Super Healer

Chapter 2852

"Do you have to kill me?"

In the air, the mysterious woman seems to be very sad: "although I planted a mark on you, at least I am not killing you now, and it is not my help at the beginning. You have no chance to defeat nagula. Do you really have to kill your heart for me?"

Chu Feng breathed a sigh of relief. The mysterious woman had indeed helped him, but all this could not erase what she had done.

Just planting a mark in his own body and controlling his life and death at any time is something Chu Feng can't accept. I believe that no one can accept it. Who wants his life and death to be controlled by others?

So at the moment Chu Feng is very calm, spread his hands: "yes, you have helped me, but can not hide all you have done to me, I will not forget or even appreciate you for this."

"Now I can't fight, but when I have a chance, I will kill you."

The mysterious woman controls her own heart, so when facing her, Chu Feng has nothing to hide. Her heart is under the control of others, so there is no need to hide these hatred thoughts.

And even if you say it out, Chu Feng doesn't worry about what the mysterious woman will do to her. She even planted a mark in her own heart, which shows that he has value to the mysterious woman. Facing a valuable person, Chu Feng firmly believes that the mysterious woman will allow him to speak improperly.

In the air, the mysterious woman was silent, as if she was not in general, but Chu Feng knew that she certainly did not leave.

Sure enough, after calming down for a while, the mysterious woman said, "it seems that we can only become enemies in the end, but at least now we can get along peacefully. As for what kind of terrorist power the Xiuzhen world has under the suppression trend, I can also tell you that I believe it will have some effect on you."

"No matter what you think, that group of hypocritical mendists will not get along with you peacefully. Their hatred for the ancient demons and their murders will be transferred to you."

Chu Feng nodded slightly. There was no excitement for the mysterious woman to tell herself about the things in the Xiuzhen world. It was just a kind of calm: "if I die, it's life!"

The mysterious woman sighed, as if feeling helpless for Chu Feng's firmness, she told her in a quiet way: "the ancient Xiuzhen world is the most perfect era since the seven universe eras and countless small eras. Most of them are superior to the way of heaven, and even created their own Tao."

It was a time when all the heroes came into being. The ancient Xiuzhen world multiplied on the earth and eventually dominated the whole ancient universe. Even some special powers could freely shuttle through the parallel universe, so powerful!

At that time, there were ten ancient clans coexisting in heaven and earth. They were composed of families and some clans, which formed the power pattern of the ancient times. They dominated each other, checked and balanced each other, but also united together to face possible dangers.

However, no matter how sincere unity, there will be cracks, and occasionally they will fight with each other. At that time, the ancient demons came into being, and there was no sign that they appeared on the earth. His power made the ten ancient people feel dignified, but no one was willing to challenge the ancient demons first.

Just because they don't challenge the ancient demons, it doesn't mean that they won't challenge them.

Prosperity will decline, no matter in any era, the ten ancient families of Xiuzhen world has reached its peak, and it is time for them to be lonely.

The birth of Aojiang, Prince of magic dragon, and the birth of Qisha Shengjun, at that time, completely opened the prelude to the end of the ancient times.

In that era full of blood and cruelty, the ancient demons strongly invited the world to fight, destroyed the existence of terror, and thoroughly challenged the existence of the ten ancient clans.

In a bloody day, the strongest of the ten ancient clans united together to fight the ancient demons. They could have destroyed the ancient demons with their powerful power, only because some of them concealed their own power, which led to the destruction of the two ancient clans by the ancient demons in that war, and the Xiuzhen world failed.

Not long after the quiet days, the ancient demons once again invited to fight the whole Xiuzhen world. That war took a long time. The earth completely lost its original balance, and the Xiuzhen world was destroyed in the terrible war.

The ancient demon God destroyed four ancient clans with his own power, and finally he was unable to destroy the other four. Therefore, he used the most powerful force of all living beings of the taboo demon God to depict the general situation of suppression, and suppressed the four ancient tribes which suffered heavy losses but were not doomed to extinction in a different world, and they could not be returned forever.

After that, there was no time for the ancient gods to recuperate, but they fell under the joint efforts of the ancient goddess and the immortal gods. Because the ancient demons, who had become bloodthirsty monsters, would destroy the whole ancient universe and make everything have no future.

Chu Feng quietly listening to the mysterious woman said the end of the ancient times, seems to want to get that kind of tragic scene at that time.

In ancient times, the demons invited to fight the world with one sword, which destroyed the strength of the whole cultivation world. What kind of kingly demeanor was that?Chu Feng can't really restore the original, but one thing can be sure is that the last four of the ten ancient families had a great hatred for the ancient demons, and the ancient demons were no longer there. As a taboo God in this era, he would become the object of revenge of the Xiuzhen world.

