Super Healer

Chapter 2676

Some people say that when you like a woman, you must not rush to express your love and observe it slowly.

This observation does not mean to see the character and character of this woman, but every time it is proved that the woman you like must have a more beautiful girl friend and sister.

The beauty of isavia is there, and Savannah has not surpassed her. However, to a certain extent, Savannah is more charming and charming than Isaiah. After all, she will be nearly 40 years old in a few years. As long as the women at this age are properly maintained, they will have great attraction for men of any age.

And Savannah, that's a woman.

Capture the playfulness and banter in the eyes of shawaqi. Chu Feng is very clear that even if she is asked to study life and ideals now, she will not refuse and will take the initiative.

But when isavia is here, she must pay attention to the influence. Even if she doesn't mind, she can't feel sorry in her heart.

However, even shawaqi has taken the initiative to open her arms. Chu Feng still wants to give some face. She opens her hands generously and hugs her in isavia's playfulness. The original intention is just to hold her and release her. But when she wants to release her, Chu Feng finds that she hugs herself tightly.

Feeling the fullness and ferocity in front of her chest, Chu Feng swallows her saliva. She has a great impulse to study the feeling and size of her hands. If it was not for her determination, she would have started to study it at this moment.

Shawaqi's eyes flashed light banter. She felt the slight change of Chu Feng's body when she held her tightly. She just released it, but she didn't know whether it was intentional or unintentional. When she released Chu Feng's hand and put it down, she took it with her hand and let Chu Feng's big hand fall on her long leg.

The amazing smoothness and elasticity of Chu Feng's mind rippling, passing by the long legs that occupy the majority of the height of Savannah, in a vulgar word, can play for ten years.

Reluctantly moved his eyes, Chu Feng coughed gently: "long time no see."

"Not long, three years." "It's just that our beautiful queen doesn't feel like a long time, then we don't know. We should understand that the royal family wanted to marry her out before the age of 30."

It seems to be ridicule, but Chu Feng knows that savaki doesn't mean that. She just reminds her that isavia has had a bad time in the past few years, and occasionally bears the pressure of the royal family.

After all, he has not married at the age of 32, which is very rare in the history of the royal family.

Once again, if you're tired, isavia, hold your hand

After so much experience, although Chu Feng is still male chauvinism, he has his own attitude towards those beauties who have not broken through the bottom line. If they are really tired, then let go and pursue their happiness. For example, find a person who can accompany them day and night, without waiting for him every day.

Just said to export, isavia raised her hand to Chu Feng's mouth: "don't say anything. I can't marry anyone except you in this life."

The confession that once caused a sensation all over the world has already let everyone know that she isavia is the woman of Chu Feng. Who dares to rob Chu Feng woman in this world?

Chu Feng is also very clear about this. A sigh makes her feel more guilty for isavia and the rest of the beauties. All of them are the women who are extremely gorgeous and gorgeous on one side, but they all become his women of Chu Feng, which can not be seen in a few months or years.

That kind of feeling Chu wind did not experience, but also know that definitely is not a kind of good taste.

Hugging isavia tightly, Chu Feng didn't say any more words about letting go when he was tired, because he knew that even if he said it, he would not listen. Instead of saying words that let these beauties down, we should try our best to finish all the things as soon as possible. We don't ask them to accompany these beauties day and day, but also don't let them wait too long.

After hugging and parting, isavia has packed up her excitement of seeing Chu Feng. The whole person is much calmer, but in her eyes, she can still catch some happy colors.

Three people all sat down, shawaqi legs crisscross, wearing a short skirt she is set off a pair of long legs is particularly attractive, coupled with not even silk stockings, ivory luster always let Chu Feng can't help but see more.

But that's all.

After a silence, Chu Feng said, "isavia, when you visit the Vatican tomorrow, I want to go into the Vatican with you as a guard."

This is also the reason why ishavia came. Because the Chu Feng asked Feng Qingqing to send her a letter of worship, but the Vatican is different from other places. It can ignore those people, but if there is any accident, it will cause world turbulence.

It's the center of Catholic power. If someone stealthily invades the Vatican, it will surely cause the madness of those devout believers, which is not what Chu Feng wants to see.

