Super Healer

Chapter 200

Yuan Xinggang was not seriously injured in the fierce battle with the Green Gang as the outside world claimed. He was basically put under house arrest by his brother yuan xingyong.

Although Chu Feng didn't know the whole story, he could still see the essence of the matter. If he was right, Yuan Xinggang pursued a clear conscience, but yuan xingyong pursued fame and fortune. Looking around, he sighed: "what would yuan Xinggang do if he knew that so many people betrayed him?"

"Don't say it's meaningless. What we pursue these years is profit. If I can give them good food, drink and fun, then I will be the boss."

Yuan xingyong's face twitched for a moment, then interrupted Chu Feng's words and said in a cruel voice: "my brother, what's the purpose of helping the people at the bottom of the society, and what benefits can be obtained by helping those farting people? We all fight with our lives. We don't have enough interests. Who would like to follow him, and I can!"

"You're right. In this era, the pursuit of interests." Chu Feng nodded and did not deny that yuan xingyong was right. In this era, no one is willing to be a gangster. Some are forced to be helpless, some need better enjoyment. After all, they have no background. This is the only way to rise.

In other words, it is the most simple and direct way!

Although he felt a little sympathy for yuan Xinggang, he was betrayed by so many old brothers just because he had a little idea in his mind. However, that's all. Although the extreme pursuit of profit, his original intention still needs to be adhered to. It's like yuan xingyong's brother who is in charge of his position and interests.

Even if he finally stands on the top of the peak, he is just a lonely poor man.

"Well, I've told you so much that you haven't introduced yourself yet."

There seems to be no fear of Chu Feng. Yuan xingyong's heart is a little curious, but when he thinks of his own arrangement this evening, he has more confidence: "my name is yuan xingyong. Yuan Xinggang is my brother. You may or may not know, but that's not important."

Looking at Chu Feng's interested look, yuan xingyong frowned: "the important thing is, if you don't give me the conditions to be satisfied tonight, you will have to die. Of course, before you die, will you let me know you?"

"It seems that you are not very old. If you can control some things, you can be regarded as a little capable."

"A little bit of ability, isn't it?" Chu Feng nodded with a smile and looked at yuan xingyong: "it's just that you said I would die tonight, but I don't believe it. Do you know why?"

Seeing Chu Feng's fleeting smile, yuan xingyong suddenly felt uneasy: "what do you mean?"

Chu Feng pointed to the back, and now the scene of the fierce battle: "you should appear before I start, take me, or even kill me, instead of talking so much nonsense with me, because the battlefield is changing rapidly, don't you worry about what happens to your allies and no longer trust you?"

Yuan xingyong's face changed and he said, "what ally, I don't know what you're talking about!"

"You certainly don't know, but I'm sure you'll find out later." Chu Feng now vaguely guessed that yuan xingyong had betrayed his brother and united with the Green Gang. Otherwise, according to Yan Tianming, Huang Luowen was fighting for time, and he would not just send thousands of people to attack.

However, it was sent out this evening, which shows a lot of problems. First, the Green Gang is very confident in its own strength, and the second is that it has mastered the confidence to win, so there is no need to send out too much power.

Yuan xingyong's appearance at this moment is a better proof of Chu Feng's idea. There are ghosts in the Yuan people's Association. Although yuan Xinggang is not very familiar with Chu Feng, Yuan Xinggang, who was born as a soldier, and his personality, even if he knew his own existence, he would not speak out to get a chance of life.

But his younger brother, yuan xingyong, is covered with a layer of greedy color, such a person, absolutely will!

"I don't know what you're talking about. If that's what you're talking about, die!"

Only two people know about the secret talks between him and huluo. Even yuan Xinggang, who is under house arrest at the moment, only thinks that he is greedy for wealth and wealth, and that's why yuan xingyong was able to take charge of the Yuan people's Association. However, it is one thing to covet wealth and another to collude with the youth gang.

Under the pressure of one hand, more than a dozen veteran generals of the Yuan people's Association walked toward Chu Feng indifferently. As soldiers, they would not waver in their minds because of their words. Although at the moment, what Chu Feng said has something to study, they habitually think in their own interests.

No doubt, now and Yuan xingyong cooperation, is the choice of maximizing interests!

"If you don't die, you won't die!"

Looking at more than ten veteran generals of the Yuan people's Association coming towards him, Chu Feng gently shakes his head. It's a little pity, but also a little sad for these people. One hand slowly raised, and then put it down without hesitation!

All the people saw the gesture of Chu Feng, and they were curious about what they were calling for. Just before they could understand something, there was a sound of breaking the sky in the night. Yuan xingyong's squinted eyes were frozen: "crossbow arrow!"Seeing what was plundered in the night, yuan xingyong almost did not hesitate to turn back and go. He hid behind the wall of the stairwell in an instant, and his heart was in ups and downs. At the moment, he finally realized that there was a gap between the plan for the night and what he expected.

According to the truth, when Chu Feng appeared, it was the end of the fierce battle. But now Chu Feng appeared, but the fierce battle ahead did not seem to stop.

He took out the phone, temporarily ignored what kind of risk was hidden in the dark, dialled his hope: "Lord Luo, the person who cooperated with my elder brother has appeared. Why are your people still attacking the people of the Yuan people's Association? Is it not agreed that I will call you, and you will order to stop the attack?"

"And then gather our strength to take down the man who influenced the Yuan people's Association?"

At the moment, huluo was standing in the rear of the fierce battle when he received a call from yuan xingyong, and his eyes showed a fierce look: "it's good to say to me, who told me that this evening is to play soy sauce, at most, it's a little fight, the purpose is to draw people out of the dark, but do you know how many people die in the Qing Gang now?"

Then there was a sneer on huluo's face: "but I'm really stupid. We are enemies who never die. I believe you will betray your big brother. Now it seems that it is nothing more than paralyzing my nerves, so that we can kill the most people in the Green Gang at the least cost. What a mission spy!"

"Yuan xingyong, I'll tell you, if I don't take your head tonight, I'll take your surname!"

Then he cut off the phone. He had promised Huang Luowen that he would win Pujiang district at the lowest cost. However, he had just received a report that an unknown force was hidden in the dark and had helped the Yuan people's Association to kill many people of the youth gang.

It's not that the members of the Green Gang are not fierce enough. It's really that the people's defense in the dark is too weak to prevent, which disperses too much energy from the members of the Green Gang.

Huluo knew that he couldn't wait any longer. Otherwise, even if he won the final victory tonight, he would only win miserably. He dialed Hu Yuan's phone: "my plan has changed a little. I'll bring the garrison to the scene immediately. I'll take the Yuan people's Association at all costs and explain to the leader of the gang!"

Hu Yuan, who was playing with women, began to know that huluo's plan was also a good secret Road, so he didn't worry too much. Instead, he played with women at ease. But when he heard huluo's phone call, Huyuan suddenly became cold: "Damn it, I said that there are brothers and brothers who can hurt each other in the world. I thought it was in ancient times!"

Chu Feng looked at the members of the Yuan people's Association who had been shot and killed by crossbows. He was not surprised or pleased in his eyes. He connected the phone: "sister Yan, I'm really sorry to disturb your rest. I'll tell you something I overheard in the bar now!"

After talking to Liu Yan, Chu Feng immediately dialed another phone call and drew up a light smile: "observe the police action. After the police begin to act, you can start our plan. I believe that the sun will rise tomorrow, and the river and sea will tremble for you!"

There was a silence on the other end of the phone, and a slightly grateful word came: "thank you!"

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