Super Healer

Chapter 2148

A strong force of taboo was directly blown out by the Chu wind and took Yan Bu from the ground. Now, the only way to prevent Yan Bu's power from being embezzled is to make him disappear both physically and mentally.

Yan Lu saw it in the distance, and he cried out: "Chu Feng, stop it!"

However, everything was too late. The power of Chu Feng was as fast as lightning, and it didn't mean to stop. Chu Feng's left eye flashed on the void and constantly threw powerful force. He wanted to kill Yan Bu, or kill Yan Xishan.

Only when Yan Bu's body is broken and his body and spirit are destroyed can he have a little chance of success.

Otherwise, Yan Xishan was really the one who stole the tomb of Yan Family's ancestors in Yan Family cemetery many years ago. Now it has been at least two or three thousand years. Yan Xishan has practiced the art of infinite reincarnation for such a long time. I don't know how powerful he is, and Chu Feng doesn't want to know how powerful he is.

So we can only attack Yan Bu in this case to see if we can erase the soul of Yan Xishan.

The powerful force was constantly released, and the earth was cracking rapidly. Even the disciples of the danzong sect around him quickly retreated. Chu Feng now completely ignored the attack and didn't care whether the people around him would be hurt. If he got too close, how could he die.

Even if Yan Lu couldn't stand the rage of that kind of breath, she couldn't help retreating, and she was injured. She still spewed out a mouthful of blood. Now Chu Feng's attack is almost ignored.

I don't know how many attacks have been launched, but Chu Feng still doesn't mean to stop. The wings of magic light tremble, and his body falls to the place of attack like a meteor, because the dust and smoke diffuse, and people can't see what's going on.

After a while, there was a gust of wind, which scattered the dust and smoke that covered the sky. The Chu wind also appeared again in the public's sight. He was standing there, but his look was not so good-looking.

But Yan Bu, who just lay there with no limbs moving, didn't know where he was going at the moment. Everyone guessed whether it was in the attack of Chu Feng that he had already broken down and no bones left?

Only Chu Feng knew that Yan did not have any bones left, but it was not because of his attack.

Because Yan Bu is already a top-notch existence in the middle God, his physical strength has reached a very strong level. Even if Chu Feng's attack can only hurt his body at most, it is very difficult to completely disintegrate it, which is why Chu Feng's continuous attack just now.

That is, to destroy Yan Bu's body if he wants to create impossible. Once his body is destroyed, his soul will not be bound, and then he can avoid the erosion of Yan Xishan.

However, in his constant attacks, Yan Bu's body broke up on its own, and Chu Feng was sure that it was not caused by his own strength. That is to say, Yan Bu may have disappeared forever, but Yan Xishan still exists.

Looking around with no dead corner in his left eye, he tried to penetrate all the nothingness. He saw where the soul of Yan Xishan was, but he couldn't find any trace. It seemed that there was nothing around him.

All of a sudden, when Chu Feng was searching for Yan Xishan's soul, a scream came from the distance. A man in charge of the side branch of Yan's family in danzong, his face was very blue, and he screamed bitterly. Then his body suddenly exploded and died in front of everyone.

Chu Feng's face changed greatly. He scolded him and yelled: "all of them are scattered. Stay away from here. Otherwise, you will all die."

Because Yan Xishan has now extended his magic claws to all the people around him. It seems that Yan Bu, a powerful man in the divine realm, can not stop the erosion of Yan Xi mountain. What's more, those who are at least the peak of the later period of demigod are impossible to stop.

If Yan Xishan continues to do so, the consequences will be unimaginable.

As for danzong's words, he didn't even think that the name of Chou was not allowed to be scattered by Yanzong, but some of his words didn't even mean to be scattered by Yanfeng.

Seeing their looks, Chu Feng knew that he didn't believe himself at all. He scolded a group of stupid guys in his heart. He was too lazy to take care of their life and death. He even reminded them not to listen to them. Then he died in vain.

Suspended in the air, the left eye concentrates on looking for Yan Xishan's soul, or noumenon. As long as they can be found arbitrarily, they can be easily killed before their reincarnation is realized.

But no matter how Chu Feng looks for it, it can't play any role.

At this time, another danzong person screamed and died. Yan Lu saw that Chu Feng had never done anything there. Looking back on Yan Bu's words, she didn't know what had happened, but it must be something she couldn't explain.