Secondly, he didn't want to let anyone know that he was in the present world, lest the news spread to the five forbidden areas, what would nagula do.Such a possibility is not very great, but as long as there is a possibility, we should be careful.

Isavia already knew what to do when Chu Feng contacted her, so it's not surprising at all. There's nothing wrong with arranging Chu Feng to enter the escort team.

Yingguo itself is a multi-ethnic country. It's nothing to have a yellow skin in the guard team. Moreover, few people have seen Chu Feng himself. Even if he stands in front of others, others may not recognize him as Chu Feng.

Nodding slightly, there was no hesitation at all: "no problem. I'll ask Sark to prepare a suit of clothes."

Chu Feng is not worried about this. Isavia is a student of the Pope. It is normal for students to visit their teachers. People who believe in the Vatican will not probe too much. That is not only disrespect for isavia, but also disregard for the Pope.

Probably settled the matter of tomorrow, Chu Feng stood up, and isavia got up with a tight heart, and her eyes were still if she pointed to shawaqi, which was meaningful.

Savannah is not an idiot. How can she not know the meaning of her eyes? She pursed her lips and got up helplessly in her eyes: "you two keep talking. I'm a little sleepy and want to have a rest."

Then she went into one of the bedrooms and closed the door, leaving isavia and chufeng standing there.

Chu Feng just stood up and was ready to go back to the room next door. Because LV Wanfeng was green and they were still there, Chu Feng knew that it was isavia who deliberately let go of shawaqi. The purpose was to get along with him alone and see the woman's delicate look. Chu Feng wanted to go back first, but she still resisted.

She went up to isavia and put her hands on her shoulder. The latter also raised her head with a slight light in her eyes: "wind, give me a child. I think there is someone else to accompany me when you are not around."

Isavia spoke directly, or said such a request, let Chu Feng a little surprised.

However, Chu Feng soon calmed down. In the face of isavia's invitation, few men could refuse, but Chu Feng knew that he could not do so. He wanted to leave isavia a little way out.

Now he is fighting in the five forbidden areas. Although he has removed the threat of the demon emperor, there is still a more terrifying devil. Even if he kills the devil, there is nothing left? The mysterious woman who has strengthened him several times is also a problem, even if it doesn't mean nothingness.

It can be said that Chu Feng does not know when he will die, when all the beauties have nothing to rely on, Chu Feng does not want this to happen.

Naturally, there is no way for those raw rice to cook mature rice, but isavia is clean and clean. In addition, she is the queen and she will never marry. If she loses her virginity, she will certainly suffer some pressure in the future.

Isavia didn't know what Chu Feng thought. She just felt nervous when she saw that he didn't take the next step: "do you think I'm old?"

The difference between the two is 10 years old. Judging from Chu Feng's appearance three years ago, there is not much change. Although the change of isavia is not very big, it is hard to guarantee that she will not change in a few years. She mistakenly thinks that Chu Feng dislikes her old age and regrets it!

Chufeng laughs bitterly and feels that isavia has really changed a lot.

I still remember that when I went to Eagle country, isavia didn't allow him to land and asked him to return the same way. Finally, he landed in Eagle country under the threat of half light speed missile. Later, by chance, the two people had a strange feeling. Now I think about isavian's iron determination at that time, but now there are more women's unique softness.

Gently pinched isavia's face: "if I dislike your age, I would not have been with you at the beginning."

"Who knows!" Isavia looked directly at Chu Feng and said in a soft voice, "I was only 29 when I was the most beautiful woman. At that time, you were 19. Who knows if you like elder sister's heavy taste?"

Chu Feng's mouth twitched violently, and she shook her head with a bitter smile. Who did isavia learn from? Like elder sister, but also heavy taste?

She gently kisses her forehead and says, "with me, you will never grow old, but not tonight. I still have important things to do. You should also have a good rest. Otherwise, you will be listless when you enter the holy see tomorrow, and you will lose face when you are the most beautiful king."

It seems that the tone of coaxing a child made isavia blush, and her eyes flashed shyly: "so tonight, you can sleep with me, and you can do nothing."

Chu Feng hesitated for a moment, then nodded: "good!"

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