Super Healer

Chapter 2856

Minghong's magic sword breaks out of the sky and invades with violent and bloody force. It points directly at the back of satina's heart. If she is hit, it is impossible for satina to survive.

Just at the moment when Minghong's magic sword was about to approach, satina suddenly jumped into the air and dodged away. Chu Feng was stunned for a moment, and her face suddenly changed. She wanted to take back Minghong's magic sword, but it was too late.

Minghong's magic sword stabbed on the platform of suppressing the general situation. The original shaking earth was more violent, and the heaven and earth were more dark. The power of leaking out was more terrible than it was at the beginning. Chu Feng's face was ugly, and his eyes were cruel and looked at satina: "are you on purpose?"

Although the platform for suppressing the general trend collapses under attack, it is impossible to rapidly collapse with the help of satina's strength, but it can be completely achieved with his strength.

After all, the suppression of the general trend itself was suppressed by the power of the ancient demons. Minghong magic sword is the weapon of the ancient demons. Under its attack state, the power of the ancient demons would not produce too much confrontation, and naturally it could easily collapse and suppress the general trend.

"I said, you forced me to do all this."

Satina sneered, and her face was cold: "so don't blame me, blame yourself, rely on my strength can collapse and suppress the general trend, but absolutely not so fast, so suppress the collapse of the general trend, you blame yourself!"

Ha ha ha, ha ha, satyana burst out laughing. After stabilizing the laughter, she took a faint look at the suppression trend, and then gave a smile: "now I believe you don't have time to kill me. Goodbye!"

After opening the door of dazzling light, satyana left directly. This time, Chu Feng did not catch up with her, because satina was right. He had no time to kill her. The platform of suppressing the general trend was turning into ruins and would soon disappear completely. It is an unchangeable fact that the Xiuzhen world is coming again today.

Unless he learned how to suppress Chu Feng and recast the seal.

But it's a pity that Chu Feng hasn't understood the art of repression until now, so he can't stop the Xiuzhen world from coming in advance. He takes a deep breath and regrets that she didn't kill satyana the day before yesterday. He also wants to give her a chance. If she was killed at that time, what happened now would not have happened.

Lu Wan and Zhang yun'er come out of the gate of dazzling light beside Chu Feng. They comfort themselves in the spiritual world, but they are also attracted by the general trend of repression.

Seeing the Ming Hong magic sword on the platform of the collapsing suppression, both of them knew what had happened, so they did not ask Chu Feng what was going on.

They thought that if they stopped the dream, they could delay the return of the Xiuzhen world. They didn't want to finally suppress the general trend, but it was destroyed in the hands of Chu Feng. Although it was caused by satyana, there was no denying that it was Chu Feng who finally broke down the suppression trend!

Chu Feng raised his hand, and the Ming Hong magic sword was taken back. The power to suppress the general situation was even more terrifying, in which one could already feel the breath of a practitioner.

After putting up the Minghong magic sword, Chu Feng turned to open the door of dazzling light: "go, the seal of the present world will soon be broken, I don't want the cultivator to come to the earth."

Zhang yun'er and Lu Wan look at each other, and they follow Chu Feng to go in. The suppression trend of the demon God is separated from the array eye and seal. The suppression platform is suppression, and the seal is in the sky of the modern world.

Chu Feng and they all leave completely. There is only the shaking environment around them. A moment later, the door of dazzling light appears. Dream and satina come out together.

Seeing that the platform has been destroyed more than half, a flash of helplessness flashed in the eyes of the dream.

At first, she listened to the words of Lu Wan and Zhang yun'er, and let the repression break down naturally. But now she leads satina to destroy here. She feels a little guilty of not counting her words.

But that's all. He began to promise Chu Feng because he was absorbed all his strength by satina at that time, and he was unable to fight against anyone. Now that Chu Feng is in the stage of infinite saints, what he began to promise LV Wan and Zhang yun'er could not count. However, in order not to make himself appear dishonest, the dream did not do his own thing.

This is also the reason why she came to satina. In addition to giving the Xiuzhen world a place to settle down, she used Chu Feng's killing heart to let Chu Feng break the general trend of suppression.

Because in this world, in addition to Chu Feng, no one can quickly destroy the suppression of the general trend.

But now, her plan has been successful. Soon her family and the compatriots of the Xiuzhen world will come back, but the dream is not happy at all, because she knows that next, it will be the time for Xiuzhen world and Chu Feng to fight against each other.

"I've done what I promised you, and I've divided regions in the spirit world."

