Super Healer

Chapter 2770

Night came completely, and the spirit world fell into a dead silence.

Because of the great influence of the battle between Chu Feng and nagula last night, most of the people in the spirit world fled and entered the small world. Therefore, the whole spirit world seemed empty, and the rest of the people did not dare to make any noise.

Because nagura has issued a death order, once there is any abnormality, there is no amnesty for killing, and there is no need to clarify any cause and effect.

Under such a high-voltage line, few people in the spiritual world dare to make noise on such a dead night, and they are worried about becoming the dead one.

Mirage manor, when the full moon rises!

Chu Feng walked out of the room and looked at the moon that had just emerged. When the moon rose to the highest and brightest, nagula would completely degenerate into an inhuman werewolf. At that time, he was easy to deal with. In addition to the injury caused last night, nagula must have paid a heavy price by surprise.

Because no one could have imagined that he, who was almost killed by nagula last night, would fight again this evening, even if nagula himself did not think of it.

With Chu Feng coming out, Lu Wan and Zhang Yuner, Yihong and Meng, as well as satina and kardashan, all come out. It's just that satina gives people a feeling of indifference. Chu Feng takes a slight look and feels that satina seems to be a little different from what he saw in the afternoon.

But Chu Feng didn't know where it was different. Finally, she only thought that satina was not comfortable because of the afternoon.

The final battle is about to begin. Chu Feng doesn't want to waste too much time on satina. He takes back his eyes and glances over Yihong and kadaishan and says, "when the werewolf appears, we will start. You two will leave the spirit world as quickly as possible, because no one knows what will happen today."

Although nagula becomes a werewolf, it will be easier to deal with it without reason, but also because nagula does not have any reason, the whole battle situation may be even fiercer than last night, or the spirit world will disappear.

The destruction of a world, except for saints, there will be no hope of survival. It will be better for Yihong and kardashan to leave.

Yihong and kardashan naturally knew that they could not play a very important role. They nodded their heads to show that they understood.

Zhang yun'er also asked: "Chu Feng, the demon Kingdom army, still need to go to the spirit world?"

Because if the spirit world may be destroyed, the people of each branch of the demon clan will die along with it, and the army of the demon kingdom will not be necessary to come to the spiritual world.

"I'll arrange this later." Chu Feng nodded slightly and his eyes deviated: "of course, we should try our best not to destroy the world when we fight against nagula, because stuya and Baihe don't know where they are now. In addition, we also need to be careful. The person who can draw other people's power secretly has not yet appeared."

"Maybe he will show up tonight. We must be 100% careful."

Zhang yun'er and Lu Wan both nodded to understand, but satina and dream were not so natural.

The unnatural reason of satyana is that the person is herself. The reason of the unnatural dream is that she knows that the person is satina. She looks at satina coldly in her eyes and finds that she is also looking at her coldly.

The dream looks stunned, because in satina's eyes, she felt the murder against her, and her heart was a little more dignified. When dealing with nagula tonight, I'm afraid we have to guard against satina, otherwise something will happen.

Chu Feng didn't pay attention to their abnormal Chu Feng. Now he is more concerned about the details of dealing with nagula, because this may be the last battle. Either they are dead or nagula is dead. Everything needs to be careful. There will be no luck like last night.

Nagula, in her madness, is bound to be a crazy act. If you want to be the same as last night, it is definitely impossible.

After confirming that there were no unnecessary questions, Chu Feng said: "basically, it's just like this. When the full moon rises and nagula turns into a werewolf, we'll fight together. Now I'll go to find the demon king first, and ask him to mobilize the demon Kingdom army to guard the entrances and exits of various small spiritual worlds."

"I want after tonight, the spirit world demon clan, completely vanishes between the heaven and the earth."

The bloody endless words let everyone on the scene feel Chu Feng's killing intention. Satyana also suddenly understood why Chu Feng didn't let the demon Kingdom army attack last night. Dare you wait for tonight, then last night?

Satina narrowed her eyes and vaguely knew that the main purpose of chufeng last night was to save her. However, even if she knew it, she didn't put it in her heart. At the moment when she ate duanqing pill, only the future and glory of the protoss were left in her heart.

When Chu Feng left the mirage manor, Zhang yun'er and Lu Wan also left first, preparing to wait near the temple of the God King. As long as nagula transformed into a werewolf, they would start immediately to avoid long night dreams.

After Yihong and kardashan retreated first, the dream fell behind by half a beat. Then she said in a cold voice, "I hope you don't make any small moves tonight, or even if I die the next moment, your ugliness will be exposed in front of everyone."Satyana just looked at the dream, and it seemed that she didn't hear her words at all. The graceful figure passed the void and disappeared without trace. As for where she went, she didn't want to pay attention to the dream. She only cared that satyana didn't play any tricks tonight.

