Super Healer

Chapter 205

"Double Pearl Club? Gang of girls

Langdeli stood outside the window of the office and looked at the members of the Shuangzhu association below. He didn't worry that someone would shoot a cold gun. If there were guns in the Jidao battle, it would be totally against the official rules. Yan Tianming could allow them to have a overlord after the fight.

But it doesn't mean Yan Tianming can ignore them using guns. Everyone has a bottom line. If it is easy to break, then the rules are not rules.

When all the members of the double pearl society met Langley, the latter sneered: "but I am generous. As long as you give up your arms and surrender and show your willingness to surrender to my Wolf Gang, then you are members of the Wolf Gang. I will never pay my brother."

"Randley, kill if you want to. What do you do with all that nonsense? It's shameful to play some tricks."

The leader of Shuangzhu club looks extremely ugly. He thought that tonight was the time for him to show his strength. However, the boat capsized in the gutter. The advantage of the number of people is here. But at the moment, he can't move at all. How difficult is it to break out?

"Intrigue? Shame? I think it's ridiculous "Since ancient times, everyone will care about the result, who will care about the process. Others will only say that you Shuangzhu will attack the Wolf Gang which is stationed by two hundred people and fail."

"But who would say I, randley, set a trap for you?"

After lighting a cigarette and puffing out a puff of smoke, Langley continued, "besides, I'm just trapping you, and I'm not killing you, waiting for my people to get rid of the gang's scum, and then clean you up. In this way, I'm not mean, and compared with you black widows, what am I

The leader of Shuangzhu Association changed his face and wanted to refute langdley's words. However, he also knew that he was right. Originally, Shuangzhu Association and the Wolf Gang were allies tonight, but the black widow, the president of the association, stabbed the knife secretly. He wanted to take advantage of the Wolf Gang's emptiness, and directly took advantage of landley to kill them.

In this way, Langley is nothing but his own way and his own treatment!

While langdley was looking at the time and counting the time when the wolves would return, the lights in the surrounding area suddenly flickered and went out in an instant. At the same time, a hotel in the distance, which was said to never turn off the lights, was also dim.

Is there a power failure?

Langdeli's mind at the moment directly jumped out of this word, but then shook his head, the Wolf Gang headquarters here, there has never been a power failure, tonight such a critical time power failure, randley immediately smell a hint of conspiracy.

The leader of the double Pearl Club burst into laughter after his astonishment, and the man in his eyes who fell into the trap did not want to completely dissipate: "randley, the sky is going to kill you!" Big hand a wave: "brothers, kill me, tonight in any case, we must help the wolf to end."

The rest of the members of the Shuangzhu association also knew that the power was off, and they all laughed. They could also encounter the situation turning over. The excited mood could not be explained.

Outside the iron gate, the members of the double pearl association also found the power failure. They began to hit the iron gate violently. Finally, they found that the human power could not be shaken. A member of the double pearl Association called: "you all get out of the way. I'll knock it down directly by driving!"

At the beginning, it was because there was electric current all over the heavy iron door, so driving into a car was just looking for death. But now, without the current, no one could stop them.

A bus quickly started up, and inside is impacting the headquarters building of the double Pearl Club members echo, Qi Qi launch victory roar.

With a loud bang, the members of the double Pearl Club were supposed to hit the iron gate, but thinking that the iron gate was very thick, they finally chose to hit the wall directly. However, the wall with good quality collapsed directly, and the front of the bus collapsed a little.

But at the moment, no one cares about these things. As the bus retreats to make way for the collapsed passage more than 10 meters wide, more than 200 members of the Shuangzhu club who stayed outside also began to rush into the garden, showing the madness of human beings.

"Black widow, how on earth did you do it?"

At the moment, landley is dialing the power group leader's phone. These people who are usually not on the table in his eyes are in danger at the moment. However, he also knows that the reshuffle between the extreme and the Dao, unless it is the police, will intervene, and other departments have tacit agreement to choose neutral.

However, the sudden blackout tonight made his defense line against all things broken in an instant. Randley believed that it was definitely a conspiracy, but where did the people in the power group come from to stop the power supply? Were they not afraid of their own revenge?

Looking down at the Shuangzhu club members who are attacking the defense of the headquarters building under the leader's organization, langdley knows that this is not the time to investigate these matters. His fingers are rubbing on his mobile phone, as if he is making a decision.

His eyes were far away, and as the gate broke, Langley decided, "it seems that it's the critical time."Dialing a number, Langley felt that this was the most oppressive time in history: "Snow Wolf, you can move, headquarters, can only persist for 10 minutes, if you can't come, I will die!"

After he cut off the phone, landley took a deep breath and lit a cigarette again to relieve his depression. He thought of the question just now. How did the black widow get the official department to get in?

"There is little wind. It seems that we can't do it now!"

Xia Yan and Chu Feng have been looking at everything on the scene. At the moment, the power has been cut off. They are standing by the window and no one can find out. They look at the members of the Shuangzhu Association who have broken into the building: "the Wolf Gang is very dangerous tonight. As long as the black widow really kills langdeli and removes Huang Luowen's threat, it is equivalent to taking the position of the new overlord of Jianghai!"

Chu Feng did not speak. According to Yan Tianming's meaning, who can win the greatest degree, then the official forces will go out to eliminate everything for him and establish his position as the overlord of the river and sea.

Although Yan Shuang Wen Gang is not worried about being taken advantage of Huang Shuang Ming Gang's vacant position, Luo Shuang Ming's main concern is that Luo Shuang Ming will not be caught by Huang Shuang Ming's gang.

"Maybe, the Wolf Gang will be won, but Shuangzhu may not win either."

At this time, Chu Feng's eyes solidified and looked at the dozens of vans that were flying in the distance, and his mouth raised a smile: "if you can become the overlord of the wild wolf gang and have been in charge of the river and sea for 20 years, if you could die so easily, you would have died a long time ago."

Xia Yan also saw the van coming at a gallop, only to be surprised: "langdeli has support, where are the people?"

At this time, not only Xia Yan was curious, but even the black widow who was aware of it was also very curious. At first, when she saw those electric current defenses appearing, she thought that it was randley's card. If she did not cut off the power, Shuangzhu would lose thousands of people there tonight.

But where are the people who are killed now? Didn't the wolf gang members who attacked Shuangzhu club last night take another month to move? What's going on?

"It's said that there are three wolves in the wild wolf gang. Have you seen the snow wolf?" At the moment, Shen Tong, who had been closed his eyes after calling for power failure, opened his eyes again: "it is said that he is the first battle General of the Wolf Gang. It is said that he is the adopted son of Huang Luowen of the Green Gang. He is an expert in fighting. He is able to lay down dozens of people by himself."

The black widow's eyes coagulated: "Uncle Tong, what do you mean, the snow wolf that rarely appears now is the one who doesn't know if there is one?"

"Maybe, maybe not, but whether he is or not, tonight he is a dead man."

Shen Tong shrugged his shoulders and twisted his head to open the car door. His body shot out directly. The speed was very fast. In the blink of an eye, things went out a hundred meters. Seeing this scene, the black widow's face appeared a smile: "Uncle Tong, you will win!"

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