Super Healer

Chapter 245

East white, Chu Feng out of the operating room, a face tired color.

Last night, Huang Fu Ruo die's bullet directly hit Yao Xin's heart. Chu Feng temporarily locked Yao Xin's vitality with seven needles. Although he finally took out the bullet, his heart was the root of human beings. Chu Feng's eight needles were all used to keep Yao Xin from dying. There was no way to wake up.

Shen Xueyan was awakened from his sleep by Chu Feng's phone last night. He quickly arranged the ward, and all the procedures were omitted. Seeing Chu Feng walking out of the operating room at the moment, he wanted to open his mouth to ask, but seeing Chu Feng's gloomy face, Shen Xueyan didn't open his mouth.

"Dean Shen, please arrange a special care unit for her. I can only stabilize her vitality for the time being, but I can't save her!"

Chu Feng lightly said a word, and then walked toward one side of the corridor. At the moment, his whole body was overflowing with cold breath. It took great courage to let people get close to him. Shen Xueyan just nodded and asked people to arrange. He didn't ask too much about what, but he was shocked.

When Yao Xin sent it, he knew what was going on. The bullet hit the heart three centimeters away. In terms of medical knowledge, this is a must die, but now it has stabilized its vitality.

Although there was no way to save it, Shen Xueyan clearly knew that Chu Feng had once again created a medical miracle.

Looking at Chu Feng who has entered the elevator and left, Shen Xueyan sighed softly: "this son will surely break the cognition of medicine and subvert common sense in the future."

Chu Feng left the hospital alone, Xia Yan sent to follow his people were also scattered back by him, now he just want to calm down, do not want any people to disturb himself.

Walking on the street aimlessly, Chu Feng's expression emerges a trace of desolation. Walking on this road, it is destined that many ordinary people can't face the things they have to face. Although they have been prepared in mind, but thinking of Yao Xin lying in the cold hospital bed at the moment, Chu Feng's heart is still suffering.

And a little bit of guilt.

Yao Xin was sent by Huangfu ruodie to seduce him, but he was scheming to let Yao Xin fall in love. Originally, in order to achieve his own goal, he should have been unscrupulous, but at the moment, Chu Feng did not know what his mood was.

Yao Xin's life and death is unknown. Chu Feng knows that he takes up half of the responsibility. If he did not give her tenderness and warmth, Yao Xin would not have stood up at all when Huangfu ruodie shot her. But in the end, she stood up, which showed too many things. This is a woman with a strong appearance but a sensitive heart.

Just a trace of warmth, but can pay for her own life.

"Come out!"

After a long street, many people have not woken up, only a few people in the street to start a new day of life, Chu wind at this time is stopped, indifferent to throw out a sentence.

There was a silence on the street behind him. Then a middle-aged woman came out of a corner. She was surprised in her eyes, but she still opened her mouth: "someone wants to see you."

"Aunt Qing?"

Chu Feng turns back and looks at the woman who appears in front of him. It is the middle-aged woman who takes care of Huang Jingyin's father Huang Chengyuan. But Chu Feng knows that it will not be so simple: "he has been following me for several days, and has kept a killing opportunity for me. Why is it inviting me to meet now? Give me a reason!"

Although Chu Feng remained calm, but aunt Qing was following him for a few days. Chu Feng knew it, but she didn't do it. Chu Feng thought he didn't know. At the moment, she was curious why aunt Qing appeared and said this to himself. Who wants to see himself?

Aunt Qing was shocked. She thought that her tracking ability was not the strongest in the world, but ordinary people could not perceive it. How did she know that she was only 18 years old?

Although she was shocked that Chu Feng had already known that she was following her, aunt Qing returned to her normal color: "I started to kill you, because I was worried that you were purposefully approaching the young lady, and then trying to seize something. But after tracking down these days, I can be sure that you did not mean to approach miss."

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "that gives me a must meet reason!"

"Aren't you miss's boyfriend? It's her father who wants to see you now. Don't you go and see you? " Green aunt a Leng, but still politely said.

Chu Feng wanted to say no, but thought of Huang Jingyin's fiery but simple heart: "go!"

Half an hour later, Chu Feng appeared in the courtyard of the old district of Pujiang where he once visited. An old looking man sat on a rocking chair and seemed to be waiting for something. Seeing Chu Feng's appearance, he put on a smile and sat up straight: "yes, I'm already the emperor of Jianghai and Haiti, the second Mr. Du!"

"Uncle Huang, speak up!"

