Super Healer

Chapter 2488


In the face of nothingness, Chu Feng felt deeply powerless, even if it did not play any attack, but any attack on it can not play any role, it not only has no entity, even can be transformed into any person, let Chu Feng in the spirit above, suffer a little torture.

The nihility that turns into Green Di laughs, that pair of eyes unexpectedly appears purple light: "unexpectedly you don't start, so it's me!"

Suddenly, Chu Feng felt that his body was hit by something. He couldn't help flying out. He didn't know how far away he was. He felt as if he was being pulled by a pair of invisible hands. He hit a satellite hard, and then the satellite had a strong explosion, and the signal was sent back to the earth at the first time.

When Chu Feng was playing with nihility as a monkey, there was another scene on earth.

Lu Wan is under the prohibition of chaos, Chang'e and Zhang yun'er are still trying to break all this, but not only has no effect, but also caused a violent wave. Taking the Pacific Ocean as the center, a terrible tsunami has been set off, causing climate change in the whole world, and there have been earth and sky anomalies all over the world.

And one of the saddest is Japan.

It was a fine day with a clear sky. Suddenly, there was a storm and a strong earthquake happened in the two places. The most damning thing is that the weather satellite was disconnected just now. I don't know what happened and whether it was hit by a meteorite.

Secondly, there was also a huge rainstorm in China, which affected six provinces, involving more than 50 million people. If it goes on as usual, it is estimated that there will be floods.

However, this is nothing. What shocked China, Russia, the United States and even some developed countries is that their satellites have detected abnormal magnetic field reactions over the universe and the Pacific Ocean. After a short period of time, it is concluded that the current climate anomalies on the earth are probably caused by these magnetic fields.

No matter how they detect it, they can't know. It's all because several saints of heaven are releasing their terrible power.

Reaching the realm of saints has surpassed the way of heaven. An idea can change the world. The power released will, to some extent, cause fluctuations in the air flow and abnormal climate. As a result, the whole world is in a state of panic, because all this has come so suddenly that it looks like the end of the day.

"Oh, no!"

At the University of astronomy and liberal arts in the United States, a man who was doing space exploration there suddenly screamed, and instantly attracted other people working with him. Everyone looked at him and wondered what had happened.

And the man patted his head, and then quickly there did not know what to do, and then on the nine screens in front of him, there was an image of the universe. Obviously, the satellite transformed the situation of the universe into a picture.

After seeing clearly what was on the screen, everyone in the Academy of Sciences was quiet. Everyone doubted whether they had read it wrong. Only after they had confirmed that they were not hallucinations for many times, they were like the person who started to scream.

Because they actually saw two people in the picture, a woman, and a man with wings, but could not see his face clearly. He was holding a sword, constantly attacking the woman, but did not know why, every time he could not touch the woman.

The people on the scene of extraterrestrials instantly thought of such a possibility, and quickly linked the abnormal climate around the world. They all felt that they were two people who suddenly appeared in the universe, but in space, how could anyone exist without any protection?

Aware of the seriousness of the matter, the problem began to be fed back, and even directly put on the president's desk. The president who knew the news said that it was impossible.

As we all know, there is no oxygen in space, and there is a strong pressure. Even if the satellite is put on, without certain measures to protect it, it will become a pile of scrap iron. What's more, people who are flesh and blood will be instantly pressed into mud.

Only when the reporter repeatedly confirmed that this was true, the president left the office of the president and arrived at the College of Liberal Arts in person. When he saw the pictures playing on the nine screens and confirmed that it was not a special effect for the film, the president could not help but cry out in surprise and whisper a word of God!

After that, the order was quickly issued, and the whole world must immediately know that this is not the responsibility of the United States alone, and it is directly labeled with the title of alien invasion and sent to all countries for approval.

Chu Feng, who tried to destroy the void in the universe, naturally did not know that anomalies had been found on the earth, and even regarded them as aliens. He just stopped after a series of fruitless attacks.

Taking a breath gently, her left eye twinkled with a faint light. She found that not only did Lu Wan's hair become whiter, but also her skin was changing little by little, and she was developing in the direction of aging.