The phantom manor gradually quieted down with the plan. The temple of the God, which is far away, is a kind of dark wave and turbulent situation.

The guard was completely mobilized by nagula to stay around the temple of God, and he himself repaired the injury caused by the Ming Hong sword in the blood pool underground palace under the temple.

Only Minghong sword contains endless resentment of taboo killing of the demon God since ancient times. The wound is easy to repair. However, if it is impossible to expel the fierce sword spirit, it will not work.

In the blood pool palace, nagula closed her eyes and breathed the smell of blood in the air, and the body was overflowing with light red blood light. The skin seemed to breathe generally, which seemed to be a very terrible thing for the whole person.

Suddenly, the Gula opened her eyes and raised her hands. His face suddenly turned ugly. Because his hands had become the palm of the wolf, and was covered with white hair. He knew that with the rising of the moon, he would soon become a werewolf without humanity.

The anger of the mood was not easy. If it was normal for Gula to become a werewolf, he even enjoyed the feeling of wild and killing.

But it is absolutely impossible now, because war can come anytime.

Although Chu wind suffered serious injuries, it was even worse than him, but even if Chu Feng could not take the hand, there were four saints on the other side of Chu Feng. In the rest of the time, even if there was a little bit of injury, she would not care about it, even expected them to kill.

But tonight, it is not possible. The wolf lost his sense. What gulalian did and what happened would be forgotten. How can he deal with the joint efforts of several saints?

This is a small possibility, but it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

The pupil suddenly shrinks, nagula closes her eyes again, and uses the magic forbidden technique of cultivation to quickly absorb the power of the spirit in the blood pool. Only in this way can she repair her own injury in the shortest time.

At this time, the footsteps came from the passage of the palace of the earth. The Gula ears opened her eyes, and felt the breath of the arrivals that the magic armor came, put down the hands covered with white hair and hid them in the blood pool. The magic armor also came out of the channel.

He did not approach the blood pool, but stopped at a point when the passage came out. Before Mosuo was still in the city, he was not qualified to come to this place, because Mosuo died of the people who nagula could not call, so he was allowed to enter and exit the palace freely.

But even so, the magic armor does not want to come to this place, because every time he comes here, he feels like he has gone into hell.

Standing there with a low head and respectfully, but a pair of eyes dare not go to see the nagula in the blood pool at present.

The gulla slightly nodded, the voice has changed some hoarse: "what?"

Hearing that was the voice of two people, one heart of magic armor was tense. He naturally knew that the other voice was the demon emperor. He said with a mouthful of water: "just received the news, the army of the demon Kingdom began to move, and seemed to block the entrance and exit of each small world, so as to prevent the people from entering the spiritual world."

"I wonder if the demon army is going to fight against the spirit world when you are injured by the devil?"

Nagula felt a little pain in her head, and shook her head. "It's impossible for Chu Feng to be shot by my bright moon. Now, it is only more miserable than me. He has no full capacity to act. The mobilization of the demon army is to prevent us from fighting and attack actively. Where are they brave?"

Sneer, arrogant said: "even if the gods respect their women are intact, but on their several people, the king can be hurt can crush, what are you worried about?"

The magic armor cluttered in her heart. What he wanted to say was forgotten. Even the tone was a little stuttered: "nothing, just tell the devil you, if there is nothing, I will go out first and not disturb you to heal."

Said to turn away, but in the moment of turning, I found that his body could not be turbulent, his face was slightly pale, did not know what happened, only felt a bloody smell behind the special close.

And behind the magic armor is nagula, only one of his hands has been completely beast, even the upper body has changed slightly, close to the magic jianagula deep breath, seems to enjoy the general, with struggle in his eyes, and seems reluctant.

"Devil, what's wrong with me?" Magic armor is just a sudden nervous forehead sweating, speaking a little unclear.

And in the moment of magic armor opening, the pupil of the Gula was black and white, and his mouth opened and showed sharp fangs, and he bit on the artery on the neck of the magic armor, even gave him no chance to scream.

Not long ago, only listening to the two plotters, it was impossible to see the prototype magic armor fell on the ground. The whole person seemed to be dry and general, and his face was ferocious, and it seemed to have died. Nagula also knelt on the ground with her head and shook her head constantly, as if she was suffering so much pain.Holding back that uncomfortable feeling, nagula slowly raised her head, and white villi began to appear in the center of her eyebrows: "the blood of living people seems to be more helpful to my injury?"

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