Because of Yao Xin's business, Chu Feng is not in a lot of mood at the moment. The reason why he came here is simply to wonder who Huang Jingyin's father is. His intuition is different from his own imagination: "you have ten minutes."

Standing behind Huang Chengyuan, aunt Qing frowns. She is a bit unaccustomed to someone talking to Huang Chengyuan in this way, but she finally dispels the idea of scolding. She understands that Chu Feng is not as immature as she seems, and is very ferocious!Huang Chengyuan was also stunned, and then he laughed. He was only involved in the pain, coughing and spitting out a mouthful of blood. He took the tissue from Aunt Qing and wiped his mouth: "hero comes out of youth. When I see you, I think of my youth. Good, good!"

Huang Chengyuan's words are full of admiration, but Chu Feng doesn't feel much. As the old saying goes, the person who laughs at you the most and pursues you most is likely to kill you.

Look at the time on the mobile phone, Chu Feng's expression is plain: "there are nine minutes left!"

Huang Cheng foresight chufeng oil salt does not enter the appearance of bitter smile and shake his head: "it is really a stubborn young man!" But there was no time to waste. Huang Chengyuan's face appeared serious: "I don't know how you feel about Yin Yin, but I don't care about all these things. I hope you can do me a favor."

When he spoke, he was looking at Chu Feng, but the latter was just listening but not speaking, which really depressed Huang Chengyuan. However, he did not continue to beat around the Bush: "Yin Yin is the first successor of a great power. If I die, she can be on the top of the line. I hope you can help her!"

"At that time, I'll let aunt Qing testify to reduce some of your troubles."

Chu Feng had no expression: "what force?"

"South Heavenly King gate!" Huang Cheng Yuan Yang raised her hand, as if she was not mentally enough. Aunt Qing stood behind her quietly and said, "it's the first group of the Chinese dynasty. The young master is the young master of the tianwangmen. He was just exiled to this point by his brother's calculation. However, the second young master can't go to the top until he is sure that the young master is dead and gets the tianwangmen order card.

Therefore, these years, the little Lord and the young lady hide in the river and sea to avoid his brother's pursuit, because the heavenly king token is on the little Lord. If he wants to be on the top of the throne, he must have a heavenly king token. And the young lady will go back with the little Lord's instructions, not necessarily on the top, but many elders will support it. "

"Tianwangmen, Huangjia?"

Although Chu Feng remained calm, his heart was full of waves. He had guessed that the identity of Huang Jingyin and his father was not simple. Otherwise, there would be no such a person as aunt Qing to follow him. However, he found that he underestimated it.

The underground world of the Chinese dynasty is full of wind and clouds. There are many big and small poles. However, no one will forget tianwangmen, because it is a super crocodile occupying more than ten provinces in the south. Compared with the chaos in the north, the southern tianwangmen can be said to be the leader of the Jidao in longshuo.

Seeing Chu Feng's expression still calm, Huang Chengyuan nodded in secret: "yes, but Yinyin still doesn't know her life experience. If I can't find a person who I can rest assured and have strength, I'd rather not tell Yinyin this secret all my life. Chu Feng, you are the most satisfied person I've ever been, would you like to?"


Chu Feng almost did not have any thought to stand up and look at the time: "ten minutes have come, I don't know what you said just now." Seeing Huang Chengyuan's astonished look, Chu Feng continued: "it's not that I'm afraid, it's just that I've just stabilized my things, and I'm not willing to provoke people I can't afford."

Chu Feng has his own reason for saying that, that is, Huang Chengyuan wants to take risks on his own, but he can't give himself anything. He is not willing to do things that are not directly proportional to his pay and return.

Huang Chengyuan naturally caught Chu Feng's idea. He only frowned deeply and didn't open his mouth at last. He raised his hand: "you didn't mean to, so I didn't say it. But I still hope you can keep this secret on Yin Yin's face. It doesn't matter if I die. I don't want Yinyin to do the same."

"Yes." Chu Feng thought a lot of thoughts in his heart. When he was about to leave, he took out a porcelain bottle and threw it to Aunt Qing: "the medicine here can relieve uncle Huang's pain. If you don't recover, you can live at least half a year. I'll go first!"

"Young master, do you want to let the young lady know the news? Maybe she can talk about Chu Feng?" After Chu Feng left, aunt Qing held the porcelain vase in her hand and frowned.

"Chu Feng, not as simple as you think, Yinyin almost means."

Huang Chengyuan took the porcelain bottle in aunt Qing's hand, and his eyes were inexplicably playful: "give me medicine to let me live more than half a year, do not agree with my request, he wants to become a dove to occupy the nest of magpie!"

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