Super Healer

Chapter 2853

No matter how long the night will pass.

It's just that the new day doesn't bring too many people a good mood. On the contrary, from the moment the sky lights up, the people who wake up are nervous, as if today is the last day of the world.

Because today, Chu Feng and satina may have a final battle, or nothing will happen. But it depends on what satina wants to do and how to choose. Once she insists on the initial exchange conditions and Chu Feng does not agree, there will be only one war, which will not be just the battle between Chu Feng and satina.

It's the battle between Chu Feng's army and the protoss army. The people who don't want to see this scene are the people in the spirit world. Who can guarantee that they won't die under the first World War?

But in today's power for respect, it is destined that the voice of the bottom is not transmitted to the ears of the people above.

God palace!

From the sky showing a trace of fish belly white, it has been showing a tense situation. Kardashan mobilizes the powerful Protoss to garrison around the temple of God King all night, showing a posture of facing a great enemy. If the Chu wind does not agree to satina's request at noon, it will be a big war.

Be careful not to make a big mistake. Before the final result comes out, kardashan will do her own thing, what she called a wall grass.

Looking at the rising sun in the sky, kardashan inspected the defense around the temple of God once again. Although all this would not have any effect if the wind of Chu came, the appearance always needed to be done. Otherwise, it would only be doubted by satina.

After more than an hour of inspection, less than two hours from noon, kardashan asked the various leaders of the protoss to guard their positions, and then walked into the palace of God King.

When we got to the back garden, we saw satina, who had been sitting in the garden.

No matter what kind of calm she gave, the more calm she was, the more calm she was.

If something like this had happened before, satina would have been busy checking to see if there were any omissions. Now it's not moving at all. It's weird.

In my heart, when satina felt that any means had little effect on Chu Feng, so she did not do any useless work, so she just walked over. However, she did not sit down, but stood there, because with the contact during this period of time, she found that she felt a lot estranged from satina.

At least there is no previous sense of intimacy, it can be said that satina gave a kind of hard to get close to the pressure.

"Actually, you don't have to prepare that much."

Satyana sat there and glanced at kadaishan faintly: "because no matter how many people, even all the people who bet on the protoss, it is useless for Chu Feng. As long as he pulls out a god of creation, he can destroy all the people you prepare. What do you waste your time doing?"

Kardashan was stunned, a little hard to believe that satina had said these words.

After blinking her eyes to make sure she had heard me correctly, Katherine said, "what's wrong with you, cousin Anna?"

Originally, kardashan didn't want to ask such questions, but satina was too strange and oppressive to her. After pondering for a while, she still asked: "you were not like this before. Since the protoss returned to the spirit world, I found that you have completely changed. You are more ruthless and colder than before."

"It even makes me feel a little terrible. Sometimes I can't even talk to you."

Satina narrowed her eyes and didn't answer her question because she knew why she was like this. All these changes were brought about by the love forgetting pill. Moreover, the deeper the cultivation of the heaven and earth's Yin and Yang arts, it seems that her mind will be affected.

In the past, she thought the protoss was very important, and the people around her were also very important, but now satina thinks that the protoss doesn't seem to be so important, and the people like Kardashian are not important either.

As long as she achieves the most powerful strength, everything that is lost can be remodeled, and the important things can be created again. Therefore, her indifference is not for no reason, but the change brought about by love forgetting pill and Protoss forbidden art.

Of course, even if she knew that she was affected by all this, she did not mean to stop. She stood up slowly and bathed in the warm sun: "your illusion."

Leaving four words behind, satina went to the front yard. She knew what she was, but she was destined not to admit it in front of kardashan.

But even if she did not admit that she had changed, she could still feel it. She followed her and looked at satina's back. The strange feeling pervaded her heart and made a decision secretly. Unless she could resist the invasion of Chu, otherwise, she must get rid of the relationship with satina.

