Super Healer

Chapter 29

"Well done, customers are very satisfied with your performance!"

At 3:30 p.m., Chu Feng's five people appeared in the office of the head of Personnel Department of Shengyuan security company on time. Luo Hu said with appreciation to several people, and then waved to the assistant beside him. The latter went out as if he knew what to do.

Luohu personally invited several people to sit down, but also enthusiastically poured water for them: "originally, I thought it would take you a few days to come back. I don't want you to finish this business for the company in less than one day from the start. It's good. You are very good. I'm very satisfied."

"I have decided that the three-month assessment period is no longer necessary for you. You can directly become a regular employee. The salary is the same as that of the old employees, and they can enjoy all the benefits."

The bodyguard business was set up when Shengyuan security company was founded, but there was no specific plan for several years. But this time, the bodyguard business completely opened up the previous ideas and put the development of bodyguard business on the agenda. Luohu's heart is naturally happy.

Because the company is getting better and better, his income will naturally be higher and higher.

"Minister Luo is very kind. In fact, it's nothing. It's just a small matter for me."

And then showed a sad look, it seems that the company to go to too many people, give more money to him is also a kind of injury in general.

Chu Feng four people are slightly frown, this time the task what strength did not come out is Ma Liuzi, how now it seems that he is the key to determine the success or failure of this task?

Luohu is who, although not follow, but also more or less received feedback, but Ma Liuzi behind someone, he is not easy to say anything, just coldly said: "this is the company's arrangement, don't bother you, in the future to do your things can be done, the rest of the things are not your management."

Ma Liuzi looked stiff. How could he not hear the meaning of Luohu's words? He snorted coldly in his heart. When my brother-in-law pushed you away, I'll see what you're doing in front of me.

"Minister, this is 250000 yuan drawn from finance!"

At this time, the assistant who went out for a while came back and handed a briefcase to Luohu. The latter took it and directly poured the money on the table: "here is a total of 250000 yuan. This is the reward of the company. The business you do is the first bodyguard business of the company, which means a lot. It's 50000 yuan per person!"

"Minister Luo, it's not right!" We are not ready to speak, but Ma Liuzi shakes his head: "this time, as the team leader, my bonus should be more than them. How can I be the same as them? It's only 50000. You don't know how fierce the danger is, but I have a lot of strength when the client is kidnapped!"

"Are you the captain? Who told you you were the captain's

Luohu himself is dissatisfied with Ma Liuzi. He has received news of the events on the road and in the south of the cold desert. Ma Liuzi is totally in charge of soy sauce. But now he is in charge of everything because the four people of chufeng don't like to talk. Almost all the credit is his.

"It's me!" Before Ma Liuzi answered, the door of the office was pushed open, and ye quanguang walked in directly, as if he was the boss: "this is the first bodyguard business in our company. As the deputy director of the personnel department, I have the right to arrange the personnel for the task, so let Ma Liuzi be the team leader."

"What he said is right. This time, as a captain, he should be more hardworking."

When Ma Liuzi saw ye quanguang coming in, his chest was not wide enough, and he was a little bit arrogant. Ye quanguang immediately said, "I see 250000, four of them are 40000 each, and then the rest 90000 will be given to Ma Liuzi. We should specially train those who may become leaders in the future."

Ye quanguang came out and said everything. Ma Liuzi was even more happy. He reached out and took the money directly. If it wasn't for the sake of a long stream, he would like to put all of them into his pocket and said, "thank you, Minister Ye!"

Luo Hu's face changed. People called him Vice Minister Ye quanguang. Ma Liuzi directly called the minister, and he took the money directly. He didn't pay attention to him at all. Just waiting for him to get angry, Xia Yan suddenly put out a hand and took Ma Liuzi's hand: "what did you do this time?"

"Don't say 50000 for you, 10000 for you, I'm too much!"

Ma Liuzi a Leng, then ruthlessly looked at Xia Yan: "you calculate what thing, you start to me, I haven't settled accounts with you yet!" Then he looked at ye quanguang: "my brother-in-law, this bastard, kicked me last night. Such a person is so incompetent that he must be expelled as an example."

Xia Yan frowned and wanted to punch Ma Liuzi in the face, but his hand was seized by Chu Feng. The latter stood up and looked at Ma Liuzi: "why should Xia Yan kick you?"

"It's not because Miss Kim has been kidnapped. Who are you? I'm the captain. Why do you ask me?" Ma Liuzi was in a hurry and almost said it, but realized that he had made a slip of the tongue and immediately changed his mouth.

"I'm not who, but you're not the captain either."Chufeng smiles and raises his hand with a mobile phone. Xia Yan's face moves, but he doesn't speak. Chu Feng says with a smile: "I'm worried about any danger this task will encounter. We all have accidents, so we can take mobile phones to shoot and record at any time, so that we can leave some clues for everyone after our accident."

Jokingly, he looked at Ma Liuzi with an unnatural look in his eyes: "I personally think you are only suitable for taking 10000 yuan. What do you think?"

As soon as Ma Liuzi's face changed, he knew better than anyone else what he had done. If he had been recorded and photographed by Chu Feng, he would not only have no money, but also be expelled directly by Luohu. Even ye quanguang could not protect himself at that time.

His face immediately showed a smile. He let go of his hand to take the money. However, he said in his heart that he dares to shoot secretly. This time, I'm unlucky. After that, I'll see how to deal with you: "you're right. As a team leader, I must take care of the people below. I'll take care of the rest of you."

Ye quanguang frowned slightly. He didn't know what was going on. But seeing his brother-in-law, who was always mercenary, suddenly became so good at talking and chose to be silent. It seems that his brother-in-law did not have to do something when he was carrying out the task, and now he dare not speak.

"Thank you, Captain horse!"

Chufeng laughed and handed it to Xia Yan. After that, Xing Yu and Xu Yi both got 60000 yuan, and then he pointed to 10000 yuan on the table: "this is your horse team leader's!"

"That is, that is!" Ma Liuzi picked up ten thousand yuan on the table with a sore face. He knew what he was doing with so many mouths. He wanted 90000 yuan. Now, there is only 10000 yuan!

"Minister, this time Ma Liuzi led the team to complete the first bodyguard business of our company. I think we should give him an extra reward."

After everyone had collected the money, ye quanguang opened his mouth and said with a big smile on his face: "I also told my boss about this matter, and he also agreed with me. From now on, he will promote Ma Liuzi to be the leader of the new recruitment team and be in charge of the bodyguard business to be opened soon. Because he has experience, he will be promoted according to the situation in the future."

Luo Hu's face changed suddenly, and he was angry. Ma Liuzi was a waste. How could he take on such a thing? However, ye quanguang told his boss directly that it must be irreparable. He could only think that he should be allowed to wait for the boss to come and talk to him again. If he didn't see Ma Liuzi, the boss would not be able to make a wise judgment.

After thinking of these, Luohu's mood returned to calm: "Chu Feng, you should go to have a rest first, and then rest two natures. Later, the company reported!" Then he looked at ye quanguang: "even the boss doesn't have a problem. Then, Deputy Minister Ye, you can do it. And the bodyguard business is the latest business of our company. I hope you can pay attention to it."

"That's natural. It's all about the company." Ye quanguang nodded, but he was very happy. Every time the company opened up new business, it needed a lot of money. If you want to come, you can make a lot of money.

But Ma Liuzi, who was originally suffering from pain, suddenly turned into a real team leader. He was still a bodyguard industry with great potential. All of a sudden, ten thousand yuan seemed to be quite a lot. As long as the four of them didn't talk nonsense, it would be a cover up fee for them!

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