Super Healer

Chapter 2675

At three o'clock in the morning, the Italian capital International Airport.

A flight from Eagle country landed safely on the airport runway. The police have already set up a cordon to prevent anyone from approaching. Because this is the special plane of Queen isavia, she will stay in the capital international hotel tonight, and then leave for the Vatican for a three-day visit at 7:00 tomorrow morning.

Although it was only a way out, the government still gave isavia enough respect and sent 500 military and police forces to martial law around the airport to protect isavia's safety. Even in the evening, the vice president came to greet isavia in person.

When the plane stopped completely, isavia, dressed in a long black dress, stepped down from the top, accompanied by a beautiful woman with long legs. She was her best friend, the director general of the international human rights organization, savaki.

She didn't come, but she heard that someone was going to see isavia, so she happened to have nothing to do, so she followed.

When the two men came down, a middle-aged man with a Mediterranean head came up. Isavia gave a polite smile: "Mr. vice president, it's late at night, please."

The vice president is also a little strange. According to the truth, even if she wants to come, she can wait for the day. The arrival of the big night is still unexpected, but he will not speculate too much. He said with a smile: "Your Majesty is joking. Welcome to visit Italy next time!"

Isavia nodded softly, "sure!"

This time, isavia arranged a visit to the Vatican, so there will be no other activities except one night's stay in Italy.

After a few words, the vice president accompanied isavia to the outside, followed by Sark, leader of the Royal Guard, and eight members of the Royal Guard. All of them remained within five meters of isavia and were ready to deal with the danger.

After leaving the airport and getting on the bus that had been prepared for a long time, isavia and savaki got on a car. Instead, the vice president sat in the back of the car and accompanied them to the hotel. After they arrived at the hotel, he would also leave.

At this time point, I feel a little sleepy.

Compared with the fatigue of the vice president, isavia and savaki are not sleepy at all. It's not that they are used to not sleeping at night, but they are excited to see Chu Feng which they haven't seen for three years.

"Beautiful queen, I feel you are excited."

Savannah looked out of the window. At this time, there were almost no pedestrians and vehicles. When she looked back, she was as red as a little girl, and said in a playful tone, "you know, you are 32 years old, not 18 years old."

She pursed her lips, and her eyes were full of banter: "be reserved. Most Chinese men like reserved women."

Isavia's face reddened a little after hearing this, and she gave a little look at Savannah with a little embarrassed meaning.

Because the plan is the flight at five o'clock in the morning tomorrow morning, but she wants to see Chu Feng quickly, so she comes in advance. The rest of the people don't know, but Savannah is very clear. Now she makes such an explicit joke, isavia is sure to be steady and mature, but it is also in front of outsiders. She is more or less embarrassed in front of her best friend.

However, in a sudden embarrassment, isavia stretched out her long legs and said with a smile, "what about you? You've left your work behind. Why do you want to follow me?"

"I remember that you are several years older than me. You should be reserved. The men of the Chinese Dynasty do not like bold and enthusiastic women."

Shawaqi smile, said: "no, the actual pursuit of Chinese men is a gentle, virtuous and reserved wife, bold and passionate lover, I do not use the former, I pursue the latter, so I came, but the queen you, should not be so ah, you don't just want to be a lover?"

Isavia shook her head with a wry smile. She looked out of the window and didn't talk to her again. Of course, she knew what she was thinking, but she didn't care about it.

From the moment she chose Chu Feng, she had already accepted the fact that Chu Feng had other women. She could accept other Chu Feng women. Why can't she accept her best friend?

Both of them had a tacit understanding and did not speak any more. The motorcade stopped outside the capital international hotel nearly half an hour before 4:00 a.m. because the vice president had already said hello in advance, and the general manager of the hotel and his staff were waiting outside the door.

As isavia came along accompanied by the vice president, the hotel staff, led by the general manager, exclaimed, "welcome queen isavia to the capital Kailin international hotel."

In the face of the public, isavia is still that kind of noble and elegant. She nodded slightly and walked straight into the hotel with a little smile. She was very friendly and patient. However, Savannah, who was behind her, knew that she looked quiet, but she was already very anxious.

