Super Healer

Chapter 204

Although the black widow reneged, on the one hand, she chose to cooperate with langdeli, but she did not hesitate to stab the knife when she got the opportunity. The Wolf Gang was only stationed at 200 people. Although langdley's self-confidence made the black widow know that there might be some elite of the Wolf Gang in the dark.

However, the black widow would not miss this rare opportunity, so she ordered the attack without hesitation.

Moreover, she was confident that she would send out thousands of people to smash all plots. She knew a lot about the wild wolf gang and the Green Gang. She knew that even if there was a secret force in the Wolf Gang, there would be 300 people to die. This was learned through comprehensive information from many aspects.

After the black widow's order came, the members of the double pearl Association changed from encirclement to attack. Facing the closed door of the Wolf Gang, dozens of Shuangzhu club members rushed forward to overthrow it with powerful manpower!

Although the gate was strong enough, it did not take long for the gate to collapse with the help of dozens of people. At this moment, the members of the double pearl association all turned into wild wolves and rushed towards it in droves. Their goal tonight is to occupy the headquarters of the Wolf Gang and kill its leader, randley.

None of the Wolf Gang can stay in the headquarters. Although facing the enemy several times as many as its own, it does not show any panic. Under the command of the leader, it has set up three defense lines in the courtyard near the headquarters building.

The first line of defense is a hundred people. Each person's hand is a black machete. This is also a weapon that many members of Jidao like to use now. Most of the fighting time is at night. The machetes similar to the night can kill the enemy better and more effectively.

Although the number of members of the association is large, it is still difficult to play its due power in the face of obstacles. The two sides are deadlocked for a time.

The members of the Shuangzhu club can't push forward, but the members of the wild wolf gang can't beat them back. It's just that everyone knows that one hundred people in the first line of defense will die one less. After more than ten minutes, they will be completely submerged and killed by the elite of Shuangzhu club.

"Spread it all away for me!"

At this time, the leader of the double pearl Association cheered. The members of the double pearl Association who were originally attacking the first line of defense quickly scattered. A bus rolled over the fallen gate and came inside. The leader of the wild wolf Gang suddenly changed his face: "Damn it!"

The leader of the double Pearl Club grinned grimly: "is it possible to stop us waiting for support?" Big hand waved: "hit me, I let you three lines of defense can not play any role, let you all become lambs to be slaughtered."

Shuangzhuhui, the elite in the bus, was excited with a twinkling on his face. He licked his tongue and fiercely stood at the gas door there, ready to destroy the three defense lines of the Wolf Gang and strive for quick victory.

Just when he was about to let go of the gas pedal, a cold light suddenly passed by, and the sound of broken glass sounded at the moment. He looked down at the position of his heart in amazement, and his eyes were full of disbelief: "how could this happen?"

He never knew the answer to this question. He was surprised to find out where the crossbow came from.

"There's an enemy in the dark, watch out!"

After hearing the sound of broken glass, the leader of Shuangzhu Club turned back subconsciously. He happened to see the member of Shuangzhu club who was lying on the seat. His face changed greatly and he yelled. The machete in his hand also pointed to the first line of Defense: "impact!"

Originally, he wanted to use the bus to run into the car directly, but the driver was attacked and killed before he started. Although he could organize a second time, who knows if there are still cold arrows attacking him secretly. Though the cost may be higher, he still chooses the most direct way to destroy the defense line of the Wolf Gang.

"Wolf Gang, is it time to do something?"

Chu Feng stood in the room of a building in the distance and looked at the members of the Shuangzhu club who were fighting. He could see that langdeli was not in a hurry at the moment. Instead, he drank red wine leisurely. To his surprise, he could not see where the hope of the Wolf Gang was!

Xia Yan is also very curious about this. According to the truth, at the moment, the wild wolf Gang should be able to recover the elite of the Green Gang. However, it has just been reported that the 6000 people led out by the northwest wolf and the golden wolf have no intention of returning. It seems that they are not worried about the attack on the headquarters.

No worries about landley's safety.

All this seems a little strange. Xia Yan and Chu Feng are equally curious. Where does langdeli's confidence come from? According to their investigation and understanding, there are only 8000 people in the wild wolf gang. Except for 6000 people, the rest of them have to stay in the rest of the place, so there is no support at all!

Within this time, the first line of defense of the wild wolf gang was broken in a short time because of the leading soldiers of Shuangzhu Association. After more than 40 people were killed and injured, the rest retreated to the second line of defense.

The morale of breaking the first line of defense was like a rainbow, which made the members of the Shuangzhu club more powerful. They howled at the second line of defense. When a person died, the people in the back immediately replaced them. They did not give the members of the Wolf Gang stationed in the second line of defense any chance to fight back and breathe.The second line of defense was broken without any suspense, and the members of the Wolf Gang once again lost more than 50 lives.

The members of the Wolf Gang gathered in the third line of defense were less than 100, but there was no panic in their eyes. In the noncommittal smile of the leader of Shuangzhu Association, the leader of the Wolf Gang called out: "back into the building!"

"Want to run, is it possible?"

The members of the Shuangzhu Association sneered and wanted to make fun of the Wolf Gang. When they gave up the third line of defense, they smelled an unusual smell. Suddenly, the standing earth moved, as if it was an earthquake!

The rest of the members of the double pearl association were also in a daze. Qi Qi looked back and saw a huge iron gate emerging from the ground where the gate had been overthrown, completely isolating the space from the outside.

At the moment, there are only 200 people left outside. They are all in a daze when they see such a change. But after they are stunned, they all run to the inside quickly. They want to prevent the gate from rising to block the connection between the two sides. However, human power can't play a role in the ton iron gate.

And on the wall surrounding the headquarters of the Wolf Gang, there was a flash of electric light. Everyone was surprised. The iron fence on the wall was full of electric current. Now it is impossible to climb into the wall.

The leader of Shuangzhu Association changed his face and smelled a breath of danger. Unexpectedly, there was such a mechanism in the Wolf Gang: "run into the building, or there will be danger!"

But just as his voice dropped, a big iron door suddenly appeared at the door of the headquarters building, and the rest of the doors and windows were closed, leaving no room for them to enter. At the moment, the headquarters garden of the Wolf Gang has become a city without fortification.

"I see!"

Chu Feng in the opposite room saw this scene, and began to wonder how langdeli could solve these crises without mobilizing his staff. But now it seems that langdeli has long planned.

What's more, Chu Feng can see that the walls and iron gates are covered with high-voltage electricity, even the headquarters building. The members of the Shuangzhu club have changed from hunters to prey.

"Damn it, randley, a cunning old man, no wonder he's so confident!"

The black widow in the car in the distance also received the news. She said in a cold voice that the headquarters of the wild wolf Gang couldn't get in or out. At the moment, she also understood why langdley didn't mobilize the northwest wolves to come back. It turned out that she was going to trap the Shuangzhu club, and wanted to wait for the final move.

Originally, I thought that he wanted to kill two birds with one stone. Now it seems that langdeli is also like this. He not only wants to win the Green Gang, but also consumes the strength of Shuangzhu club!

"Young lady, please don't be impatient. It's just a small skill!" When the black widow capsized in the dark ditch, a middle-aged man with triangular eyes sitting beside her chuckled and picked up the phone: "Captain Wan, this is Shentong. Please cut off the power supply to the headquarters of the Wolf Gang!"

The black widow a Leng, immediately erect thumb: "still pass uncle Gao Zhao!"

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