But Chu Feng seemed to know that Yan Lu didn't want to ask, but when he saw that the people of danzong were in crisis, he temporarily put down his hatred: "Chu Feng, what happened? The patriarch just called the name of Yan Xishan elder. Why is this so?"

Chu Feng took back his left eye and still got nothing. Listening to Yan Lu's question, Chu Feng replied coldly: "when I came to danzong, I met Yan's ancestors. I believe you should know how Yan's ancestors came back from the dead, so I won't say much about it!""What you don't know is that when Yan's ancestors died, they buried them with an ancient manuscript, but when he recovered, they found that the manuscript was missing."

Yan Lu naturally knew about the resurrection of Yan's ancestors, which was not a big secret in danzong. At the beginning, Yan's ancestors told them: "what manuscript?"

Chu Feng looked into the distance with a deep look: "one of the six forbidden techniques in ancient times, the art of infinite reincarnation, and the thief can now be sure to be Yan Xishan. Over the years, I don't know how much he has cultivated, but I can be sure that he is very powerful."

Infinite reincarnation!

Hearing Chu Feng's words, everyone's faces changed greatly. As people of the four forces in the hidden world, they naturally knew about the six forbidden Arts in ancient times. Among the six forbidden techniques in ancient times, this infinite reincarnation technique is the most cruel and weird, and also the most evil one. It can be regarded as the first of the six forbidden techniques!

It's because people who practice it need to experience life and death constantly, and it's OK for people to face life and death once in a while, but if they often experience life to death and death to life, their psychology will be distorted. Such people are very terrible.

The ultimate of life is death. If you die, you will enter samsara.

However, those who have practiced the art of infinite reincarnation, one of the six forbidden arts, practice life and death. However, they do not enter into reincarnation. Instead, they occupy other people's bodies and everything. They let others die for them and reincarnate for them. They accumulate the power of reincarnation and bring back their own noumenon and become very powerful.

Yan Xishan practiced the art of infinite reincarnation?

Yan Lu wants to say that it's impossible. Just looking back on the past countless years, danzong always had some unexplained deaths, either suicide or provocation to kill others. Now it seems that those people are occupied by Yan Xishan, so they do strange things.

Others die, he comes to reincarnation, too evil!

All of a sudden, a danzong man laughed and looked at Chu Feng coldly in his eyes: "no wonder the old ancestor didn't show up today. It turns out that you have seen him, so he didn't come. That old guy, what a fuss!"

Yan Lu a Leng, frown to see: "Yan bang, what are you talking about?"

This is a collateral principal, but Yan Lu knows it.

"Yan bang?" And the man called Yan Bang joked and joked: "he died just now, and Yan Bang doesn't exist. Of course, I'm also Yan Bang now."

Chu Feng narrowed his eyes: "Yan Xishan, it seems that everyone has been cheated by you." With a strong strength, but willing to become an elder, not allowed to replace Yan, endurance is not ordinary people can compare.

Yan Bang burst into laughter, did not admit anything, or even said anything. Suddenly, he went toward the Chu wind. A strong evil spirit permeated the air, vaguely felt the illusion of crying ghosts and Howling wolves.

Chu Feng felt a kind of stillness hanging over him, as if he would die in the next second. His face changed slightly. How could he feel this way.

"The power of reincarnation!"

All of a sudden, Yan bang was drunk, and there were more than ten black whirlpools spinning around the body of Chu Feng, just like the reincarnation road described in the legend.

Chu Feng was stunned. His fists and feet suddenly burst out in an instant. Those black whirlpools were directly smashed. The next moment, he appeared in front of Yan bang. He grabbed Yan Bang's neck, his eyes coagulated, and his hands vented the power of terror, crushing Yan Bang's neck. In an instant, he released more powerful forces and turned Yan Bang's body into a residue.

However, Chu Feng was still not optimistic, because he felt that he killed Yan bang, only helped Yan Xishan finish a death. Now he has experienced another death, and his strength is estimated to be a little higher.

There is something similar between the art of infinite reincarnation and the seven generations and seven lives. That is, after experiencing life and death, the power will accumulate and become stronger. However, Yan Xishan doesn't need to experience life and death now. As long as the person he erodes dies, it is equivalent to his death, and then he returns to his body through the evil method of infinite reincarnation Born a lifetime, the strength will be enhanced.

In my heart, I scolded who created the art of infinite reincarnation. In this way, my father's forbidden art was also on guard. Now, Yan Xishan's soul should be hidden around, but could not get close to it.

In the distance, there was a laugh again!

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