Super Healer

Chapter 2771

Between the flash, nagula put on his clothes and gently raised his hand. The dried up body of the magic armor was wrapped in a black fog. After the black fog had cleared, he could not find the trace of magic armor, and completely disappeared from the world.

With a deep breath, nagula turned around, and her sinister eyes swept over the blood pool: "blood activating?"

This blood pool is made by the fall of the strongmen of the Protoss. In addition, the temple of God King is in the center of the spirit world, connecting the aura of the whole spiritual world, so it contains extremely powerful power. Among them, nagula relies on the blood pool to nourish her body.

But just after absorbing the blood of magic armor, nagula found that the effect was better than the blood pool. It was a kind of blood full of vitality.

If the blood in the blood pool is constantly replaced, keeping its freshness, thinking of these, nagula's black and white eyes can't help but light up slowly, and the corner of her mouth is a touch of evil smile, ferocious into the channel, even now know that blood circulation has a good effect on his healing, then what is the need here?

Heavy footfalls reverberated in the passage, just like a distant bell ringing. People patrolling outside the palace of God felt a surge of evil breath, all of them tightened their bodies.

At the same time, they looked at the palace of the God King. Under the night, there was no light in the whole palace. Just listening to the footsteps coming slowly and closer, they felt like the call of death.

The palace of God is surrounded by the guards of demons. The defense of more than 1000 people can not resist the saints, but it is still possible to resist the God of nature for several rounds.

So many people here should not have had this kind of panic mood, but as the footstep sound was getting closer and closer, the people of the magic guard were slowly retreating. They knew that the evil breath was nagula's, so the footsteps coming from it must be his.

But even if they knew who they were, they were still afraid, an unspeakable fear.

The sound of dada was getting closer and closer, and the people of the magic guards were sweating nervously and swallowing their throat dry.

I don't know who screamed at this tense moment: "look, sky!"

The shrieks of tension caught the attention of the crowd, and they all looked up into the night sky, and their faces changed.

Tonight is a full moon night. They should have seen the bright full moon, but when they looked up, they found that the night sky was completely wrapped in a layer of black fog. Not to mention seeing the moonlight tonight, it was just like a fog day.

And different from the fog, it was a very evil breath, and it came from nagura.

Everyone thought of nagula and found that the sound of footsteps had disappeared, as if it had never appeared before. What happened?

More than 1000 members of the magic guard began to look around them, as if they were worried about the danger around them. However, no matter how they looked, they were surrounded by familiar companions without any abnormality.

Suddenly, in the extremely quiet and strange atmosphere, there was a sad cry.

Everyone looked to the place where the scream came from, but they couldn't see anything, because there was also a black fog around them, so that they couldn't see their fingers.

The members of the demon guard, who could have calmed down, cried out in a frenzy. It was a fear of the unknown, and the scream spread in the invisible darkness. Just listening to the sound gave people a cold feeling.

"How could that happen?"

Zhang Yuner and Lu Wan stood side by side in the sky tens of miles away from the Shenwang palace. The former looked at the night sky and frowned deeply: "Chu Feng said that nagula would not be completely animalized until the moon rose to the highest point. Now it is not that time. There is still the evil murderous spirit of the palace of God. Why is nagula

Lu Wan shook her head gently. Even if she was an immortal God, she couldn't explain why all this was.

According to the truth, there are demons around the palace of God, which can also be said to be the absolute confidants of nagula. It is unreasonable for these people how nagula can produce evil murderous air against them.

Moreover, the moon has not yet gone to the center of the moon, so nagula must not have been completely animalized, and how could he be so without losing his mind?

The two looked at each other, and all they saw were puzzled.

Lu Wan narrowed his eyes: "do you want to do it first? Maybe Chu Feng's judgment is wrong, and nagula has become a beast ahead of time. Now he can kill his own people. Who knows what else to do? After all, there are many innocent people in the spirit world besides the demons!"

Zhang yun'er frowned in a similar way. From a distance, he couldn't see clearly what was going on in the palace of God. He was completely covered by a layer of black fog. The only thing he could feel was that nagula was killing crazily.

After thinking about it, Zhang Yuner said, "tell Chu Feng first that the plan may have to be changed."Lu Wan didn't object, and asked Zhang Yuner to send a message to Chu Feng. Now everything is too strange. If you do it rashly, you may pay a lot of money. Even Zhang yun'er can't see through with his right eye. This shows the danger of the temple of God at present.