Knowing that Lu Wan's time was running out, Chu Feng's heart was as painful as a knife. At first, he felt that when he stepped into the heaven's way sage, there would be no threat in the universe. But who could have thought that even the heavenly sage could not resist it.Nothingness?

What the hell is this? Chu Feng still can't understand. If it is really formed by the ideas of all living beings in the first universe era, then how does it control the fate and even form the order of heaven?

Nothingness, the way of heaven, destiny, order!

The words formed in Chu Feng's mind, and his confused eyes began to be more clear. It seemed to understand some things, that is, the nihility may not be formed by the ideas of all living beings, but exist in itself. It is just because of the ideas of all living beings that it has some thoughts, just like the soul.

Its existence is the way of heaven, the destiny, and the stable order, but it has changed, forgetting the significance of its own existence, and only for the sake of stable order, has begun the plot to destroy the world again and again.

This is what Chu Feng can think of, and the most likely.

However, even if we think of these things now, they have no effect. We just need to know that nothingness is the enemy, and it is a nonexistent and threatening enemy.

With the Ming Hong magic sword hanging down, Chu Feng temporarily let go of the attack, because the effect of the attack was not great: "nothingness, let's talk about a deal!"

"Oh Turn into the nihility of Qingdi, she said with a smile, "what do you want to talk about with me?"

Chu Feng put up the Ming Hong magic sword, and the whole person looked peaceful to the extreme. He said faintly: "when this universe was first opened, the birth should not be twin taboos, but Sansheng taboos. Among them, Lu Wan is also. I believe you have such ideas. And their birth, we can say, is to destroy your existence and make the ancient universe no longer Restricted, no need to enter infinite reincarnation. "

Nothingness squinted: "what do you want to say?"

"You fell in love with Lu Wan!" Chu Feng's mouth slightly cocked up: "in the endless darkness of this universe era, Lu Wan became the first person to wake up. You must have noticed that the birth of the three of us was to destroy your existence, but you did not kill Lu Wan. Instead, you made her become the God of all worlds, in order to let her and you survive forever. Otherwise, how would you set it Can't she lose her virginity? "

"Lu Wan and I can't be combined to protect the three gods. If you don't make the three gods, you and I can't survive together. If you don't, you and I can't survive together, so you can't be the enemy of Sansheng

This is Chu Feng's guess, but now this conjecture is tenable. Otherwise, why was Lu Wan, the demon God and the goddess born?

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Wuwujiao laughed with appreciation: "Chu Feng, you are really smart. You are right. The ancient universe is now the seventh era universe. The first six have been destroyed by me. The universe is a wonderful space, and it will form some profound laws that I can't touch."

He sighed softly: "taboo is indeed Sansheng. I also realized that your birth was the result of the collapse of the previous six universe eras, so as to be born in the seventh era of the universe, and then destroy me, but I fell in love with Lu Wan, so I didn't start at that time."

"It's also because I'm so bored that the three of you who want to destroy me have played a wonderful game in this era of the universe. Every time I see you fighting each other, I feel very comfortable."

Chu Feng flashed a bitter smile. What he said just now was just a guess, but now it is completely confirmed that the purpose of taboo Sansheng is to change the fate and make the reincarnation of the collapse of the universe no longer be staged. It is just that nihilism is too clever. It has played Sansheng taboo in its hands from the very beginning.

But these are not important, Chu Feng whispered: "nothingness, I believe that only the three of us can pose a threat to you. If one of us dies, there will be no threat to you, right?"

Qingdi, who was transformed into an illusion, looked like herself, with a lovely frown: "in theory, so Lu Wan will die today, but I'm tired of this kind of game. This time I'm going to kill all three of you. Let's see if there will be any interesting things in the eighth era of the universe."

Chu Feng narrowed his eyes: "it seems that you are not going to let any of us go?"

Nothingness began to laugh, and a joke passed in his eyes: "that's for sure. You want to sacrifice yourself to save the goddess and respect the God. Don't think about it."

"After Lu Wan's death, it will be your end!"

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