Super Healer

Chapter 246

Chu Feng used to be a kind person. He was willing to pay for the convenience of others, but now, he is more oriented by interests!

Even if he has already embarked on this road, Chu Feng will choose to go on all the time. If he does not move forward, he will only be annihilated in the long river of history. Song Jiang in ancient times is an example. Being too pedantic will not only harm himself but also the people around him.

Huang Chengyuan is the little master of tianwangmen, which Chu Feng didn't expect. If it had been a few months ago, Chu Feng might have promised him that he was about to die. But now, Chu Feng doesn't know, even if he doesn't know. If he knows nature, he will seek his own interests.

"Less wind, Yan invited you to have breakfast."

Just out of the old district, ready to stop a car to leave, a car stopped in front of Chu Feng, the window fell, Jiang Ming's gentle appearance appeared in front of him, less modest, more a little polite.

Chu Feng nodded slightly and pulled open the door to get on the bus. Yan Tianming was not surprised to find himself.

However, this breakfast is not to go to any high-end places, but to Yan Tianming's home. Because the school is not the reason for the weekend, only Yan Tianming and several servants are at home. Yan Qingshan and Yan Ruyu usually come back on weekends. Yan Ruyu spends more time in her own single apartment.

Chu Feng, led by Jiang Ming, went to the balcony on the second floor with a smell of noodles floating in the air.

Jiang Ming brought Chu Feng here and went down by himself. He knew that what the master was going to say to Chu Feng was not suitable for him to know. Some things are good, but some things may have to pay their own lives to know.

"Come on, while it's hot, I'm at home by myself. I always like to be simple."

Yan Tianming was not very formal in his simple family dress. Pointing to a bowl of noodles and a bottle of milk on the table, Yan Tianming said with a smile, "I've been busy all night. I need to supplement my energy!"

Chu Feng didn't show any politeness, or there was no need to be polite in front of Yan Tianming. He went over and picked up noodles and ate them in a big gulp. Then he drank two mouthfuls of milk. The feeling of hunger disappeared.

Yan Tianming did not go to say anything, just quietly looking at the distance, until Chu Feng put down the bowl and drank up the bottle of milk before he opened his mouth: "don't you worry about me poisoning?"

"You know, if you are killed now, there will be no Jidao in Jianghai!"

"If you kill me, the river will be more chaotic." Chu Feng pulled a paper towel to wipe the corners of his mouth without any fluctuation. He said quietly, "so whether you want to kill me or how, you will not choose to do it, because once I die, the whole river and sea will enter into turmoil.

Of course, you can send troops to maintain stability, but the people have been in a state of panic since this period of time. If the military martial law happens again, you, a section officer, will step down. "

"So for whatever reason, even if you really want me to die, you'll wait until everything calms down."

"I suddenly feel a little regret that I let you successfully control the river and sea pole road." Yan Tianming's eyes brightened, and he took a meaningful look at Chu Feng: "you are smarter than Huang Luowen and langdeli, and even Huangfu ruodi. You know how to grasp people's heart. You're right. I want to kill you, but the fact is that I can't do it."

Sitting up straight, Yan Tianming continued: "just you don't worry, after the event I move you?"

Chu Feng, with a smile on his lips, stood up and walked to the edge of the balcony and looked at the distance: "everyone has his own responsibility. Black and white have existed since ancient times. Black can't occupy white, and white can't completely erase the darkness. I'm confident that I can make you feel at ease, and I'm confident that the river and sea will be several times better than before."

Yan Tianming is very interested in opening: "say to listen, if you are satisfied, I will help you eliminate all the troubles today!"

"Where there is darkness, there is sin." Chu Feng knew that although he had won the three gangs by the autumn wind, there were still many hidden dangers. At least, the collapse of the three gangs affected the interests of many people. The officials must have said, "I can reduce the crime rate of Jianghai by 50% in a month!"

