Super Healer

Chapter 30

For Ma Liuzi's shamelessness, Chu Feng and others are too lazy to say anything, and Luohu doesn't say anything, and they don't bother to pay attention to it. As long as they don't offend them, nothing happens.

"Your cell phone!"

Out of Luohu's office, Chu Feng handed the mobile phone to Xia Yan when there were few people. He said with some apology: "sorry, I was in a hurry just now, otherwise our money would be swallowed up by Ma Liuzi."

"I know, and thank you for that." Xia Yan took over the mobile phone, and naturally understood Chu Feng's practice. He just looked at Chu Feng with a little curiosity: "it's just how you did it just now. It's very fast. I didn't find it!"

"Don't worry about that. I must have no criminal record before."

Chufeng laughs and naturally knows Xia Yan's potential meaning. However, at that time, he could only bluff Ma Liuzi. After all, ordinary people with a guilty mind are easy to make a mistake. He can't figure out whether there is a video in his hand. Naturally, he has to choose to compromise.

"I don't mean that. I have something else to do. Let's go first." Xia Yan nodded and didn't think much about it. Although he was curious that his mobile phone was taken by others, he didn't know, but Chu Feng's practice was to protect their interests, and he would not say anything.

"What are you doing so fast? Are you rushing to the bank to deposit money?"

Chu Feng looked at the far away Xia Yan. She was in a hurry. She shook her head and said a word and went to the top floor. She didn't go to see Lin Yulin. Did she know she was back? Think of the 60000 yuan in the bag, the mood immediately happy a lot.

"Come in, please." Chu Feng knocked on the door of the general manager's secretary's office. Lin Yulin's sweet and imaginative voice came from inside, revealing a knowing smile. Chu Feng pushed the door open and went in: "Auntie, I'm back!"

"Later in the company, call me Secretary Lin

Lin Yulin didn't even lift her head. She was sorting things out there. When Chu Feng walked to one side and sat down, she opened her mouth: "I heard that you have got a bonus of 50000 yuan. If you don't spend well, what do I do here?"

Chu Feng secretly told me that my aunt had already known that I was back. Even I took the money, she knew that it was only 60000, not 50000. Sitting on the sofa beside me, looking at her professional dress, her legs crisscrossed under the table, Lin Yulin said: "because this is my first income in life, naturally I want to share it with my aunt."

"So I decided to wait for my aunt to get off work and go to dinner together!"

"No, I have to work overtime tonight." Lin Yulin breathed out a breath and sat upright. Looking at the documents on the desk, she shook her head: "the company has decided to open the bodyguard business within half a month. I still need to do something. It is estimated that I will have to work overtime until 10 p.m. this week."

As if worried about Chu Feng's displeasure, Lin Yulin said with a smile: "as for the more opportunities after dinner, and now I have money." Seeing Chu Feng still wearing the suit prepared by the company, Lin Yulin frowned: "I'll take you to change your clothes some time this weekend. It's not good."

"I think it's good."

Knowing that Lin Yulin is a person who works hard, Chu Feng doesn't worry about these problems. He feels good about his clothes, which is much better than the clothes he has worn for several years.

"Good? Xiao Feng, say it again Lin Yulin's face suddenly darkened. When Chu Feng shut up, she said, "you're only 18 now. What do you do with these old men's clothes? My aunt will take you to buy something that people of your age should wear."

"Of course, when you go to work this month, you will wear the clothes of the company. After school starts, you should look like a college student. If you are too old, be careful not to find your daughter-in-law."

"It doesn't matter. If you can't find your daughter-in-law, do you still have a little aunt?" Chu Feng was in a good mood today. When he heard Lin Yulin's words, he said with a light smile. But when he finished, he saw Lin Yulin's face turned red. He realized that he had said something wrong and said, "I mean I can't find my daughter-in-law. I don't have any other meaning."

"What do I say?" Lin Yulin was also flushed by Chu Feng's words just now. She was an adult, but she was a little mature: "you go back first. I have something to deal with here. You can keep the money, and you can eat better when the school starts."

"You are busy, don't be too tired!"