With a slight sigh, Chu Feng asked, "that is to say, under the suppression of the Xiuzhen world, only four forces exist?"

"Yes, four of the top ten ancient tribes." The mysterious woman whispered: "in ancient times, they already had the existence of infinite saints. It is also because of this that they could not be destroyed by the ancient demons. In the end, the ancient demons had to choose to suppress them, so that they could not exist in the eternal universe."

"To this day, the four forces have certainly recovered, perhaps more powerful than in ancient times."

Chu Feng's eyes coagulated, originally felt that there were only four forces, but did not want to be the most powerful four forces. He looked more dignified: "do you know which forces they are and what are their characteristics?"

The mysterious woman did not answer immediately. After a short silence, she replied, "three masters, and one door!"

That is to say, in the end, the ancient demons could not destroy the suppressed four forces, three family forces and one clan force!

The three schools are Pujia, Luojia and Xijia. The last clan is the Renxue sect. The most powerful of the four forces is Pujia. In ancient times, there were two infinite saints, and the other three forces had almost the same strength.

Different from martial arts practitioners, they cultivate natural elements, such as the blade snow sect. They cultivate the power of wind and snow. No matter what kind of environment, they can draw the wind and snow power from the natural elements to fight. Moreover, because they are more focused, they are more powerful than those who release the force of wind and snow.

If one idea can freeze thousands of worlds and exterminate countless creatures, the whole world will turn white, which is even colder than the lowest temperature. Ordinary saints can't do anything but passively suffer a blow when they meet the people of the blade snow sect who are the most powerful practitioners of wind and snow.

Secondly, Pujia is the strongest among the three, focusing on cultivating the power of thunder and lightning. Since ancient times, the power of thunder and lightning has been so strong. The Pu family can not only mobilize the natural thunder, but also mobilize the nine heaven God thunder and Du Jie god thunder. In addition, each of their attacks has ten points of terrible lightning power.

In the ancient times, the strongest person of the Pu family fought against the ordinary sage. One blow could make the ordinary Saint become coke. It was very terrible.

Chu Feng took a deep breath. He probably knew that the practitioners were powerful, but he was still a little surprised to hear the mysterious woman say it. I really don't know how the ancient demons invited the whole Xiuzhen world to win in the ancient times.

Shaking his head gently, he asked, "what about the other Luojia and Xijia?"

The mysterious woman whispered: "the Luo family focuses on the cultivation of the power of fire. They compare themselves to the sun family. Their power contains the way of fire. They are just at the back of the school of blade snow. The two forces often fight in secret, but they can't help each other because they are against each other."

"Of course, the Luo family just can't do anything about it. When they practice the power of fire to the extreme, it's still terrible. One idea and one look can burn a world."

Chu Feng nodded slightly and his eyes narrowed: "what about the family?"

"Cherish your family?" The mysterious woman sent a faint laugh: "cherish the family and you are a bit of origin, because dreams are the people who cherish the family. Their family practices the art of dreams, which can easily change what others see and hear. When they practice to the extreme, they can influence and control others through the magic of dreams."

"Although they don't have the most direct attack power, it doesn't mean that they are weak. In the four forces, the Xi family is not as good as the common family, but neither the Luo family nor the blade snow clan dare to fight against it, because the Xi family has a dream, which promotes the dream to the extreme and evolves into the dream of dream making."

Chu Feng frowned: "very fierce?"

The mysterious woman gently smiles: "as long as the dream is willing, she can let her soul attach to other people's body, and even make me unable to notice. For example, now her soul is attached to you, you can't even notice it, but she can know what you think, what you want to do, and even affect some of your decisions."

"If you think about it, if you're influenced to make a decision you shouldn't have, is it terrible?"

Chu Feng has not attached much importance to the ability of dreams, but now the mysterious woman said so, Chu Feng had to pay attention to it, because if she really soul attached to someone around her, the consequences might be unthinkable, because even I could not find her existence.

Of course, Chu Feng is more interested in mysterious women at the moment.

The corner of her mouth raised a playful smile and asked, "who are you? Even Wan'er is not very clear about the suppression of the general trend, but you know so much about it, even the great power of dreams. Are you also the person who comes out of the crack of the general trend?"

After Chu Feng asked, there was no answer from the mysterious woman. After waiting for a while, there was no response. She frowned and reflected that the mysterious woman had gone.Clenching his fist, his face was slightly gloomy: "who is this smelly woman and why does she know everything?"

But no matter how to think about it, Chu Feng still can't know who she is. The only thing I'm glad about is that she finally knows the situation under the general situation of repression. Three families are one!

I don't know if they will fight against themselves when they come?

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