Super Healer

Chapter 2581

When night comes, Chu Feng sits on the ice in front of the igloo. At the moment, the ice palace is very quiet. Occasionally, she sees the women of the ice palace walk by from the outside, and they all look sad. I think it is because of the oppression of Huo Yu's leading the fire family coalition Army today, which makes people feel heavy.

However, if you think about it, the peak power of Ice Palace is only the peak of semi gods. Even if there is a boundary left by the ancestor of Ice Palace, it will last for a few days at most. Then it will be broken. The fire clan coalition army with the power of God state will ravage the ice palace just like playing.

These women think that may be reduced to playthings, I believe that few people are happy.

At the moment, Chu Feng is the only one in the courtyard of the igloo. During the daytime, bingyue brings something back for him to eat and then leaves. Now the ice palace is in a tense situation. In their eyes, Chu Feng is an ordinary person, and there is no need to waste too much energy to watch.

It can be said that today's chufeng is totally a transparent person, which can not attract anyone's attention.

The night is getting deeper and deeper. When Chu Feng is ready to go back to the house for a rest, bingyue also comes back, but the girl who seems to be delicate has a light sad look on her face.

Chu Feng, who stood up, also stopped. Looking at the ice moon's appearance, he felt a little heartache: "what's the matter?"

"Elder martial sister will sacrifice herself." Bingyue's eyes turned red and tears began to flow out: "because of the oppression of Huoyu, the boundary of our ice palace can't last too long. In order to strive for the maximum safety, the elder martial sister will sacrifice herself to strengthen the stability of the border with blood."

Chu Feng was stunned. He naturally knew that the border could be strengthened by blood. However, if the encounter was particularly strong, there was still no rent.

For example, the boundary of the ice palace was created by the ancestors of the ice palace. The ancestors of the Ice Palace should also be the next God. The cultivation of Huoyu is similar to that of the ice palace. As long as Huoyu wastes a little time, the boundary will be broken no matter how it is reinforced.

Ice crystal to sacrifice their own reinforcement, at most that is to support a little more time, and ultimately still have to face the possible danger.

These Chu Feng all know, but he is an ordinary person now, also can't show in front of the ice moon, he knows.

Just looking at the pitiful crying appearance of the ice moon, Chu Feng could not bear it in his heart. He went up to the mountain and said softly, "there must be a way to the front of the mountain. You should believe that there will be miracles in this world."

Bing Yue sobbed, looked up at the Chu Feng nearby and asked, "can there be any miracle in this matter?"

"Yes Chu Feng definitely nodded, took the ice moon's hand and went to the open space on one side of the courtyard, pointing to a direction in the night sky: "see the Star River Road between the universe and the stars?"

Bingyue's face was slightly red. It was the first time that a man held the palm of his hand. A heart was fluttering in his chest. Looking along the direction of Chu Feng, he also whispered back.

Chu Feng didn't pay attention to the look of bingyue, but told bingyue what his adoptive mother told him when he was a child: "when I was a child, my mother told me that if you encounter any unhappiness and difficulties, don't cry and be depressed. At night, you can look at the sky, stare at the brightest star, and make your wish. When you get up the next morning, maybe it will come true."

This is a white lie, because Chu Feng doesn't want to see ice moon sad and tearful. Although we are not very familiar with it, Chu Feng is also the person who knows and speaks most in this parallel universe.


The moon blinked, gently took back his hand, looked at the way of the Star River above the night sky: "make a wish to the star, you can complete your wish?"

Chufeng gentle smile: "you can try."

Bingyue pursed her lips. She didn't believe what Chu Feng said, but she needed something to support herself at the moment. Otherwise, she would be sad to think that Bingjing might sacrifice herself.

Hands in front of the body, looking at the night sky from a distance, bingyue whispered: "I don't know if making a wish is really going to succeed, but I hope that ice palace will not be oppressed any more. Huoyu, that dirty and dirty person, will die tomorrow. Those who want to violate the ice palace will also pay a heavy price."

There is no lack of cruelty in the language, but there is also a simple which can not be dispersed.

After making a wish, bingyue put down her hand and saw Chu Feng looking at her. Her face was red and she lowered her head: "what are you looking at?"

"Nothing!" Chu Feng shook his head and took back his eyes. At that moment, when he made a wish on the ice moon, he looked from the side of his face, which made people feel excited: "you have made a wish. Now go and have a good rest. Maybe when you get up tomorrow morning, what miracle will happen?"

On the beautiful face of ice moon, a bitter smile passed: "can't sleep!"

Making a wish is just a psychological adjustment. Unless the crisis is really lifted, otherwise the big stone in my heart can't be put down. Chu Feng is very clear about this.

Immediately sat down and said with a smile, "if you can't sleep, I'll accompany you."

Bingyue hesitated for a moment and sat down, smelling the man's breath on Chu Feng beside her. She never thought that she would be so close to a man, but now it's real. For a moment, she doesn't know what to say.And Chu Feng has no words to say, because he feels the helplessness of the ice moon. I believe that at this moment, bingyue just needs to have a person around her, then she will have a sense of security.

"Chu Feng!"

Silence for a while, bingyue first broke the silence: "can you tell me something about you? It's not easy for you to live in the world of the strong? "

Chu Feng was stunned for a moment. He felt a little sorry that the demon world could not be opened, but the demon Kingdom always existed. At the moment, it was used to change the atmosphere of his own realm. In the eyes of bingyue, he was an ordinary person.

After thinking about it for a while, Chu Feng said: "in the world of the strong, the strong overlook the heaven and earth, while the weak are bullied by others. However, to a certain extent, ordinary people are a little easier. They all live in places far away from the gathering places of the strong. There is nothing to attract the strong to come, so they are relatively safe."

