Super Healer

Chapter 2147

Yan was not allowed to be abandoned as a dog by Chu Feng, which was unexpected and unacceptable.

Because Yan forbid became the leader of the clan for so many years, he has always been superior. Except for the ancestor of Yan family who has not appeared for a long time, Yan Bu is the strongest and absolute authority of Dan sect. No one, even Yan Xishan, dare not disobey Yan Bu's meaning sometimes.

It was just that they were not allowed to be allowed to live in God's palace in their hearts. Now they were abandoned by Chu Feng. The absolute necrosis of limbs could not be repaired. Even the elixir against the heaven was impossible. People couldn't accept it for a while.

But Yan not allowed is very calm, also slightly smile: "thank you!"

Chu Feng did not continue to pay attention to Yan Bu's meaning. Yan Xishan has died, and Yan Bu is now abandoned. Now there is no one in danzong who can compete with him. If he wants to, he can destroy the whole danzong in the shortest time, so there is no pressure to sit on the ground.

Yan Lu in the distance saw Yan not allow that miserable appearance, could not help but exclaim: "Lord!"

Regardless of Chu Feng sitting on the side of Yan Xi mountain, Yan Lu quickly past, looking at the embarrassed Yan can not, eyes puzzled asked: "why do you want to do that?"

Chu Feng's attack just now was aimed at her. If Yan Bu didn't block it for her, she is the one who is seriously injured now. Yan Lu's heart can't accept such a thing, because her heart only hates Yan Bu and can't accept this kind of love.

Yan forbid coughed gently, and his face was that kind of regretless look. He said slowly: "many people think I am a patriarch who doesn't care about his feelings. Many years ago, he even killed the man you love, and even the other excellent people of danzong have no independent right. I am just like a dictator.

It's just that sometimes I feel helpless. It's not that I want to do it, but I have to do it. The four forces in the hidden world check and balance each other. I know very well that once the strength of one side weakens a little, it is a disaster of destruction. We need to constantly become stronger.

You are one of the few powerful deities in danzong, and you are also an excellent woman. In addition to considering the future of danzong, I also have my own selfishness. I am the patriarch. I think a good woman like you should belong to me. So when I know you have found another man, I can't help but kill that man.

It's just that I regret that I killed him, because before you saw me, you would smile a little, and since then, you have stayed in your bamboo grove except for the necessary things of danzong. I knew I was wrong.

I don't have too many wishes. I just want you to be good. I don't beg your forgiveness. I just do something I think I should do. Because over the years, I have found that I have,,, "

Yan can't continue to say what he wants to say, but the people on the scene know what he wants to say, that is, in the years of paying attention to and staring at Yan Lu After unknowingly fell in love with this woman, so just when Chu Feng attacked Yan Lu, he would naturally be desperate to kill out.

Yan Lu took a deep breath and closed her eyes. She could accept everything, but she couldn't accept that Yan Bu fell in love with herself, and didn't want to see him die for her.

Because in that case, the hatred in her heart will be shaken and will become fragile. Because for many years, she has lived by her hatred for Yan Bu and her anger for Yan Xishan. If she can accept that a person she hates dies for her own sake?

Yan Lu held back the sadness in her heart, took out a pill from her body and put it into Yan Bu's mouth: "don't say anything. Keep the wound steady. Danzong needs you."

Don't want to listen to Yan forbid to say those words again, Yan Lu stood up and faced Chu Feng with a cold face: "what do you want?"

Chu Feng was very idle looking at Yan Lu. His eyes did not fluctuate in a slightest way. He could not see a trace in the valley of the golden orchid. Even the strong sense of Yan Lou could not see a familiar feeling on Chu Feng's face.

Taking back his eyes, Chu Feng faintly replied: "when Yan is not allowed to die, I will leave. I will only kill those who oppress me and those who hurt my relatives."

Yan forbids sending people to kill Chu Feng, who has just arrived in the hidden world. Yan Xishan killed Chu Jinglei. All these are enough reasons for Chu Feng to kill them. However, he and the rest of danzong do not have much gratitude and resentment. Even if there is any, it is because Yan Xishan and Yan forbid.

Now one of them is dead and the other is about to die. Chu Feng doesn't need to kill everyone. Although it will be very pleasant, it will also increase his own sin.

Chu Feng didn't want such things to continue.

After listening to Chu Feng's words, Yan Lu's face did not have a point to ease the meaning, but suddenly started to drink: "you don't kill, but I want to kill you!"

Yan Pei's death is the thorn in Yan Lu's heart after all!

