Super Healer

Chapter 2532

In the early morning, the whole wild demon domain also had a huge vibration.

Some people have found that the valley has changed, even the land around thousands of miles has changed.

In particular, it only needs to be a little closer to the valley to feel the uncomfortable smell. Now, the smell of the valley has completely disappeared. It is just like other places in the demon kingdom. There are even some demon regions. They have boldly come to the edge of the valley.

It also includes snake, butterfly and mouse.

Diezun knew what had happened, but she didn't dare to say it. She just pretended that she didn't know and came here, just like everyone else, as if she didn't know anything.

"Three saints!"

A demon domain strong man came to the three people who were staring at the bottom of the falling immortal Valley: "we have sent people out to explore a thousand miles, and found that there is no one left, as if all have disappeared."

Snake Zun and rat Zun didn't come out at all after they went back to their territory last night, so they didn't know exactly what happened.

The only thing I know is that last night, there was a strong breath covering the whole wild demon domain. It was the breath of a saint, and it was not the smell of the demon emperor. It was just who they were and what kind of existence they did not dare to ask the demon emperor. They could only guess themselves there.

Mouse Zun glanced at the valley of the fallen immortal Valley and whispered, "why don't we go down and have a look? The demon emperor must have done something when he came here last night. Otherwise, the valley would not become so ordinary. If he practiced the art of devouring the great Shura, would he absorb all the evil spirits here into his own strength?"

Diezun knows these changes because the corpse of demon Zun buried here has recovered and left, but even if she knows, she dare not say it, because last night's event was only seen through the pictures opened by Chu Feng.

So there is no denying the meaning of the mouse: "then go down and have a look, but be careful."

The corpse of demon Zun has left, and it can be seen from the surrounding changes. Therefore, the fallen immortal Valley, which has always been kept secret, has no such deterrent power for butterfly Zun at the moment.

Butterfly Zun and mouse Zun both thought so, and the snake Zun, who was also curious, did not have any opinions: "then go down and have a look."

Let the rest of the demon domain strongmen go to see what's special around them. The three saints went directly under the fallen immortal valley. They didn't know how deep they were. It was very dark below. Even in the daytime, they couldn't see too far away. Even at night, they couldn't see their fingers.

Mouse Zun's sense of smell is very sensitive, lightly sniffed a eyebrow deep wrinkle: "how I feel a smell of blood."

"You see!" At this time, snake Zun also something, pointing to one side, his face slightly pale.

Mouse Zun and die Zun look back. When they see clearly, their looks change greatly. Butterfly Zun is better, but mouse Zun can't help shaking.

Because they saw that in another direction, there were endless skeletons piled up there, including the remains of rat Zun, nine headed snakes, and butterfly Zun. Not to mention the bones of other races, they were directly piled up into a mountain, and many of them were broken.

Slowly walked forward, snake Zun's pale face said: "what's going on here? Why are there so many demon bones here?"

Only diezun knows this question, but she won't say it. As for mouse Zun, it's impossible to know. He shakes his head in a daze and sees something.

His hands were still shaking a little: "you see."

Snake Zun and butterfly Zun looked in the direction they pointed to. There was a deep pit with a height of 100 meters at a corner of the mountain wall. Looking at the situation, something else came out of it. Butterfly Zun narrowed his eyes and probably knew that it should be the place where demon Zun buried his bones.

Snake Zun and snake Zun, who pretended to be unknown, stepped forward and looked at the huge hole with a height of 100 meters. Snake Zun's eyes were dignified: "what did the demon emperor do last night? Those corpses should not have existed before. It's estimated that they were the 10000 people we mobilized yesterday. As for the other words, snake Zun didn't say it, but mouse Zun and butterfly Zun understood What he meant was that in addition to the bones of the ten thousand demon domain strongmen, other estimates were those of the other demon domain strongmen who disappeared around the fall immortal valley.

Otherwise, it is impossible to explain why there are so many demon bones under the fallen immortal valley where no one dares to approach.

Taking back his eyes, the snake Zun asked in a deep voice: "what should we do about this matter? The demon emperor has mobilized so many people, but now it has all disappeared. But we should give others an explanation?"

"How to explain it?" Butterfly Zun asked back and said with a sneer, "can we tell our own people and the big demon families that the demon Emperor may have used some mysterious evil techniques to kill all the people who exist and around the fall immortal Valley for his own strength?"

