Super Healer

Chapter 2582

A hundred kilometers away from the ice palace, the temporary residence of the fire clan army.

Because Huo Yu can't break the boundary of Ice Palace temporarily during the day, so she encircles the Ice Palace first and waits for a night's rest to continue tomorrow. Because she attacks the boundary continuously, even if Huo Yu is a strong one in the divine realm, it can't last for less than attack.

At the moment, there are some people sitting in an ice and snow cave. The first one is Huo Yu. He looks like a fire burning on his head from a distance.

On the left and right of the lower part are the chief of the aquarium, the wife of the Shui people, and on the other side there are the leaders of the Tu nationality and several other races. However, everyone looks nervous. In front of Huo Yu, they dare not say a word.

In the past, when Huoyu did not achieve the divine realm, they could still sit on the same level. Now Huoyu has achieved the realm of the next God. One finger can stab all the people here. Who dares to speak?


Huo Yu's eyes were cold and passed by everyone sitting below. When she was on the water lady, she stopped for a moment and then moved away: "although the border will be broken if you attack me continuously for several days, the woman Bingjing can't be underestimated. If it takes a long time, it's hard to avoid a long night's dream. What do you have to do to break the boundary?"

Everyone looked at each other, and finally Mrs. water replied, "array eye, as long as you find the outer array eye of the ice palace boundary, don't mention the fire clan leader, even if we are any one, we can break the boundary."

Fire Yu narrowed his eyes, eyes fell on the water lady's half pull snow-white: "array eye is indeed a way, but among us, who knows the array?"

Madame Shui's face changed slightly, and she knew what she said was the same as what she didn't say, because it's hard to find an array of array channels. She was afraid that Huo Yu would pursue her own stupid suggestions. However, when she saw his eyes staring at her tiny white dew, Mrs. water relaxed again.

As we all know, Huo Yu is a man of great ambition and lust. He believes that he will not hurt a beautiful woman. For this reason, the water lady is still slightly plump, which makes the exposed half white and more conspicuous. He can see a slight red color and the scenery on the edge.

People did not find fire Yu's abnormal and water lady's behavior, because at the moment they all lowered their heads for fear of being investigated by fire Yu, how could they know what two people were doing.

The water lady's behavior let fire Yu eye more a few minutes bright color, dark pharynx saliva, breath all heavy some.

With a big wave of his hand: "everyone else will go down. Although Mrs. water's suggestion is not so feasible, it is also a good way than my continuous attacks. Let's discuss it carefully."

The rest of the people are a Leng, the head of the aquarium is also stunned, looking at the woman beside her, isn't Huo Yu rejecting her proposal? How to say that her method is feasible.

The water lady's face changed for a moment, knowing that she had lifted a stone to hit her feet. Huo Yu left her not to study anything. The most likely thing was to study her deep and shallow problems. Her lips were almost bitten, but she had no way to deal with Huo Yu.

People of other ethnic groups all showed a playful look. They probably knew what was going on with Huo Yu's character, but it had nothing to do with them, so they didn't need to pay attention to it. They stood up one by one and left the ice and snow cave to avoid being blamed by Huo Yu.

"Captain Shui!"

Everyone went down, but the aquarium clan chief has not moved, fire Yu meaningful smile: "do you have any better suggestions to stay with me to say?"

Although he has a lot of wives and concubines, his favorite one is still similar to him. The water lady is the peak of the semi God period. To some extent, the water lady is stronger than him. Now the meaning of Huoyu is very clear. The chief Shui knows that he is going to wear a green cap.

Seeing the water lady looking at himself, there is a smell of help in her eyes. The Long Shui nationality gnaws her teeth and stands up and looks at Huo Yu with a look of reluctance. However, it's useless to be unwilling at this time, unless you don't want to die.

As soon as she shook her head and went out, it was a shame for her to be looked upon by others. But when she was not strong enough, the woman was just a foil, and the chief of the aquarium completely put it down.

Mrs. water's face was stunned, and her eyes flashed with disappointment and slight anger. She would not be angry even if she had said a word just now. Even if she was ravaged by Huo Yu, she would not hate him. But now the chief of Shui nationality left directly and left her to Huo Yu, which made Mrs. water unbearable.

When the heads of all ethnic groups went down, Huo Yu also let the fire family guards all go down. Only Huo Yu and Mrs. water were left in the cave.

Without other people, Huo Yu did not restrain her eyes at all. She was staring at Mrs. water's half Snow White: "madam is really a natural beauty. I think that compared with the ice crystal ice blue sisters, there is no lack of more let, even more charm than them, that kind of developed Charm."