Satina didn't feel too much about all this, and even chose her would not regret: "I hope you promise me things can count, I am the master of the spirit world, you are just guests, if you want to turn away from guests, then don't blame me for being cruel."

His eyes were cold, and he said in front of me: "although I'm not the opponent of the whole Xiuzhen world, I believe it's OK to pull some middle and high-level people on the back?"For satina's words, the dream did not have the slightest feeling: "I am not a perfidious person."

Satina's face changed slightly, and she was slightly annoyed. The dream seemed to be answering her, but she felt more like satirizing that she had been treacherous to Chu Feng, clenched her fist, and then slowly loosened it. Now she and dream are on a boat, and it is not now that she wants to start.

Now the world, the center of the Pacific Ocean, is above the sea.

The door of dazzling light flashed, and Chu Feng and Zhang yun'er came out. The biggest change in the whole world is the Pacific Ocean. It is certain that the main entrance and exit of the seal and repair world is in this area.

Looking at the sea raised on the startling waves, more than many years ago that took away countless lives of the tsunami, Chu Feng raised his hand gently.

Just a little, the surrounding sea area gradually subsided, but that kind of dull feeling always exists. Lu Wan and Zhang yun'er also joined hands to spread out with the power of saints, bringing calm and quiet to the whole earth.

But the earth did not shake violently, but the color of the sky was unchanged that day.

It was originally the sky of the night. At the moment, it was dark, giving people a feeling that they could not see their fingers. Chu Feng's eyes narrowed slightly. Zhang Yuner and Lu Wan only felt that the earth was rotating. After a while, the light around them was a little brighter.

Lu Wan looked surprised: "Chu Feng, how can you change the rotation of the present world?"

"I hate the night." Chu Feng faintly replied: "because in the dark, I will have the mood of killing the world. Although it is still dark around now, as long as I remove the dark clouds in the sky, it is sunny. Moreover, here is the Pacific Ocean, which is one hour away from the day. I just want it to come in advance."

Hearing Chu Feng's indifference, Lu Wan's heart jumped and did not speak again.

Because she felt that Chu Feng had buried all the murders against satina in her heart. Otherwise, he would not be so indifferent. But when she looked back, she could understand Chu Feng's mood. She was merciful to satina, but she kept getting such a result. In other words, everyone would be in a bad mood.

What's more, Chu Feng, who has the bloodthirsty will of demon God?

The thunder of heaven and earth exploded, and countless thunder lights fell from the sky, connecting the sea and the sky. Chu Feng and the three people were in it. They looked at the thunder light that could make people die at any time. They just looked at the black cracks on the dome of that day, which were spreading and expanding little by little. They were like cracks in the mirror that could not be repaired and would burst at any time.

Chufeng pursed his lips and looked away at the sky in front of him. There was a black hole the size of a football, and it was still expanding a little bit. Chu Feng's body like electricity passed through the void and stood on the side of the void, looking at the expanding black hole: "the entrance and exit of the seal?"

"One of them!" Lu Wan also came to him and whispered back: "when the general trend of repression completely collapses and the seal is broken, it will no longer be an entrance or exit, but there are many, many, but here is the most volatile, and the one that appears now must be the most important one."

"And in other parts of the earth, there will be entrances and exits, and the world will panic, which is inevitable."

Chu Feng has always thought that no matter when the world is stable, especially the earth, it has always been that kind of quiet state, so let it always keep.

At the moment, when the Xiuzhen world comes back, there is more than one entrance and exit, which makes Chu Feng helpless. He sighs softly: "forget it, everyone belongs to the same universe. In the end, we should face it together. At that time, you should cooperate with me as much as possible. In any case, I will not allow the practitioners to be on the earth."

"Not now, not even in the future."

Lu Wan frowned and wanted to say it was impossible, but seeing Chu Feng's firm look, she still stopped saying it.

This is because the monks appeared on the earth, and this is their hometown. Even if they built their own world in other places, they still have deep feelings for the earth. In ancient times, almost all the ancestral lands of the cultivation forces were on the earth.

Lu Wan didn't think it was possible for them to leave the earth when they came back. However, as long as Chu Feng insisted, Lu Wan would support him unconditionally.

The waves began to grow bigger and bigger. The sky and the earth were gloomy, and the seal of the demon God was loosening. The powerful magic power was gradually dispersing. Chu Feng narrowed his eyes and looked at the black hole with a diameter of seven meters. His left eye twinkled: "coming!"

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