Super Healer

Chapter 2857

Chu Feng's voice has just fallen, and the diameter of seven meters is still expanding in the black hole, one after another strong figures fly out, almost half of them are filled with the spirit of the atmosphere, even the rest are also filled with the atmosphere of semi god later.

All of them are practitioners, but it's strange that among them, Chu Feng's three people saw the most powerful one was the superior God, and their brows were not help wrinkling. How could only the upper God come out.

If the Xiuzhen world comes back, the first one to come out must be the strongest person, the existence of the holy land. But at the moment, the highest one is only the upper God. Chu Feng feels something wrong. Lu Wan and Zhang yun'er also feel very strange. Have they come out from other places?

But as the strongest person, shouldn't they come from the most formal export?

But now the strongest people don't come out of here, so where they will come out? Chu Feng doesn't care about the constantly emerging practitioners, but constantly spreads his left eye, looks around 360 degrees, and constantly lengthens the distance, and sees many practitioners appear.

However, it is strange that after their appearance, those practitioners did not go to the densely populated human settlements of the earth, but went to the nearest entrance and exit of the forbidden area. Some of the practitioners who appeared near the entrance and exit of the forbidden area directly entered the forbidden area.

How could this happen?

Just now, Chu Feng was still thinking about how to invite the practitioners to the forbidden area, so as not to disturb the present world. But now they come back without saying anything. How could they cooperate so well?

Chu Feng didn't continue to look down. He took back his eyes and frowned: "there are no less than 100 seal exits in the whole world. All the people who come out have entered the forbidden area. What do they want to do? Don't they have endless memories of the earth? "

Zhang yun'er and Lu Wan look at each other, and they both shake their heads.

Lu Wan also asked, "are you sure you saw all of them?"

"Half!" Chu Feng shook his head: "however, they are all entering the forbidden area. So, the practitioners coming from other places must be the same. Is there any problem?"

Lu Wan's eyes were dignified. After coming out of the entrance and exit, Lu Wan gathered in the distance and did not leave. Looking at the practitioners here, Lu Wan whispered back: "I don't know about others. If there was a common family under the suppression of the ancient times, they would not necessarily go to the forbidden area."

Chu Feng's eyes narrowed. According to the mysterious woman, there was a common family under repression, and she knew more than Lu Wan.

But Chu Feng didn't say it, just asked, "Pu family, what's the problem?"

"The first one in the ancient Xiuzhen world." Lu Wan's eyes were still dignified: "if the ancient demons did not destroy the Pu family but chose to suppress it, then the rest of the forces might go to the forbidden area, but the Pu family would never, because they have their own base camp, which is not on the earth, but it is also very close to the earth!"

He raised his head and pointed to the sky: "it's on a planet one light year away from the earth, but with the collapse of the cultivation world, that planet has disappeared. Even now they are back, they are likely to return to that planet. In their words, it is to look at the earth nearby."

Chu Feng's expression is one Zheng, this mysterious woman has not really said with her.

However, after silence for a while, Chu Feng said: "as long as it is not on the earth, it will be fine. Although a light year is very close, it is OK."

What Chu Feng is most concerned about is the current situation in the world. A light year is very close to them. However, for human beings on earth, it is a place that they can't go to for a lifetime. Even the most advanced astronomical tools can't see anything clearly.

As long as they don't see the planet intuitively, it doesn't matter. What Chu Feng wants is just on the earth, with no trace of a cultivator.

Lu Wan naturally understood Chu Feng's ideas, but he was not optimistic: "it's better to hope that the Pu family has been destroyed in ancient times. Otherwise, it is not easy for the earth to be stable. At the beginning, I could deter them, but after an era, my strength has been consumed a lot, and I'm afraid it can't go through."

Chu Feng wants to tell Pu family is still there, but look at her look to think or forget it, clench her hand: "have me."

Lu Wan blushed a little, and then lowered her head to draw her hand back. After all, she couldn't accept the sight of so many people.

There are more and more people coming out of the black hole. The three people of Chu Feng look at them like that. They also stand still in the distance and feel the saint breath rolling on the three people of Chu Feng. Naturally, they dare not move.

Suddenly, behind them appeared a huge dazzling door. Chu Feng's eyes were slightly fixed. It was a space passage that only two sages could open. Now someone is opening the channel to attract these people.

Those practitioners didn't take care of Chu Feng. They began to walk into the gate of dazzling light. Chu Feng didn't stop them, because there were too many practitioners who came back. Even if they destroyed them, the rest of them could not be stopped. Moreover, there was no strongest one here. In order not to start the war so quickly, Chu Feng kept calm and watched.

Inside the black hole, there are still people coming out, and there are still people walking into the door of glare, and kardashan's secret voice comes from Chu Feng's ear.In the spirit world, there are many powerful gods and saints.

