Super Healer

Chapter 198

A thousand people of the Qing Gang slowly surrounded them. Although the secret spies of the Yuan people's Association had already found the people of the Qing Gang, because of the failure last night, they found that they only passed the news to the people behind them, without any other action.


At this time, suddenly did not know who screamed, the Green Gang of thousands of people instantly boiling up, Qiqi's machete toward the vaguely visible people of the Yuan people's Association, eyes flowing with the light of killing, the ferocity of human nature, at this moment.

The war is on the verge of outbreak. Although we don't want to have such endless fierce battles with the people of the Qing Gang, when facing death, the remnant members of the Yuan people's Association also burst out with ferocious nature. At this time, only by killing the other party can they live better.

What's more, they found that the number of people who came here tonight seems to be less than that of last night. What's more, they don't have that kind of fear. Under the condition of equal strength, they fight for who is the most ruthless.

Soon, in every corner, the fight has reached the white hot stage. For the bottom thugs, killing the enemy is what they need to do. They don't need any reason, and what a gorgeous move. As long as they can kill, then it's OK.

Compared with the members of the Yuan people's Association, the members of the Qing Gang are always better than those of the Yuan people's Association. Although the members of the Yuan people's Association occupy a geographical advantage, the Green Gang's good war makes up for this deficiency. Moreover, both sides have fought fiercely for many times. Everyone knows each other's strength. All the members of the Qingbang are all scholars.

Because they know that there are still 7000 people in the back, and they can come up at any time!

The people of the Yuan people's association are also very clear about this, so they try their best to be very fierce, because they understand more clearly that if the follow-up forces of the Qing Gang come up, the death of the Yuan people's Association is only a matter of time. Now, as long as they defeat the people in front of them, they can be more calm.

While the members of the Green Gang were crying out to kill all the members of the Yuan people's Association, some people suddenly jumped out of those inconspicuous corners in the dark. All of them were black swords that were almost integrated with the night, and flashed out and stabbed the green gang members who were heading forward.

Those people responded only after being assassinated, stunned and angry.

The men in black who were successful in one shot didn't stay. They hid in the dark with their clothes that were almost integrated with the night, waiting for an opportunity. Such things happened not only in one place, but also in places where many young people were attacked.

What's even more disturbing is that those people in black fled quickly after they appeared, giving no time for others to react. Moreover, they seemed to be very familiar with the surrounding environment. Waiting for someone to catch up with them, the men in black had disappeared.

"There are enemies in the dark. Be careful

The leader stood at the front and looked at the charging Green Gang. Hearing the scream coming from behind, he immediately figured out what had happened. He yelled loudly and then flashed out a machete. In such an environment, no one could say that he would not die.

In addition, the old area of Pujiang is exactly the kind of community building decades ago, and the distance between them is not very big. As long as a person is really hidden in the dark, it can't be seen at all.

Originally, according to the strength of the 8000 members of the Qing Gang, it was enough to wipe out the Yuan people's Association overnight, but it was because the people of the Yuan people's Association were too familiar with this area that they could not do overwhelming killing.

Although the leader of the team has already made a warning, the silent attack and killing will always happen, which makes people unable to defend themselves. Many members of the Green Gang are in a panic at the moment. They should not only guard against the people who are fighting with themselves, but also those who may appear in the dark.

"Big brother, if we don't fight like this, we will be finished!"

When the leader's face became more and more ugly, a horse faced man ran up to him and said anxiously: "those who secretly did not kill our people, but made them seriously injured and lost their combat effectiveness. Now we need to treat them immediately, otherwise we will all die."

"I already know. Get out of here!" Originally, I thought that this evening was a battle to get the upper capital. I didn't want to see such a thing happen at the moment. The leader slapped the horse faced man in a confused mood: "these bastards, or you'll kill them. What do you mean by this?"

To be the leader of the first World War of the Youth League tonight, he is not a fool without a brain.

If you kill the members of the Green Gang directly, you can arouse the ferocity of your companions. Although you will lose manpower, it is worth the harvest. But at the moment, those people don't kill the members of the Green Gang, they are only seriously injured. When they hear those screams, the leader's face looks ugly. If it goes on like this, the morale of the Green Gang will be lost.

Seeing that the people of the Yuan people's Association have become more fierce because of such changes, the leader of the team thought about it and took out the phone to dial it out: "Lord Luo, the Yuan people's Association has hidden people in the dark. Now they don't kill people, but only seriously injure our people. I don't know the specific number of people in secret. Now we need support."

When saying these words, the leader of the team was very uneasy. He promised again and again when he came. However, he needed support less than half an hour after the fierce battle started. He didn't want to know that he would be scolded."What, hidden people, only hurt people, not kill people?"

The leader's face was a little strange, because he heard some special voice on the other end of the phone when he got through the phone in huluo. It was good to be the leader in the dark. However, he immediately organized the language and said, "I don't know. Just when I ordered the killing, they appeared. Maybe it was the support from the Yuan people's Association."

"The support of the Yuan people's Association? I see. You'll watch for me first

Hu Luo, who was still very angry, calmed down and thought about these unreasonable things. After cutting off the phone, although the woman's body was very warm, at the moment, huluo was not in the mood at all. He casually pulled his pants and walked out of the utility room. He assured Huang Luowen that he would take Pujiang District in three days. Now it is the second day.

"This dwarf, only as big as my little finger, is also playing with women. He has no feeling at all when he shouts with him." After huluo left and the door of the utility room was closed, the woman who had been pressed by huluo just now murmured. However, she was very happy when she thought of getting 20000 yuan.

"Who, this is our president's command office. What are you doing here?"

Chu Feng's body just appeared before the warehouse was found by the guards. A man with long hair yelled out. Compared with the fighting field in front of him, it is too quiet here. He always needs to be careful when such a person suddenly appears.

"President, are you talking about yuan Xinggang?" Chu Feng stopped and showed a warm smile. It seemed that people and animals were harmless. Just standing there gave people the appearance that Mount Tai collapsed in front of me and I was as stable as a rock.

"The president is seriously injured. Now the deputy president is yuan xingyong, who are you?"

When the man heard Chu Feng say yuan Xinggang's name, his subordinates grasped the handle of the knife consciously, and his eyes narrowed slightly: "if you don't say it, I will follow the requirements of the president. If you don't know, there will be no amnesty."

The smile of Chu Feng's mouth is more vigorous. Yuan xingyong, vice president? Even if yuan Xinggang is injured, it seems that he does not need to be called the president, right?

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