal, and nothing else could be seen. Some uncertain thoughts came out of her mind.

I also understand that Jin Xiaoqi's point is reasonable. If she really suspects Chu Feng but there is no evidence, she will really make a contradiction. However, her duty is to let her say one more sentence: "Xiaofeng, I hope you are the same as you said, really don't know anything, otherwise I don't want to see that day."

"I'm going to school. My aunt gets up. You should keep your mouth shut."

Chu Feng didn't mean to be angry about it. He could understand Liu Yan's idea relatively. He stood up and explained. Chu Feng left here and thought about not coming back. Liu yanzaihu is also a graduate of Jianghai police academy. Some keen sense of smell exists in the end.

At ten o'clock in the morning, there is a golf course in Jianghai, covering a vast area. At the moment, several cars can be seen driving on the grass towards a place a little farther away. There are dozens of people in black walking around the entire golf course, as if they are on guard.

Today's golf course is not open to the public before 12 o'clock, and has been contracted out.

Huang Luowen came here early. He took the initiative to meet Yan Tianming last night. Yan Tianming, who has always been busy with business, also took the time to agree to meet him and arranged the location in this golf course. Huang Luowen did not say anything about it, and even brought people here early.The cars stopped one after another. First, the staff came down from the golf course. Then, in one of the cars, Jiang Ming got out of the car and opened the door. Yan Tianming walked out with a faint smile on his face.

Nodding slightly to Jiang Ming, Jiang Ming seemed to know what to do and said something to the staff of several golf courses. Those people got on the new bus and left without too much staying.

Huang Luowen knew what Yan Tianming meant. He turned his head to the tiger spring beside him. The latter only saw Yan Tianming and Jiang Ming here. He also nodded and walked away. He also took the rest of the Green Gang people a hundred meters away from here, so as not to hear anything that should not be heard.

Jiang Ming also walked to a pavilion 50 meters away. There were only Yan Tianming and Huang Luowen, the first official of Jianghai and the first of Jianghai Jidao.

At the moment, they shake hands as if they were old friends for many years. Huang Luowen showed a exuberant smile: "staff member Yan is still so energetic. It seems that he will be promoted next year."

"If you don't, it's up to you."

Yan Tianming gave a bright smile. He couldn't see any depth in his smile, but what he said made Huang Luowen's mouth twitch: "if you want to, I won't say promotion, but I will also make a great progress. But if you don't want to, I will not only be unable to get promoted, but also may have to spend the rest of my life in prison!"

Huang Luowen is also a cunning man. How can he not hear the meaning in Huang Luowen's words, which is to blame him for his recent affair with the Wolf Gang and the dispatch of troops to Pujiang district?

It's just that some things know that it's one thing, and before it's completely broken, it's still necessary to make a fool of yourself: "officer Yan, you're the only one who talks about group D of Jianghai. Who can make you uncomfortable?"

"I wish you good words." Yan Tianming laughs and turns his words: "the night before yesterday, my little girl Ruyu was attacked by a killer. When they wanted to attack my daughter, they said that they were members of the Green Gang. I always wanted to confirm this matter with brother Huang. It happened that you asked me and said it out."

"Of course, I don't believe it. If you are really a member of the Green Gang, you won't blow yourself up. Otherwise, it's a bit of a frame up."

Huang Luowen's nerve provoked for a moment. Although he had already guessed that Yan Tianming would be involved in this matter today, he was so direct that he just burst out laughing: "it's natural. Although we have different ways, I still respect Yan. How can we do such a thing?"

Yan Tianming nodded seriously: "it's also!"

When Huang Luowen couldn't see the real meaning of Yan Tianming, the latter suddenly said: "by the way, langdeli phoned me two days ago, saying that you are despicable and use your son's fake death to attack him. What do you think of this matter?"

"No way!" Huang Luowen felt his heart was tight, and then he shook his head without hesitation. His face was filled with sadness: "officer Yan, conscience of heaven and earth, even if I am so despicable and want to be the only one in my family, I can't say such a bad thing about my son's death."

"So randley is just talking nonsense, because he doesn't want me to avenge my dead son."

When he said these words, Huang Luowen's eyes were always staring at Yan Tianming's expression. He wanted to see something, but it was a pity. Yan Tianming seemed to be a person without emotion. He just nodded slightly there: "I think it is, tiger poison does not eat children. Such a means is really a little despicable."

"Officer, here comes randley!" When they were chatting with each other, Jiang Ming came over and spoke respectfully.

Huang Luowen's eyes flashed a look of astonishment, but soon recovered calm. He just made a gesture to the tiger spring with his left hand unnoticed. He looked at the three cars listening a hundred meters away, and his eyes flashed an interesting color.

Relative to Yan Tianming is no surprise no joy appearance, just quietly open his mouth: "let him come over!"

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