Super Healer

Chapter 2487

Purple light flashed, just like lightning jumping, the picture is very beautiful, but it gives a dangerous breath.

All of a sudden, Lu Wan, standing in front of her, let out a scream. With her scream, the endless purple light tilted down like a storm, and the surrounding space seemed to be distorted at this moment. The surrounding sea completely turned and roared.

Chu Feng, Zhang yun'er and Chang'e are all involuntarily floating at this moment, and then suddenly they are pulled away from the island by an invisible force.

There, Lu Wan's silver hair fluttered, the whole person slowly suspended, hands open, in the void, those purple lights even formed a rope, bound her limbs, let her appear a big font hanging above the void, and endless purple light fell on her body, LV Wan's miserable cry, heard the pain.


Chu Feng steadied herself. Seeing Lu Wan's miserable appearance, Chu Feng gave a burst of red in his left eye, and his body moved forward rapidly. However, he was unable to get close to Lu Wan at the moment when he touched those purple lights. However, Lu Wan couldn't even struggle there.

Holy law of chaos!

Four words appeared in Chu Feng's mind, which also made him angry. The chaotic holy law was definitely not formed at the time of Lu Wan's birth, but was framed by nihilism in the later stage, in order to restrain Lu Wan and make her act like a puppet in accordance with its ideas.

If Lu Wan lost her virginity, she would touch the nihility of the forbidden system and let her collapse between heaven and earth. This is a targeted plot, not Lu Wan's own problem.

With the terrible red eyes, Chang'e and Zhang yun'er also come to Chu Feng's side. Both women are aware of the current situation, that is, LV Wan has been banned. Now she will die miserably under this prohibition.

They didn't know what the purple light was, but Lu Wan, who was able to respect the gods forever, could not help but make a miserable cry. It was certainly not the common law power.

No need to say more, the two sacrifice Xuanyuan sword and half moon, scattered to form a triangle formation with Chu Feng.

"Ha ha ha, it's no use!"

I don't know where, there was a giggle of nothingness, and it turned into a woman's voice: "in the second era of the universe era, I made the holy law prohibition for her, in order to prevent her from falling in love with the taboo devil and make my existence meaningless. At the beginning, she did not find out that this era had no chance."

The laughter was bigger and more harsh: "she who lost her virginity, besides death, has no way back, because I don't want to let her who betrayed me exist."

Lu Wan stopped screaming, but her beautiful face twisted and looked up at the sky: "nothingness, do you think I really don't know? I found the problem in the last era. I feel that you are using me. I hate that I didn't see through at that time, so you can use another era. "

"But I firmly believe that this will be the last era for you to use me, and soon you will be gone."

Lu Wan's words surprised all three of Chu Feng, because in Lu Wan's words, Chu Feng narrowed his eyes and felt that Lu Wan had nothing to say. It was not that she concealed nothing, but that she had her own confidence.

It's just that under such circumstances, Chu Feng doesn't know where the confidence comes from, but no matter what, it's good. Now we must break the chaos holy law. Otherwise, not only Lu Wan is going to die, but also the whole modern world will be devastated!

Suddenly, Minghong's magic sword was presented. The wings of the magic light spread behind him. Chu Feng did not hesitate to chop out a sword. The sword that seems to be distorted by years. With the joint efforts of Chang'e and Zhang yun'er, they could not break the prohibition of chaos. They could not get close to Lu Wan at the moment.

Nihilistic laughter still, when men and women: "don't waste energy, I am the way of heaven, I am destiny, as long as I survive, the world is respected!"

Chu Feng's eyes became deep, raised his head and looked fiercely at the sky: "no man or woman, you are just the scum formed by human ideas in the first universe era. How can you be arrogant?"

"Yun'er, Chang'e, you continue to attack, at all costs to break the chaos holy law, I, I, I, I, want to destroy the void! "With the help of the super speed of the magic light wings, Chu Feng went to the sky in an instant, and even gave Chang'e and Zhang yun'er no chance to react, and disappeared.

When two women constantly attack the purple light barrier, they are also worried about the Chu wind in their hearts. That is the nothingness without physical existence. How can Chu Feng destroy it? Chang'e and Zhang yun'er are there to think, but even though they want to break their heads, there is no reasonable explanation.