When Yan Tianming was very interested, Chu Feng continued: "there are also drugs. Although Jianghai officials continue to publicize that there are no such things in Jianghai, there are all kinds of drugs. Compared with Huang He gambling, the harm of drugs is the greatest. As long as I am here, the drugs in Jianghai will be reduced by 90%

Chu Feng didn't say too much about it. After all, there were people who had interests. Drugs were undoubtedly huge profits. No one was willing to give up the cake. Chu Feng did not dare to erase it all, but he could control at least 90%. After all, the channel controlled by the green gang and the wild wolf gang was 70% of the total amount of the river and sea.

"Gambling and yellow, my requirements are not high!" Hearing Chu Feng's statement, Yan Tianming also said slowly: "after all, there are many things that can't be banned repeatedly in a society. Gambling can ruin one's family and ruin people's lives. Even if the official ban on gambling is not very effective, I don't ask for it.

Because Panlong can become a gambling city, it's understandable that there are some things in China. One country, two systems, then I can have a good balance. It's just usury. I hope you can stop it. It's an evil industry! "As Chu Feng nodded slightly, Yan Tianming continued: "as for Huang, it has existed since the emergence of human civilization, and capitalist groups have operated legally. However, in the Chinese dynasty, this kind of thing can not be put on the stage for historical reasons, but some things are very wonderful. Without Huang, it is strong. There are too many rapes. "

"You know what I mean?"

Chu Feng was surprised to see Yan Tianming and sighed in secret. He was worthy of being a person who would enter the Central Committee in the future. Chu Feng could almost foresee that the current ideological confinement of the Chinese people would disappear in front of his eyes.

Although Chu Feng didn't answer, Yan Tianming knew that he knew what he meant. Huang, gambling and poison were harmful to a group, but the three poisons were the most harmful. As long as Chu Feng controlled this and controlled the channels, it would not be difficult for the drug industry in the river and sea to drop by 90%.

Huang he bet, however, is no longer a matter of controlling channels. It is totally impossible to prohibit it. This is the case when there are policies and countermeasures. Therefore, as long as there is no bottom line, Yan Tianming can turn a blind eye to it.

"Mr. Yan, in a month's time, you will see a different river and sea!"

Chu Feng knows Yan Tianming's mind, and naturally is willing to cooperate. Since ancient times, if you don't have a good deal with each other, Jidao can't do anything. Everyone just takes what he needs: "however, has the blue cell people got any news?"

This is the most worried problem of Chu Feng after Yao Xin. The blue cell people are terrorists. There is no bottom line for anything they do, which is much more harmful than the extreme way.

"The snake has its way, the mouse has its way!"

Yan Tianming shook his head, and his eyes revealed a bit of fun: "I can dispatch a batch of arms from the army to you, and then you can send them back to me together with the rocket launcher. Blue cell people want to find them, you are more suitable than me!"

Chu Feng secretly said to an old fox that he knew Yan Tianming's plan was to save the official strength and let himself fight. However, Chu Feng also knew that Yan Tianming intended to stand in his present position. Otherwise, he, who was in charge of group D army, could put out any extreme way at any time.

Of course, this is also when Yan Tianming let himself perform. To Yan Tianming, it is also to let him give an account to the people above!

"This is the address. The ammunition has been sent to the former youth gang headquarters." When Chu Feng had insight into Yan Tianming's mind, the latter handed a note to Chu Feng: "there are 210 of them. They have not only slight impact, but also bombs. You can do it by yourself, but I believe you can do it well."

"By the way, the girl Ruyu has been murmuring about where you died these days and why you didn't go to school. It seems that there is something to look for you."

When Chu Feng was stunned, Yan Tianming said meaningfully: "although I don't know why Ruyu wants to find you, it's good for you or for Ruyu. Don't go one step further. She's a woman of literary school after all, do you know?"

Chu Feng didn't know Yan Tianming's meaning, but that step had already passed. Of course, it must not be said: "I know, I'll leave first if there's nothing wrong. Say hello to Yan and Ruyu for me!"

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