Super Healer

Chapter 2533

Another day passed, the atmosphere of demon domain was extremely depressed.

We all know that we can't get rid of the demon emperor, and even those who disappeared must be the reason for the demon emperor. But even so, no one dares to explore anything. Even snake Zun and others are silent and hide everything they see under the bottom of the valley.

But there is one thing we are still talking about in secret, that is, from yesterday, the demon temple is not the same as usual.

In the past, although the demon temple was filled with thick evil spirit, it was still within the acceptable range. However, today's demon Temple gave them a kind of vibration from their hearts. They felt that the demon spirit of the demon Temple soared to the sky. Everyone guessed what happened in the end, and there was a terrible spirit of demon Saint besides the demon emperor.

However, it was the territory of the demon emperor. Without his permission, no one dared to go there. Even the three saints did not dare to go to the demon Temple easily without the approval of the demon emperor.

At noon, the demon emperor suddenly summoned the three saints to the demon temple.

In the past, the three saints didn't feel much when they came to the demon temple. At most, they were more careful when facing the demon emperor. Today, when they came to the demon temple, diezun and others felt that they were being watched by the God of death. Standing outside the demon temple, some of them did not dare to whisper, but looked into the demon temple with a worried look.

The demon Emperor didn't let them wait too long, but just after they arrived, the demon emperor came out of the demon temple. It was still that kind of monstrous and awe inspiring appearance, but it seemed that there was a little tired meaning in the expression.

Diezun and others were curious about what happened to the demon emperor. They looked dignified, but even so, they did not ask.

"Is the temple army assembled?" The demon emperor stood in front of the three saints and asked in a deep voice.

Butterfly Zun bowed his head and said, "we have gathered all of them and are looking for the fastest way to reach the demon kingdom. However, judging from their situation, it seems that even if they find the small world, they will not come to the demon domain in advance."

"It seems that Chu Feng doesn't want to do it yet."

"Can't wait any longer." The demon emperor said coldly, "look at the temple army in all aspects. Once you find them in the demon world, you will inform me at the first time. I don't want to play such a waiting game with them any more.

When the demon emperor said these words, his fists were clenched, and he was not worried about when the temple army would come, because if it came later, the layout of the demon domain could be more, and the loss could be reduced.

But after the recovery of the demon Zun, especially the recovery of the demon Zun, Yin Qi is needed to neutralize and cultivate the dead Qi in his body, which the demon emperor can not tolerate.

Yesterday to now, he summoned a few demon domain women in accompany him, one does not pay attention to will be devoured by the demon Zun.

Moreover, the demon emperor found that the demon Zun obeyed his orders in other matters, but he didn't obey his orders in the matter of women. As long as he didn't pay attention to it, he would kill those women who came to the demon temple every minute.

Although the demon emperor's method is cruel, it is only to other people. Several of them are women he values, but they are all played to death by the demon Zun. This is something the demon emperor can't bear.

Moreover, the demon king gave him a sense of crisis, for fear that it would be difficult to control the demon Zun. The demon emperor decided not to wait any longer. As long as the temple army entered the small world of demon domain, he would immediately solve all the problems, and then destroy the demon Zun.

As for the choice not to go directly to the secret place of morning light or the temple world to fight, the demon emperor has done careful thinking.

The secret place of the morning light is the intersection of the heaven and the world. If it is involved in a big way, it is impossible to guarantee that some things will happen that you can't control. As for not going to fight in the temple world, because it is the territory of Chu Feng now, if there is any ambush, then there will be no play.

Diezun and others are surprised to hear the words of the demon emperor.

At the beginning, it doesn't matter if you want to take the initiative to attack the demon emperor. You don't need to be so anxious. Now it's time to take the initiative to fight. Why?

Diezun's eyes flitted past the demon temple, which brought her a great pressure. Her eyes narrowed slightly. It was estimated that the demon Zun had brought some pressure to the demon emperor, so the demon emperor wanted to fight against the Chu wind under the control of the demon Zun.

If the Chu wind has been procrastinating, then the demon emperor side will not appear?

Then he thought that diezun's eyes were full of intriguing light. He was ready to wait and wait until he went back to Wanhua valley. He told Chu Feng the news and asked Chu Feng to pacify the temple army temporarily and not enter the small world of demon domain. In that case, the demon emperor would not rush to the secret place of morning light. The longer the delay, maybe it would be full of changes.