"Thank you for your appreciation." At the moment, Mrs. water's heart was only cold and disappointed with the aquarium leader. She said with an unnatural smile, "let's talk about the array eye. I'd like to take some people to investigate the ice palace, find the outer array eye for the fire clan chief, break the boundary and crush the Ice Palace.""Looking for the eye?" Fire Yu burst out laughing and jokingly said: "Madam water, we are all smart people. Don't say these meaningless things. I don't want to leave you for anything. I don't expect to find it, because I believe that I can break the boundary tomorrow or the next day."

"I'm just interested in Mrs. water. Take off your clothes and let me play for a night. Everything is easy to say!"

Fire Yu says his mind directly, let water madam look slightly ugly.

Biting his lips, he whispered, "patriarch fire, I'm just a ragged flower and fallen willow. The fire clan leader now controls all ethnic groups. Beautiful women and clean women are more. Don't make fun of me."

"No!" Huo Yu shook her head and stood up. She came to Mrs. water and said with a sneer: "the chief of Shui nationality is incompetent, and his wife is not strong enough. If you want to have a roommate, you have to look at your mood. In the past 100 years, you are just roommates several times at most. Therefore, madam is not a fallen flower, and even if it is, I don't care!"

Speaking, fire Yu directly reaches out his hand to the fullness of the water lady, and wants to feel the problem of size elasticity.

Water lady subconsciously back a few steps, a hand on the heavenly cover: "fire clan chief self-respect, or I can only die in front of you."

"Is it? Show me if you die Fire Yu ha ha ha smile, did not care about the water lady's threat, because he knew that water lady is a person who cherishes life, the most important thing is that Mrs. water's foxy posture just now has aroused his interest. How can Huo Yu quit without ravaging her tonight? "Huo Yu's guess is right. Madame Shui is indeed a person who cherishes her own life. If she has to, she doesn't care to be raped by a man. She just can't tolerate seeing Huoyu's ferocious face.

He also deeply regretted his flattery. He knew that he should change his clothes before he came. Otherwise, why didn't Huo Yu look for the wives of Tu nationality and other nationalities?

Her hands were shaking there, and Madame Shui clenched her teeth. Finally, she could not commit suicide. She put down her hand and completely no longer resisted: "chief fire, I hope you can be gentle and gentle. Who are you?"

The original intention is to make Huo Yu gentle. Don't take her as a mean plaything. Suddenly, she saw a young man behind Huoyu, with a handsome face and evil spirit. Mrs. water can be sure that she has not seen it, and how the young man appears, Mrs. water has not seen it.

And this young man is Chu Feng!

Originally, Chu Feng didn't want to interfere in anything in the parallel universe, but the love of bingyue still made Chu Feng feel soft hearted. He also felt that a group of masters bullied a group of women, which was unreasonable, so he came.

Huo Yu thought it was Mrs. water who was playing with her at the beginning, but after feeling the strange breath, she suddenly turned around and saw Chu Feng with a funny smile behind her. Huo Yu looked ugly: "bastard, who are you?"

Outside are people of all nationalities, usually can not enter, and can come here, fire Yu subconsciously thought it was the people of all nationalities.

"My name is Cheng Yaojin, just passing by."

Chu Feng spread out his hands to ponder, and his eyes also glanced over the startled water lady, especially in her plump, dark swallow saliva, depending on the situation and Liu Yan have a fight, the goal is so big, still wear so sexy, that is not looking for what?

In her consternation, Madame Shui saw Chu Feng looking at her, and she was so direct that she rolled her eyes. However, she didn't face the anger of the fire clan leader. Instead, she was a little playful. She deliberately stood up.

This pretty almost didn't let Chu wind spurt nosebleed, can Kan's recollection vision, fire Yu also roared way: "come person!"

At once, more than ten guards of the fire clan came in from outside. Huo Yu pointed to Chu Feng and said word by word: "take this man out to see what kind of people it is, and then let their clan leader's wife come to make amends and disturb the clan leader's Yaxing. Damn it!"

More than a dozen fire family guards immediately went to Chu Feng. Although Mrs. Shui was a little interested in Chu Feng, she was just that. Could a young man make waves?

However, at the next moment, everyone was shocked. Chu Feng instantly detonated the breath of saints, and the ice and snow cave turned into powder. The whole station was shrouded under the pressure of the holy land. Chu Feng was not worried about being felt by others, because the surrounding area was covered by demons.

Anger in the fire Yu did not close the mouth opened more, eyes are dull down.

But the water lady who was not optimistic about Chu Feng blinked her eyes and even added a touch of light: "saint!"

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