Super Healer

Chapter 199

Seeing Chu Feng, he just laughed, but he didn't mean to leave. Dozens of guards tightened their bodies in an instant, and their eyes twinkled with vigilance. They were told by yuan xingyong that even if they were dead, they could not be disturbed!

Although I don't know what yuan xingyong is going to do, Chu Feng doesn't mean to leave at the moment. Instead, he laughs. The guards subconsciously touch their hands on the knife.

Without waiting for the guard to continue to speak, Chu Feng suddenly took the knife from the speaker's hand. It all happened too quickly. Waiting for the knife to pass by, the original speaker fell to the ground. They didn't even know how Chu Feng made his move, so he died?

Chu Feng didn't have to stop to say two sentences after killing a person like the one shown in the movie. After one knife ended the man, he continued to move towards the inside, bringing out a momentum of indomitable.

At this time, the guards also responded, dozens of people moved, and everyone tightly held the knife in their hands. It seems that only the knife can give them a sense of security.

Because Chu Feng looks very beautiful, but when he starts to move his hands, he can feel the shaking from his heart.

Chu Feng didn't have any gorgeous moves to kill the enemy with a knife. So although there were many enemies, there was no one who could evade a move under Chu Feng's knife.

Toward the warehouse stairs step by step to go, step by step a knife a life, Chu Feng perfect show life such as grass-roots indifference.

When those guards saw Chu Feng killing his companions like a god of war, all of them broke out ferocity. Five people united together and waved their machetes towards Chu Feng, but their speed was very fast, and Chu Feng's speed was even faster.

Only saw a knife light suddenly appeared, five people subconsciously squint eyes, but then the body a shock, felt a chill from the neck, and then the body fell together!

Less than a minute from the beginning, more than ten people died under the knife of Chu Feng, which made a strong impact on the rest of the people.

But the more so, the more they want to stop Chu Feng, because if you let him in, even if Chu Feng doesn't kill them now, yuan xingyong will kill them in the end.

Chu Feng's mouth was cold and his left eye was shining. Although his whole body was injured during this period of time, he was still able to deal with these people in front of him, but the consumption was a little higher than before.

A member of the Yuan people's Association caught a hole and stabbed Chu Feng's waist with ferocity in his eyes.

But just when he thought that he could solve Chu Feng with a knife, the latter moved away, and his face changed with astonishment. Because the knife that couldn't stop from inertia directly ran into the body of a companion. The man's eyes flashed with amazement. Why did he die in the hands of his companion?

The man who made the knife didn't expect that he would kill him by mistake, but before he could react, Chu Feng pierced his body with his backhand and walked on indifferently!

At the moment, Chu Feng has already reached the stairway, but there are more than 20 yuan people's Association members here, three in the front, four in the back, the rest of the people are trying to get ahead, in order to find a suitable opportunity to kill Chu Feng.

However, Chu Feng seemed to have a third eye in nature. No matter what actions the people of the Yuan people's Association did, he eventually got insight into them. The people who died were themselves.

The light of the sword is bright and the scream is continuous. Facing the enemy, Chu Feng is not as kind as he was at the beginning. He hurts but doesn't kill him. At the moment, as long as he comes up, all of them are lethal. He won't waste any more strength.

At this time, the remaining members of the Yuan people's Association found that there were only a dozen left on their side. Looking at Chu Feng, who was bathed in blood like a god of death, his eyes were replaced by fear from the beginning of violence, just as Chu Feng was no longer a human being, but a god of death harvesting life.

Finally, a member of the Yuan people's Association who had poor psychological resistance lost his knife. Although he had been fighting for several years in Jidao, it didn't mean that they were not afraid of anything. Naturally, it didn't matter if they died with a knife. However, it would be cruel if they knew they were going to die and suffer the psychological torture before death.

Chu Feng's eyes were focused, and the blade in his hand came out of his hand, and turned into a cold light, which directly went into the body of the people's Association of the Yuan Dynasty who wanted to escape, accompanied by merciless words: "kill if you want, run if you want, do I approve?"

Looking at this moment, a look of vigilance, but no one dares to come up to the Yuan people's Association: "put down the knife in your hand!"

People's bodies were shaking, and they might have thought it was a joke ten minutes ago. But facing the murderous Chu Feng, they felt cold all over their bodies for no reason, and their legs and stomachs were constantly shivering there. It seemed that as long as Chu Feng was willing and had a look, they could die.

"I said Chu Feng's tone was low, and his eyes slowly swept the rest of the Yuan people's Association: "put down the knife in your hand!"

This time, as if by electric shock, all the remaining people dropped their swords one after another. Their eyes were tense and looked at Chu Feng in fear. It seemed that those who were waiting for trial after committing crimes were worried and uneasy!Chu Feng did not go to the stairway at the moment, but turned around to look at the stairway. His voice was unquestionable: "go up!"


More than a dozen people were in a daze. What on earth is this? If you don't kill them or let them go, they are allowed to go up. What are they going to do?

But touching Chu Feng's eyes again, almost no longer hesitated, they all went toward the stairway. When they went up to the second floor and passed by Chu Feng, they instinctively opened a little distance, as if they were close to Chu Feng, they were close to death.

Chu Feng with more than 10 people into the stairwell, the body is also in slow retrogression, wait until five steps after the exit, eyes flash a cold light!

Almost at this moment, there were continuous screams from upstairs. Under the perspective of Chu Feng, we could see everything. The smile on the corner of his mouth began to be obvious: "interesting!"

"It's so boring that you can't come up."

It seems that in order to respond to Chu Feng's words, a man came down from the second floor with people. His eyes sometimes flashed a sinister color. Listening to the scream coming from behind, he snorted coldly: "a group of rubbish, they abandoned their knives before they died. No wonder when they were swept away by the Green Gang, they just knew how to escape."

A slight sigh, a pair of distressed look: "cannon fodder is cannon fodder, difficult to become a big tool!"

Yuan xingyong walked three meters away from Chu Feng and stopped. At the moment, the scream from the upstairs had stopped. He looked at the people who had died on the ground around him. He could not see much emotion in his eyes: "I started to think that big brother is stupid. How could he cooperate with a hairy child, but now it seems that I am wrong."

"You have the qualification to kill dozens of people with one knife per person and deter and abandon the sword."

When shaking his head, the 30 people who followed yuan xingyong slowly presented an encirclement circle to encircle the Chu wind. Twenty people came down from the top again. Yuan xingyong sighed: "just don't know, can you kill again?"

"Old class, good!" Chu Feng looks at the people around him. Everyone's face is calm. Even if he is standing and holding a knife, he gives people a sense of coordination: "it's just yuan Xinggang, do you know?"

"Or, what benefits did the Green Gang give you?"

At the moment, the people who surround themselves are all the old members of the Yuan people's Association. They are not very strong, but they are good at fighting against two. However, these people should have followed yuan Xinggang's advice, but they are under the control of yuan xingyong at the moment!

"People die for money, birds die for food, big brother is pedantic!" Yuan xingyong didn't seem to be in a hurry at the moment. He looked at the people around him and said, "except for a few pedantic people like my elder brother who went to see the king of hell, who didn't get 200000 yuan and enjoy more wine and beauty in the future

Chu Feng nodded slightly, it seems that there is no absolute loyalty, only eternal interests: "got it!"

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