Super Healer

Chapter 186

Huang Luowen didn't expect the appearance of langdeli. However, when he knew that he would appear, Huang Luowen still faced it with absolute calm. Today, he brought 50 people, all of them top-notch of the youth gang, and ten guns pressed against the array, which was enough to suppress any mutation.

Moreover, he doesn't worry about anything. Yan Tianming is here. Who dares?

Langdeli's three cars slowly drove to Yan Tianming's three people and stopped. The door opened. Langde interest rate came down first, with a smile on his face. He was completely free of the anger suppressed by the Green Gang recently.

After langdeli got off the car, the three cars did not leave at this point, but stayed in the same place. Langdeli closed the door and came with a smile: "officer Yan, I'm late, sorry!"

"If gang leader Lang can come, that is to give Yan some face. Why is he late?" Yan Tianming's calm smile makes people wonder what he is thinking in his heart.

"Ah, the leader of the Yellow Gang is also there. I didn't see it just now. I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

Then, langdeli looked surprised as if he had discovered the new world. He pretended to be surprised and then held out his hands: "we haven't seen each other for more than a year since the last time. It's not good for us to not meet each other for a long time. Maybe one day I will return to the west, and gang leader Huang doesn't know!"

Huang Luowen's eyes narrowed slightly, although it seems that randley is talking about himself, but in the other way, is not he talking about himself?

Just in front of Yan Tianming, facing langdeli's outstretched hand, Huang Luowen also raised a strong smile: "brother Lang is really able to laugh, in the river and sea, you don't want to die, who can let you die?"

Langdeli's mouth moved a bit, and Huang Luowen was insidious. Who knows Yan Tianming is the first official of Jianghai. If he says these words in front of him, isn't he uncomfortable? But fortunately, he was not afraid, and said with a smile: "the leader of the Yellow Gang still likes to talk and laugh as always."

"You are the one who doesn't want to die, and no one can let you die when the Qing Gang has been settling for a hundred years."

Langdeli quickly reversed what Huang Luowen said, and also named the history of the existence of the Qing Gang is longer than that of the founding of the people's Republic of China. He made it clear that he wanted to say that he was proud of the history of the Qing Gang. Huang Luowen laughed it off.

"Both of you are here today. I'm relieved to see that you can still say you can laugh." After langdeli and Huang Luowen greet each other, Yan Tianming said plainly: "it's just that I said some ugly things in front of me. I believe that both of you know what happened in the Sanxiang warehouse last night."

"Here I want to hear what you think. Can the river and sea be peaceful?"

Although Yan Tianming was indifferent to all this for a while ago, but Yan Ruyu happened. He knew that the matter had been implicated in his body, and it was time to do something. Otherwise, he would be a technician for nothing.

Huang Luowen can't see the depth of Yan Tianming and langdeli at the moment, but it doesn't hinder him to make a mistake: "the officials are joking, how can the river and sea not be calm?"

"Yes, if some people don't mind, the river and the sea are calm."

Langdeli took Huang Luowen's words, and when the latter felt uneasy, he turned to Yan Tianming and said, "officer Yan, I believe that you have asked us to come here today to clarify some things. It happens that I have something to say with you."

Waving his hand, one of the three cars opened. Two members of the Wolf Gang came down from the top with a black sack. They directly came to the three people and threw the bag on the ground. Langdley took a meaningful look at Huang Luowen: "some people want to have an independent family. It can be said that it is unscrupulous!"

Huang Luowen had no thought at the moment. Looking at the rolling back and forth of the sack, he knew that there was someone in it. His expression was gloomy and cold, and his eyes showed a killing chance.

Yan Tianming looked like he didn't know anything. He squatted down and opened the sack. Immediately a man appeared in front of everyone. Yan Tianming also exclaimed: "Huang Shaoguang, isn't he dead?"

Langdeli sneered, "then ask the leader of the Huang Gang!"

Yan Tianming didn't pay attention to Huang Shaoguang, who was completely restrained and could not even speak. He stood up and looked at Huang Luowen. His face showed the momentum of the superior and the heavy words: "leader Huang, is it really the same as what I said just now. In order to suppress the wolf Gang, you have become so despicable?"

"Nothing to say!"

Looking at his son on the ground, Huang Luowen is very cold in his heart. Things have developed to the present. No matter what happens in the process, Huang Shaoguang is not dead, and appears here. All the excuses are broken by themselves. Other people will only think that they are for the throne of Jianghai Jidao, so they intend to release such news.

So at this time, no explanation is the best explanation!