Because Chu Feng lives on the floor of the presidential suite of the Kailin international hotel.

"Your Majesty the queen."After shaking hands with the hotel staff in isavia, the general manager said, "the presidential suite at the top of our hotel is currently occupied. We will empty the second floor for you and your entourage. Please forgive me."

For those who have already checked into the presidential suite earlier, it is not easy to empty the hotel. It can only be emptied to the penultimate floor for isavia and her entourage.

The vice president's face turned cold, and he felt that the general manager of the hotel was not sensible. How could she stoop to the second floor from the bottom with isavia's identity? Although it was also a presidential suite, it did not have the highest level of dignity.

As she was about to speak, isavia said, "it's late at night. I don't need to disturb the sleeping guests. Let's arrange it on the top floor. There should be more than one suite there."

Both the general manager and the vice president of the hotel are stunned. Naturally, there are more than one presidential suite on the first floor of the hotel. However, as the queen of Eagle Kingdom, she should live on her own floor. How can I stay on the same floor with others?

The general manager of the hotel took a look at the vice president, who hesitated and then nodded.

With the permission of the vice president, the general manager of the hotel said, "I'll have it arranged. Your majesty, please."

Isavia nodded gently and followed the hotel staff into the elevator. Only a few guard members accompanied by savaki and Sark were accompanied. The rest of them went up the stairs to ensure that there was no potential danger and stayed on the highest floor.

When the elevator on the top floor was opened, isavia and others came out. The vice president had left and the hotel general manager was not convenient to follow. Only two hotel staff led to open a presidential suite without any people.

"You go down first."

Looking at the open door, isavia said to the two staff members, "I have a little more to arrange."

The two staff members are both about 20-year-old girls. They are also under some pressure in the face of a powerful woman like isavia. They nod and leave quickly. The members of the guard have also come up from the stairs on both sides. Sack quickly arranges their positions.

Isavia looked at the door next to the suite she was going to live in. She unconsciously put up a smile on her mouth, but she covered it up very well. Even Savannah didn't find it.

"Sark, take the guard on both sides of the stairway. Miss savaki and I are going to have a rest."

Sark looked stunned and looked at the opposite door: "Your Majesty, this",, "

" go! " Isavia knew that Sark wanted to say that this floor was not only for them, but also for unknown people. She was worried about her safety, but she didn't worry at all because she knew who was living next door.

Sark hesitated, but he did not dare to disobey isavia's orders. He bowed his head and said, "the queen will rest early."

She turned around and waved with the guards and went back to both sides of the stairway. Isavia and savaki had been standing at the door of the room, but they didn't go in until Sark and his men were hidden in the stairway. However, the door was not closed, but it was covered.

They walked in and sat down for less than a few minutes. When they heard the sound of closing the door, they all stood up and saw that there was one more person in the room. Who could not be Chu Feng?

Isavia in front of the people are stable, majestic image, but now facing Chu Feng, she has put down the Queen's reserve, walked quickly two steps, rushed into Chu Feng's arms, bit her lips and whispered, "I miss you."

It has been three years since I went to China last time that I haven't seen Chu Feng. The women who have been known all over the world for the sake of Chu Feng's trouble do not want to have any reserve when they see him again, because this is their own man, and they don't need too much reserve.

Chu Feng felt the woman's eagerness and missing, and felt a trace of apology in his heart. For these beauties, he really took care of too little.

Just about to speak, isavia suddenly kisses his mouth. Chufeng's eyes are frozen and she is standing beside her. When is she so enthusiastic and active? Is she in her thirties like a wolf?

I don't think it's appropriate, but I feel the eagerness of isavia, and Chu can't bear to push aside. She hugs a woman's affectionate kiss, which makes Savannah, who is standing there as an audience, is speechless, which means abusing a single dog.

The kiss didn't make people cry. It just stopped after a few minutes.

Isavia, who was too excited just now, forgot that her best friend was still there. Now she calmed down and blushed. She was always steady, and even more holy and noble among the people, could be like this.

However, the face of this person is Chu Feng. Isavia doesn't mind taking the initiative any more, which is based on the absence of savaki.

And Savannah also at this time came forward, generous open arms: "less wind, give a hug OK?"

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