Chu Feng sighed slightly. Before meeting Yan Lu with this face, he knew it would be such a result. Therefore, Chu Feng was not surprised that Yan Lu started suddenly.Gently raised her hand, suddenly started Yan Lu was a direct force to fly out of the distance of hundreds of meters, but fortunately there was no serious injury.

Yan Lu hated herself for so many years. Yan didn't know that she couldn't forget it in a short time. Seeing her fighting against Chu Feng, she was afraid that Chu Feng would kill her. Yan forbid to say in a hurry: "I'd like to raise your inviolable dignity, but I hope you don't hurt danzong's people any more."

Chu Feng put down his hand. If he really wants to, Yan Lu, the next God, can easily kill with his fingers.

However, he would not go to kill Yan Lu, smell speech to see Yan not allowed, a faint smile: "now you, still have the qualification to bargain with me? You are going to die. Is there any value for me to negotiate? What's more, I have already said that today I only kill you and Yan Xishan, and I won't move the rest of the people. However,,, "

the powerful momentum exploded in their eyes, making everyone's heart seem to be pressed by a big stone, and continue to say:" if anyone dares to do it to me again, I will kill whom, and I will not be soft hearted! "

"Yan Lu!" Yan does not allow a knot in his heart for a moment. Seeing Yan Lu, it seems that he will not care about his hands. He is anxious to drink: "keep the green mountains and don't worry about firewood burning!"

Yan Lu stops, but her eyes are staring at Chu Feng. Yan can't say it. She is not Chu Feng's opponent now. If she dies, she can only die in vain. She can't get revenge. It's also a way to avoid it later.

Just see Chu Feng in front of you, but can't start, Yan Lu's heart always has a kind of unspeakable pain.

Chu Feng did not go to tube these, ready to close his eyes when looking at the distance, and immediately stood up: "Yan Xi Shan?"

Yan Xishan's body has disappeared, and just now there were only him, Yan Lu and Yan bu. There were no other people at all. How could Yan Xishan, a dead man, disappear?

The rest of the people just paid attention to Chu Feng. Naturally, they didn't pay much attention to the dead Yan Xishan. At the moment, they all looked at Yan Xishan. As expected, they found that Yan Xishan's body was missing, and there was no trace of his body around. What's the matter?


All of a sudden, when everyone was surprised that Yan Xishan's body was missing, Yan Bu, who had just relaxed down from Yan Lu, let out a cry and immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Chu Feng also condensed his eyes, frowned deeply, and watched Yan, who could not move his limbs, could not roll his whole body on the ground. He thought of the Yan Family's ancestor and what he had said. The cultivator of the art of infinite reincarnation, which has not appeared up to now!

Soul out of the body, quietly into other people's body, in the case of other people do not know, and then erase other people's soul, take possession of it, then die, complete a secondary to death cycle.

And Chu Feng's left eye, at this moment, saw two virtual shadows on Yan Bu's body, one is Yan Bu's soul, and the other is Yan Xishan!

Chu Feng opened the wings of magic light and slowly soared into the sky. He did not go to Yan's permission to do anything. He just looked at Yan Xishan's body at 360 degrees. He wanted to see where Yan Xishan's body was. Now it's basically certain that Yan Xishan practiced the art of infinite reincarnation. In order to prevent the noumenon from happening, he hid the noumenon, which should be nearby.

Just can penetrate all the dark eyes of the world, but at this time it is impossible to find where Yan Xishan's body is, and Yan does not allow it to roar like a heart splitting lung. Chu Feng knows that it is the pain of the soul, which may be tens of thousands of times more than the pain of the body!

Yan Lu is not allowed to see Yan in the distance. Her eyes are confused and stunned: "patriarch, what's the matter with you?" He was about to pass.

"Don't come here!" Yan is not allowed to burst a drink, let Yan Lu do not come, embarrassed look more ferocious and murderous: "Yan Xishan, you this damned guy."

As expected, it is Yan Xishan!

Chufeng narrowed his eyes. It was just his judgment just now, but now Yan can't tell it. Then it must be Yan Xishan. What this guy is hiding is really deep enough, etc.,,

Chu Feng can't look at Yan at once. Could Chu Jinglei's death be strangled by Yan Xishan with infinite reincarnation, but no one found anything abnormal at that time?

Chu Jinglei is a powerful God. If you can do that, Yan Xishan will certainly not miss such an opportunity.

Thinking that Chu Jinglei was not only killed, but also likely to be wiped out of his soul when he closed his eyes, Chu Feng's eyes became more violent. He raised his hand and roared down: "go to death!"

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