"Good, Huang Luowen." But he does not say, does not mean langdeli does not say, although he does not know the specific process, but see Huang Luowen that kind of not unexpected look at the moment, you know what it is: "you are also a character of the river and sea, if you fight with me openly, even kill me, that is your ability!"Pointing to Huang Shaoguang on the ground, langdeli's strength burst out: "but it seems that this way of playing is interesting?"

"What do you want?" Today, Huang Luowen asked Yan Tianming to meet. Huang Luowen didn't expect that Lang Deli would also appear. But judging from the situation at the moment, Lang Deli was invited by Yan Tianming, and according to the appearance of both sides, it seems that langdeli and Yan Tianming ditch have already passed.

"How about it?" Randley's evil spirit, which seems to have been oppressed for several days, can be released, and the whole person is shrouded in a layer of anger: "because of your ambition and your shamelessness, I have lost a lot of brothers. What do you think I want to do, or, what do you think you should give me and everyone?"

"Remember, you are not only Yin me, you even played Yan staff!"

Huang Luowen's eyes congealed into awn. Although he wanted to refute langdeli's words, any words seemed powerless at the moment. Looking at Yan Tianming, who looked like an outsider, Huang Luowen had completely calmed down: "I don't want to explain some things, and I don't want to explain them. Yan, I believe you have the final idea!"

Yan Tianming eyebrows a pick, showing a warm smile, human and animal harmless: "you don't want to take the whole river and sea pole road?"

When Huang Luowen and langdeliqi were in a daze, Yan Tianming said calmly: "I will give you this opportunity to win a decisive victory. There is a yuan people's Association in Pujiang district and a double pearl Association. I believe their strength is similar. You should have no objection to this?"

Although I don't know what Yan Tianming intends to do, Huang Luowen and langdeli both nodded together. The former continued: "so my decision is that you choose one force to attack. I will give you one month. Who can win or defeat that force? He is the new overlord of Jianghai after Mr. Du!"

Huang Luowen and Lang Deli look shocked, but then they show greed in their eyes. Although this method is very risky and easy to damage their own strength, it is not ruled out that Yan Tianming wants to take the opportunity to consume the strength of the two gangs, but Yan Tianming gives such a guarantee, which is absolutely feasible.

Almost without a second thought, they all said: "it's a deal!"

"Good!" Yan Tianming said in a loud voice, the original gentle face appeared to kill: "but the scandal also said in the front, the final failure of the party should not hesitate to give up all their own to leave the river and sea, I guarantee his life, but if anyone does not admit the debt in the end, then don't blame me for being merciless."

"In addition, you should also remember to me that if it is you who attack the two guilds and eventually annihilate them, then I'm sorry. Do you understand?"

Huang Luowen and langdeli nodded heavily, and then langdeli directly turned to get on the bus and left. Yan Tianming had already said this. Naturally, he understood that if you want to get something from others, you should be prepared to be taken away from you.

Huang Luowen's Green Gang has pointed to the Yuanmin Association in Pujiang District, so Shuangzhu club must be his opponent. Langdeli decided to fight for this opportunity.

"Goodbye, officer Yan!"

After langdeli left, Huang Luowen also untied his son's shackles and said that he did not care about anything that happened in front of him, and Yan Tianming personally promised that Huang Luowen could smell the opportunity. At the moment, he did not worry about the exposure of the attack and killing of Yan Ruyu. He just thought about how to win the Yuan people's Association in Pujiang district.

Yan Tianming just nodded but didn't speak. He held the golf club and waved it gently. Then, a golf ball made a beautiful arc and went to a hundred meters away. Although there was no hole, the distance was only 10 centimeters.

After Huang Luowen gets on the car and takes Huang Shaoguang away, Yan Tianming still stands there quietly waving his club. Every ball flies out and falls at the same distance.

Looking at all this, Jiang Ming on one side was shocked. It can be said that it is a coincidence that a person makes such achievements at one time, but every time it is so far away from the cave entrance, that is strength, but what is the significance of this?

After ten strokes in a row, a lawn cart came and stopped here. Chu Feng got out of the car with a dull smile. He was going to school today, but before he got to school, he was told by Yan Ruyu that Yan Tianming was invited on the way, so Chu Feng came.

Yan Tianming didn't look back. He just went to the 11th ball and suddenly swung. The ball took a curve and fell 100 meters away. It hit a ball. The ball went into a hole, but the last one stayed in place.

Turning around and handing the golf club to Jiang Ming, Yan Tianming pointed to the distance and said to Chu Feng, "everything is like golf. After you are ready, maybe you can enter the hole with a little help."

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