Because this has been developing, kardashan is worried that satina will kill herself one day. As for why she has such an idea, she just knows that this feeling is very strong.Before the two sisters came to the temple of God King, the powerful Protoss who walked back and forth and garrisoned could be seen everywhere. Satyana stepped forward a little and her eyes were slightly coagulated: "the temple of God does not need to be guarded. All leave here."

Kardashan was slightly stunned. The powerful Protoss who was doing her duty was also shocked. Chu Feng would surely come today. Satyana was not guarded. Is she crazy?

When there was no reaction and no idea, satina repeated, "I want you to leave the temple. Do you need me to say the third time?"

Kardashan was shocked and smelled a touch of unusual breath. She quickly went up to those still in a daze and said, "follow the instructions of the holy angel and withdraw from the temple of God. She doesn't want to wait for Chu Feng to have an accident. If you are hurt, please leave first."

Satina took a faint look at kardashan without interrupting her. As for whether she was worried about the accident of the powerful Protoss and so on, she knew it best.

Let the protoss all leave, kardashan looked back and saw that satina was still standing there. She could not help frowning. She found that she could not understand satina any more. If she had spoken for her like this before, she would have appreciated her and said some words of thanks, but now it is not.

It was as if what she was doing was nothing, and it was fear that made her uncomfortable.

Yes, at the moment, when facing satina, she has only one kind of fear. Like many people, people who are most familiar with will have similar feelings of fear when they change into people they don't know.

As time went by, Kardashian stood aside and did not dare to come up with one. As for what she was thinking, only she knew.

At this time, satina went to the gate of the God's palace, raised her head to look at the sky. Her beautiful eyes flickered and her right hand gently waved. Suddenly, a bright light appeared in front of her. After the light dissipated, kardashan found that Lu Wan and Zhang yun'er were suspended in the sky and were completely bound by an invisible force.

She narrowed her eyes. She didn't expect that Lu Wan and Zhang yun'er were in the palace of God. Seeing that they were not injured, they knew that they had not been tortured, but they did not know.

"Katherine, won't you go

"Yes?" Kardashan was stunned. After taking back her eyes, she quickly replied: "today is the day of negotiation between the holy angel and Chu Feng. As the only one with a strong divine realm left in the protoss, I know I can't do too many things, but I will not leave at this time and fight side by side with the holy angel. "When she said these things, Kardashian did not change her face, as if she were so loyal to the protoss, even if she died.

Satina looked at her faintly, but she couldn't see that kardashan was duplicity. The reason why she could say such words was that she knew Chu Feng would not kill her. If she didn't make an agreement with Chu Feng in advance, she must have found an excuse to leave now. How can she stay here?

But it was destined that satina didn't know all of this. She could only feel the loyalty of kardashan in her heart, and her cold face softened a little: "you are my cousin, not my subordinate. You'd better call me cousin Anna."

Cadysan was very pleased. Just now, she deliberately called satina as the saint angel, just to try. From her words, she knew that she had succeeded in the trial. In the face of her declaration of loyalty, she was really moved.

After reaching her goal, she continued, "cousin Anna, Chu Feng must be coming soon. If he really doesn't promise you, will you really kill the God and the goddess?"

At first, Katherine didn't dare to ask directly, but now she can.

Satina frowned. If she didn't meet her dream, she would have absorbed the power of Lu Wan and Zhang yun'er when Chu Feng didn't agree, and then she put all her eggs in one basket and die!

However, after meeting with her dream yesterday, satina's determination to die became loose. At least she didn't want to die, and she felt that she would not die. Even if Chu Feng was strong enough, she had the hope of surviving.

Of course, not to the last step, satina would not choose to do that, because if she did, the Protoss and she would be bound together with the practitioners.

So she didn't promise her dream last night. Everything depends on whether Chu Feng will compromise today. If he compromises, then he doesn't need to cooperate with the cultivators. Even in the future, she can join hands with Chu Feng to fight against the coming Xiuzhen world.

And if Chu Feng does not compromise, then,,, satyana raised her head and sighed softly: "at that time, see, killing the God and goddess will not bring me any benefits."

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