When they clenched their fists, they all closed their eyes

At first, Chu Feng thought that she was trying to make herself uncomfortable. But now Chu Feng was sure that she had cooperation with dream. Otherwise, the Xiuzhen world would come again. Their people would not stay on the earth or go to other places, but they would go to the spiritual world?

When Lu Wan and Zhang yun'er heard the words, they also vaguely understood something. They looked at each other and did not know that Chu Feng had known that the dream was not dead. Both of them decided not to let Chu Feng know that the dream was still alive.

Otherwise, Chu Feng will surely know that everything satyana does today must be inspired by dreams.

Lu Wan's world of magic and light has been broken for a while, but don't let the east wind control the world, but don't let the east wind control the world

Judging from the present situation, the complete arrival of the Xiuzhen world will definitely form a terrifying army. Apart from the demon Kingdom army, the rest of the forces will be hard to resist. In order to prevent accidents, we can only use the demon Kingdom army.

"Please wait!"

Lu wanen gave a sound. When the three people were about to leave, there was a middle-aged voice and a breath of the God of nature. A middle-aged and old-age man was coming towards this side. His breath was thick and pure. It could be seen that it was much stronger than the ordinary God of nature.

It should have just come out of the black hole, Chu Feng stopped to look at him, there is a dream, these people know themselves is not strange.

The man came near and showed great humility. First, he bowed deeply to Lu Wan: "respect God, we met again, but we didn't expect that you would still be elegant in an era."

"Pusa!" Lu Wan frowned slightly: "it seems that the Pu family has not been destroyed, but has been suppressed. What's the matter with you, the housekeeper of the park family? Or to declare war on behalf of your master? "

Pusa gently smile, smile look let people not too much hate: "respect God joking, war for an ancient period, under the suppression of the demon God, we already know the value of peace, so not to declare war, but on behalf of the Pu family, cherish the family, Luo family and the snow cut Zong invited to respect God, demon God and goddess."

"Take a moment to get together in the spirit world of the five forbidden areas, and discuss some things by the way, because we know something through Miss Xi's family. We are willing to make peace with the devil God!"

Peace is the most important thing?

When he heard Pu Sa's words, Chu Feng's eyes flashed with fun. He had dark eyes and could see the dark side of the world. But when Pu SA spoke just now, Chu Feng saw only insidious and cunning, and was very vigorous.

So what is the most important thing to do with harmony? Chu Feng sniffed at it. As for the Miss Xijia he said, Chu Feng knew it must be a dream.

Lu Wan narrowed her eyes and said, "there are still four families left. Do you really want to be friendly?"

At present, the nihilism of the world is the most important enemy. If the four forces that have returned to China can value harmony, it would be a good thing.

"It's natural, otherwise I wouldn't have been sent to look for the three," Pusa said with a smile

"You can go." When Lu Wan was about to reply, Chu Feng came to her and raised her mouth slightly: "if you want to make peace the most important thing, you have to see whether I agree or not. Go back and tell the four principals that they want to get together and have a good talk. Then take time to come to see me in the temple world, instead of us to see you."

Pusa Leng for a moment, the body bent to reach 90 degrees: "I will tell the devil's words to the masters."

Then he turned around and flew to the gate of dazzling light. Chu Feng squinted his eyes for a moment, then walked into the gate of dazzle light without saying a word, and directly returned to the temple world, the temple of King Wu.

Zhang yun'er and Lu Wan also followed him back. They both looked at Chu Feng. The latter asked, "Chu Feng, how did you say those words just now?"

"Dreams may have told them something to worry about." Even if there is nothingness here, Chu Feng did not hide: "so they are afraid of me. If we go to the spiritual world, they will feel guilty, so I just said that."

"Don't you think that Pusa's look has changed a lot? It seems to be stretching the olive branch, but in fact it is just a trial. "

The corner of his mouth slightly tilted and pondered: "it seems that this group of practitioners really don't want to coexist peacefully. Otherwise, when they come back, what do they do with these tricks?"

Lu Wan and Lu Wan thought about it carefully, and found that Chu Feng was right. They were taboos of Sansheng. Why did they go to see several principals? It seems to be an invitation from the olive branch, but it has a sinister intention!

At the moment, Chu Feng waved a big hand: "I suddenly changed my mind, Wan'er temporarily let the demon Kingdom's prohibition untie for half a month, and let the demon king lead the eighteen demons and the hundred thousand demon Kingdom army to come and surround me with the spirit world."

Pause for a moment: "in addition, pay attention to Pujia. If they really stay on the planet one light year away from the earth, they will let five demons lead 30000 troops to garrison in the morning light secret place. Think that the planet should also be connected to the morning light secret place?"Both Lu Wan and Zhang yun'er doubted whether they had heard it wrong.

Isn't Chu Feng supposed to do things by gentle means at this time? How can you directly send out the demon army? Is this a deterrent or a war?

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