Even if they are saints who transcend the way of heaven, they can't destroy the nothingness without any substance or even nonexistence, because it doesn't exist at all. It's just a kind of profound law. How to break it?

It's like a person punching the air, can it hurt the air?

Lu Wan's eyes flashed a flash of color under the destruction of the chaos holy law, but she did not speak out, just suffered from the pain of the soul. The chaotic holy law completely eroded her body and soul, giving her unspeakable torture and pain. However, LV wanjian believed that today Chu Feng would not let her down.She did not understand the ancient universe. She was born at the beginning of this era, but she knew one thing, that is, nothing can be broken, invisible, broken invisible!

It's just that she didn't say it at the beginning, because if these things were said, nothingness would know.

With her eyes closed, Lu Wan kept her mind to resist the erosion of chaos. She knew that as long as she resisted, she might still have a chance. If she could not, she might have died before Chu Feng reached her expectation.

However, Lu Wan was still surprised that Chu Feng even knew the ancient universe, and even knew the cause of the birth of nothingness. However, no matter how surprised she was now, she would have to wait until today.

At the moment, Chu Feng, in the space universe, can see some satellites floating outside the earth, and space station bases.

But Chu Feng is not in the mood to watch these things he once yearned for. Instead, he is looking for where the nothingness is, even if it is invisible, but there should be a trace to be found. If there is no trace of nothingness, why should it worry that the eternal supreme will destroy it?

So Chu Feng is sure that nothingness can also be broken, of course, the premise is to find the right method, but what is this method?

With her left eye twinkling, you can see that Lu Wan is suffering from the erosion of the gradually changing chaos holy Dharma, and soon she may collapse and be on the verge of death. She is a little anxious. Let Chu Feng calm down a little, and if she is anxious, she will be confused. In that case, she can not find a solution.

Looking at the boundless universe, Chu Feng saw that the purple light was suddenly formed. It is obviously impossible to find the existence of nothingness from the source of these purple lights.

"Looking for me?"

Chu Feng is still there to look for, suddenly a woman's voice sounded in the ear, some familiar feeling, subconsciously turned back, pupil fierce contraction: "Mom

Not far behind Chu Feng stands a virtuous and pure woman, but not Shangguan yingyue, but Chu Feng's adoptive mother, Lin Yulin's sister, the woman who raised herself. A dead woman reappears. Chu Feng's hand holding Minghong magic sword is a little loose.

The woman's figure is fuzzy and illusory, with a faint smile on her face: "come here, mom, look at you."

Chu Feng seems to have been summoned, slowly toward the woman in the past, and when approaching, Chu Feng, who had been confused in his eyes, suddenly burst into a fierce look. The Minghong magic sword in his hand was wielded with a heavy cutting power, bringing out a powerful and unrivalled force.

But these attacks all pass through the woman's body, the body shape is illusory, can't play any role, her face smile also a little more happy: "Xiaofeng, how do you do, you can destroy the earth like this!"

Chu Feng looked at the power released by Ming Hong's magic sword just now, and unexpectedly smashed a huge meteorite far away. The meteorite burst, and some fragments were coming towards the earth.

Unwilling to look at the woman turned into an adoptive mother, Chu Feng's body shape swept by, bringing out a cold light in the universe, and instantly destroyed those broken meteorites that would definitely cause huge losses if they fell on the earth.

When I look back, the woman who originally looked like an adoptive mother disappeared. Instead, a rough and obscene old man appeared.

Chu Feng's lips trembled: "master!"

The man standing there was the late overlord. With a kind smile on his face, he waved to Chu Feng: "come on, let the old man see what you look like now."

Chu Feng shook his head. He knew that what was in front of him was not bawangtian. Bawangtian was already dead. But when he saw bawangtian, Chu Feng was still provoked deep emotion. He raised his head and roared, "nothingness, what's the meaning of this?"

When Ming Hong's magic sword was raised, Chu Feng fiercely waved it out, but he still couldn't hurt overlord because he had no real existence at all.

However, she changed her appearance again and turned into a dead Qingdi: "Chu Feng, it seems that your heart is hard enough to see the closest people can wave a sword, but what shape do you want me to show? I can be your woman, I can be your brother, I can even be you. "

"Can you break through the devil and destroy me?"

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