The demon Emperor didn't know what butterfly Zun was thinking. He ordered his own meaning and went back to the demon temple.

Diezun and they did not have any communication, because the feeling before the demon temple was too oppressive. If they continued, they felt that their spirit might collapse.In the demon temple, the demon emperor went to the side hall and saw the demon Zun galloping on a female demon domain. According to the current situation, the demon Zun needs four women every day. Facing the vast and endless demon Kingdom, there are not many four women. However, it is not a good thing to cause the dissatisfaction of thousands of demon clans.

Although the demon emperor doesn't care how many people die, he still doesn't want to have some dissatisfaction with him under his rule. If the demon emperor continues to do so, he will make thousands of demon families angry sooner or later.

The demon emperor is proud of himself, but it does not mean that he is arrogant. The once prosperous demon dragon clan can be destroyed by thousands of demon families, let alone now?

The demon Zun roared, and the woman under him seemed to have become a corpse. Seeing the demon Zun's eyes overflowing with blood red light, he was not satisfied, and his mouth also made a roar like a wild animal.

The demon emperor took a deep breath, and the feeling of facing the demon Zun was getting worse and worse. He lifted his hand gently, and suddenly a woman was pulled out of the darkness. The demon emperor smashed her on the ground: "demon Zun, this is the second one today. After that, you give me a good rest, and I'll think of a way for you in the evening."

"Yes, master!" he bowed

Then the woman on the ground pulled up, regardless of her resistance to direct possession, the demon emperor frowned, and then turned away from the side hall.

He himself wanted to keep the demon Zun for his own use, but now the demon Zun gave him a feeling of extreme evil, which made the demon emperor a little unable to accept. So he wanted to calm down everything as soon as possible, and then destroy the demon Zun.

In the end, it's a tragedy if you don't succeed in raising tigers. Instead, you put yourself in.

After the demon emperor walked out of the side hall, he stood in the deep hall and looked at the depiction trace of the dragon. He found that there were some cracks. He frowned slightly, but he didn't think deeply. When he turned around, a dark and dazzling door flashed. The demon emperor shielded all his breath and walked in directly.

Demon Zun to make the mood is particularly depressed, he wants to find a place to release their own depressed mood.

When the demon emperor appeared again, there was no island in the distance of thousands of miles above a vast ocean. The demon emperor stood in the void with a look of ferocity.

All of a sudden, the rolling sea surged directly and separated towards the edge. When the sea was separated, the demon emperor fell down directly. There were many cities on the bottom of the sea, just like the cities left behind.

And the demon emperor went to a place like an altar, his eyes fixed, and a channel appeared in front of him. The demon emperor raised his hand and the sea directly restored to its original state. He also flashed into the channel.

As for this place, it was once the habitat of the demon emperor, but before that endless years, because of the war between the demon domain rulers, it was destroyed in the hands of Chiyou emperor and another demon domain power, and buried in the deep sea.

Secondly, the entrance to the world of the demon emperor, which has always been regarded as a mysterious place, is just under the sea floor. It is only because the habitat of the demon emperor has disappeared for so long that no one knows that it may be hidden in the deep sea.

Through that passage, the demon emperor appeared in a world full of demons. With his appearance, seven figures quickly came from seven directions and stood in front of him. At the lowest level, they were the realm of upper demon gods, and one of them was the terrifying realm of God.

And they all knelt on the ground, with absolute reverence in their voices: "patriarch!"

In the wild demon domain, everyone respected the name of the demon emperor, but here, everyone called him the clan leader, because there were the clansmen of the demon emperor, who had escaped the fight for the domination of the demon domain.

The demon emperor relaxed his look and let them get up and looked at other places with grim eyes: "the outside world is going to change. I may use you at any time. I will wait for my order at any time."

"Besides, what's the matter with the people of the Tianhu clan?"

"According to the head of the clan, the people of the Tianhu clan are all locked up in the prison of their ancestors. Even the ninth Princess and the fourth princess can't break those shackles."

The demon emperor was satisfied with a smile: "well done. Now bring Su Daji and Leng Rushuang to see me. In addition, I will bring a few women from the fox tribe to me. My emperor's mood is very boring now and I need to vent."

At the same time, the seven said, "yes!"

The demon emperor immediately flew away, toward the place where he had more sense of belonging than the demon temple.

What the demon Emperor didn't know was that Chu Feng had been staring at him in Manlong valley.

Corner of the mouth raised a smile: "originally, your world is here, ha ha ha!"

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