It was not long after the secret sound spread out. Chu Feng came directly through the air. Without waiting for Zhang yun'er to say anything, he saw what happened in the palace of God.

His left eye twinkled, and his dark eyes directly penetrated the darkness covered by the black fog, and his expression was slightly shocked: "is he crazy?"

Zhang yun'er can't see it, but Chu Feng can see that nagula is killing the people of the demon guard and his people in the dark, not only killing them, but also sucking their blood, which is cruel and evil.

Moreover, judging from the current situation, nagula has not been completely animalized, and his upper body is still half human, which shows that he still has human mind and even human mind. Why did he kill his own people like this? Chu Feng and Zhang yun'er feel puzzled and puzzled.

Zhang Yuner asked in a low voice: "now we are going to do it or not. If we don't do it, all the people in the palace of God will die."

"What have I to do with their death?" Chu Feng asked lightly, in Zhang yun'er's stunned look, calm as water said: "anyway, after tonight, the demons will disappear completely, just to see whether they are dead in my hands, or in other people's hands, now dead in the hands of nagula, the results are the same."

Zhang yun'er frowned deeply when he heard the speech: "Chu Feng!"

"I know what you're going to say!" Chu Feng interrupted Zhang yun'er's words and said, "but I also know that kindness to the enemy is cruelty to oneself. If it had not been for the benevolence of the demon king, the demon clan would have been destroyed long ago. How could it have remained until now?"

"Facts have proved that the benevolence of the demon king was wrong. At first, all the demons were evil branches in the demon world. When they were separated, their hearts were twisted, and the destruction of the family was the king's way."

Heavy words, word by word, hit the hearts of Zhang Yuner and LV Wan.

Since the death of Chang'e and Xi, the nature of Chu Feng has changed too much. If it had been the past, Chu Feng would never have done anything to destroy a clan. But now, for the sake of the stability of the universe, not only one clan, but even a world, could be destroyed.

They don't know whether Chu Feng is good or not, but they don't want to see it in their heart.

Because the more you kill, the more crimes you will bear, and the more violent you will remain in your heart. Once it is beyond the scope of chufeng's psychological endurance, when it is detonated at one time, Chu Feng will probably become an inhuman God of killing!

They also want to persuade Chu Feng, but seeing Chu Feng's firmness in his eyes, he also resisted the idea of persuasion. Chu Feng has decided to do so. If they try to dissuade him, it will be counterproductive. Maybe they can vent their anger. For Chu Feng, it will be better?

Chu Feng watched for a while, but he didn't know why nagula killed the members of the demon guard. His dream also followed, and his eyes were calm and there was no fluctuation at all.

Chu Feng took back his eyes and saw one less person and asked, "where is satina?"

The moon is near the center, and nagula will be completely animalized. At that time, when they started, five people were indispensable!

Dream tiny frown: "do not know!"

"Here I am!" As soon as she said it, she came out of the air, but her voice was very cold and her face looked like frost. There was no mood fluctuation at all. What's more, there was no general emotion at all.

Chu Feng looked at satyana, who had changed a little bit. He said in the dark, he also moved his eyes: "nagula is killing people and sucking their blood. It may be the sequel of Orcish werewolf, but it doesn't matter. Just follow me. When the time comes, do it right away!"

"Blood sucking?" Dream just came don't know what nagula is doing, smell speech frown way: "how can he absorb blood for no reason?"

The words of the dream touched Lu Wan. At first, she was crazy about nagula's personality classification. At the moment, she felt something wrong. Suddenly, her body was shocked: "no, he may be healing!"

Since the endless era, some people have absorbed blood in order to enhance their skills, while others have also taken blood to heal their wounds. When LV WANLAI came, she didn't expect that, when she was told by a dream, she also thought of such a possibility. However, this kind of thing has not appeared in several eras.

He also wanted to wait for the full moon to start. He didn't want to hear the words that made Chu Feng want to smoke his mouth. His face changed slightly: "start right now!"

Lu Wan, Zhang Yuner and dream did not delay, all in a moment gathered hidden power, satina looked at them faintly, and then gathered her own strength.

Full moon in the sky, wolf singing sound, tonight,,, doomed again, blood flow into a river!

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