"As for me, it's not particularly difficult. It's just a little more worrying."

Chu Feng didn't know what to say with bingyue. He could only say what he saw in the hidden world. The strong would bully the weaker, but most of them would not bully the ordinary people, because there would be no sense of achievement and even be shamed by others.

And for Chu Feng said all ice moon are quiet listening, sometimes nodding, there is a bit of yearning in the eyes of the color.

Chu Feng said something more. When she stopped, bingyue asked, "Chu Feng, are you married?"


Chu Feng's mouth twitched. If the problem of marriage really needs to be investigated, it can be matched a lot, but in this world, it is equivalent to No.

So Chu Feng replied with a smile: "not yet, and I'm still young, and I'm not in a hurry. How do you want to ask this?"

"In fact, sometimes I envy you ordinary people's lives." Bingyue doodle mouth, hands holding knees to look at the night sky, eyes full of yearning color: "although only a hundred years of time, there is no Tao for a long time, but the length of a hundred years, they can be very sufficient."

"Find a loved one to form a family, have their own children, and then grow old together with your lover until you leave the world contentedly."

Chu Feng didn't expect bingyue to say such a thing, because according to chufeng's conjecture, most of the strong people's pursuits are strong, and bingyue seems to envy being an ordinary person.

"Well, you don't want to be an ordinary person and have a good love with someone?" he asked with a smile

"Yes Chu Feng asked at random. She didn't want to nod her head seriously, and her face was flushed. Maybe it was because Chu Feng was a stranger. There was nothing to worry about when bingyue said: "not only me, but also many teachers and sisters in the ice palace think that it's a pity for a man to have no woman. It's not perfect for a woman without a man. ”

"as people in the ice palace, we are doomed not to have our own lovers, because if there are, we will be expelled from the ice palace and our accomplishments will be abolished. But even so, every year, many teachers and sisters still prefer to do so and look for a lover. Therefore, I envy ordinary people very much. They don't need to consider so much."

Ordinary people envy that the strong can exist for a long time and can fly away from the earth. However, bingyue envies the freedom of ordinary people here, just like besieged city. The people inside envy the people outside, and the people outside always envy the people inside.

In the heart of a slight sigh, the side of the head to see ice moon looking at themselves, eyes water spirit, Chu wind subconsciously touched his face: "my face has dirty things?"

"No!" Bingyue bit her lips, looked around, and finally lowered her head: "just, can I ask you a favor?"

Chu Feng is surprised that he can help bingyue, but he doesn't say anything. He believes bingyue will say it himself.

Bingyue was silent for a long time. When Chu Feng didn't know what she wanted to do, she said: "maybe the ice palace will be broken soon, and my sisters and teachers will be persecuted. I don't want to be a plaything. If there is one day, I will commit suicide first."

"It's just that before I die, I want to leave no regrets."

Chu Feng heard here already probably know what bingyue wants to say. He smiles bitterly and pretends not to know: "that, what can I do for you?"

"Can you lend me your arms?" Bingyue didn't go back to Chu Feng directly, but she just threw a question. After asking, she didn't wait for Chu Feng's permission to come closer and lie in Chu Feng's arms. In the snow and ice land, her face was red and bright: "as for what you can help me is, before the ice palace may decline, but I am your woman, I want to feel what it's like to be loved by men."

Chu Feng's mouth twitched violently. Ten thousand grass mud horses were roaring and running in his heart. It was really hard for him to think that it was said by a delicate girl like bingyue.

When he thought that when he was sitting in front of the ice house, all the women who passed by would look at him. At first, Chu Feng didn't feel anything. Only those women thought he was the only man in the ice palace. But now bingyue was lying in his arms. Chu Feng suddenly understood that those women might have similar thoughts with bingyue.In may become a plaything, do not leave regret, love once!

Looking at the woman in her arms, bingyue is also looking at Chu Feng. Her four eyes are relative. Her eyes are a little shy: "that, men and women know each other and love each other. What kind of it is?"

Chu Feng is not a good man and a woman, and like bingyue, Chu Feng knows her mood, that is, she will die sooner or later. Before she dies, she will liberate her nature and desire in her heart.

Looking at that delicate and pure face, Chu Feng is not a good man and a woman. She lowers her head and directly kisses bingyue's red lips. Bingyue closes her eyes and hugs Chu Feng tightly with both hands as she is shocked.

Chu Feng also picked up bingyue and walked into the ice house. They fell on the bed. Bingyue responded to Chu Feng's kiss. When she separated, bingyue's eyes were full of spring: "this, must we do it?"

Looking at bingyue's face, Chu Feng knows that she is still a piece of white paper. She doesn't know that two people need to have feelings to get along with each other. If he says yes now, bingyue will let him gallop without hesitation.

Chu Feng moved, but also hesitated, did not respond to the ice moon problem, but directly once again overbearing kiss bingyue, the latter did not refuse, just unnaturally and Chu Feng embrace together.

Ten minutes later, Chu Feng came down from the ice bed, tidied up the tangled clothes and looked at the sleeping ice moon. Finally, Chu Feng still resisted. It was a good thing for a woman to emancipate her heart, but not in such a situation without any preparation, or under pressure, but at a normal and unrestrained time.

Now bingyue wants to indulge because the ice palace can't stop the fire clan coalition army. She doesn't want to leave regret. But Chu Feng is not willing to take her body away from her under such circumstances.

A hand gently raised, a force did not enter the forehead of the ice Moon: "tomorrow when the sun rises, you will find your world is still beautiful, tonight everything is just a dream, a beautiful dream!"

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