Snake Zun looks stiff, but diezun is right. Even if he thinks so in his heart, he can't say that in his mouth. But now that such a big thing has happened, there is a dead city around the fall fairy Valley, which should be explained in the end.The demon emperor doesn't care what others think or even say, because he is strong enough and no one dares to resist, but they don't want to be scolded by other demon clans or even their own people.

Look at the snake Zun and the mouse Zun, butterfly Zun knows their mind, nununuo mouth: "as do not know, if someone asked, let them go to ask the demon emperor, since the demon emperor became holy, more proud than before, we do not know what the demon emperor wants to do is also a normal thing."

"But we must also order that no one should come to the valley of fallen immortals, or even come down here, otherwise our concealment will have no significance."

Because as long as someone comes down, they will find the endless corpses. Even the stupid people also know what happened. At that time, the demon kingdom will be in chaos, and this kind of chaos is destroyed by the demon emperor.

Snake Zun and rat Zun also understand this truth. They just thought that the demon emperor had killed so many demon regions on their back. How could he be so indifferent to life?

All of them were a little depressed. They got up in the air and went out of the valley. According to diezun's instructions, they didn't want to get close to the valley. This place is too evil. It's better to stay close to it.

The rest of the people have never been under the valley, so they have no doubt about what the three saints said. However, they are still full of curiosity that there is no trace of life around the valley.

"Asshole, what are you doing?"

However, the demon emperor, who was the initiator of all this, was staring at the demon Zun angrily in the demon temple and clenched his fists: "didn't I give you two rain butterfly women?"

I saw that the demon Zun was galloping wildly on a charming woman. I didn't hear the words of the demon emperor at all. The woman was a demon family woman recently accepted by the demon emperor. She had not enjoyed it for several times. At the moment, she was enjoyed by the bastard demon Zun.

Seeing himself talking, the demon Zun turned a blind eye. The demon emperor felt the authority being challenged and yelled: "I'm talking to you, you are in the end,"

the roar of the demon emperor slowly disappeared in the end. His eyes and eyes looked at the charming woman, and at the beginning, there was a voice. Finally, it seemed that he was dead, and his whole body was withering In the end, it's like skin and bone.

Seeing this scene, the demon emperor looked dignified. Looking at the demon Zun standing there, his breath seemed to be stronger than that at the beginning. What happened? How could he kill the woman and devour everything?

"You stand here, and you are not allowed to go anywhere without my permission."

The demon emperor decided to find out. Otherwise, it was very dangerous for such a statue to fight. When he stood up, he turned around and left. He was a little depressed. He just went out for a while, but he didn't expect that the demon women would be killed by him.

When he came to a side hall where the demon Zun had a rest, the demon emperor was surprised. He saw the two butterfly women last night. However, their situation was similar to that of the woman who had just died. They were all mummified, and there was no blood or water.

How could it look like this?

The demon emperor felt a chill. He practiced the power of devouring the great Shura. But at the moment, it seemed that the demon Zun was more evil than him. In the combination, he even devoured all the women.

Originally, he wanted to put the demon Zun in his own world for the time being, but now the demon emperor completely gave up the idea. In his world, there were his people and the people of the Tianhu clan. He didn't want to let the demon Zun go there.

But what happened to all this?

The demon emperor returned to his bedroom, and the demon Zun was still standing there at the moment. After a look at him, the demon emperor raised his hand and the mummified demon clan woman disappeared. However, the demon Zun did not feel general and was still manly.

Holding back the boredom in his heart, the demon emperor asked in a deep voice: "you have no thought and no soul, but I believe you know what you are doing. Tell me, why do you do this?"

Demon Zun slowly raised his head, eyes flashing cold sharp color, indifferent reply: "woman, resentment, Yin Qi!"

The demon emperor frowned, thought about the words of the demon respect, and slowly understood what.

When he devoured the demon king of all ages, he knew that it was necessary to revive the demon Zun with the demon blood of endless resentment, and women and Yin Qi were the ultimate way to control the demon king. The demon emperor knew that at first, he didn't know how women and Yin Qi were, but now he probably understood.

Demon Zun itself has fallen for endless years. Even now it is half dead. Women belong to Yin. Their Yin blood is the best nourishment to nourish demon Zun. In this case, how many women are needed to make the demon Zun completely loyal?

The demon emperor's eyes narrowed, and he had already made a decision in his heart. After defeating Chu Feng, maybe it's time to let the demon Zun disappear between heaven and earth. It would be a tragedy if such an evil corpse was remodeled, and even his favorite woman would be abandoned one day.

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