Chu Feng sees that Lin Yulin still has a pile of documents there. After saying a word, he leaves directly. He has not had a good stroll in Jianghai and can take a two-day rest before going to work. Chu Feng is also ready to enrich himself. At least he has to make clear the route. Otherwise, it will be too expensive to go anywhere by car.

"This guy, what did you say just now?" When the door closed, Lin Yulin shook her head with a wry smile: "but Xiaofeng is also 18 years old. It seems that she should tell him that she will not go to school to chase girls, which will affect her studies. Then she will fail her sister's hope."

Speaking of her sister, Lin Yulin's look is a lot dimmer. At the beginning, she dropped out of school without saying a word and left her hometown. For 12 years, she worked hard to improve herself and strive for higher income. Her sister didn't go to see her when she died.Turning to look out of the window, Lin Yulin's expression appeared a trace of melancholy: "maybe this year's new year, you can go back with Xiaofeng, I don't know how my hometown is now?"

Chu Feng left the company and began to find a way to go. Now it's only four o'clock. It's still some time before dinner. Just take a walk and have a look. With some money in the bag, Chu Feng also wants to see what's better and buy something for Lin Yulin. Although Lin Yulin looks like a star, Chu Feng knows that she doesn't have much.

After walking for more than an hour, Chu Feng was trying to find a place to see where the food was cheap. When he saw a familiar figure, he passed by curiously and saw Xia Yan, who had not been separated for a long time. At the moment, he took a middle-aged man and didn't know what he was saying. Finally, he knelt down directly.

"Mr. Shen, please help my sister first. I'll try my best to solve the problem of money. I paid 60000 yuan, didn't I? I'll do something else. " When Chu Feng approached, she only heard Xia Yan's voice pleading.

"Xia Yan, you really don't have to waste money, your sister really can't

The middle-aged man was in his fifties. Seeing Xia Yan kneeling on the ground was also particularly difficult. He squatted down and tried to pull up Xia Yan, but there was no way: "and this is not a matter of money or not. All of your sister's organs are in failure, belonging to the problem of blood necrosis.

What's more, you found that it was too late. All the blood had to be changed when it was delivered, and the function of all the internal organs was reduced. Even if we are willing to treat it, we can only delay her death. You really don't need to waste money. "

"If you can save your sister, even if you don't charge me, but our hospital really can't do anything about it."

Xia Yan shook her head there. Although she didn't shed tears, she looked sad: "doctor, that's my sister. My parents died early. Only this sister depended on each other. I didn't take care of her when I was a soldier. Now I can't let her have an accident. As long as I can let her live longer, I will."

Shen Xueyan sighs that Xia Yan's younger sister has a rare blood problem, which affects all the major organs in her body. If she had found it early, she only needed to exchange blood to prolong her life span for several years. But now all the internal organs are necrotic, and more money is lost, that is what happened this month.

Standing in the crowd, Chu Feng looks at Jianghai hospital, the first hospital in Jianghai city. He seems to understand why Xia Yan left in such a hurry just now. It turns out that his sister is ill and lives in the hospital. It seems that he said that yesterday when he was fighting for the number of bodyguards?

"Doctor, if you want his sister to get better, is there really no way?"

Chu Feng walked out of the crowd, for Xia Yan, a silent man with a few words, but a upright character, he was still very fond of him, so he politely asked Shen Xueyan.

Seeing that the Chu wind suddenly pulled Xia Yan, who he could not afford, and Xia Yan didn't say anything. Shen Xueyan seemed to know each other, so he patiently said: "no way. At least for the current world's medical science and technology, for this disease is a large-scale exchange of blood, but that is only a temporary cure, no use, and a waste of money."

Chu Feng nodded, and his impression on Shen Xueyan was much better. Now some doctors try their best to charge patients some more money. They say that they are not ill, but they say they are not ill. When they die, they don't know who to look for. So their first impression is good.

"That doctor, I can go and have a look. I've learned a little medicine and want to see it."

Chu Feng didn't know a lot about some professional terms, but as long as he saw people, he could definitely see something. So he bravely put forward such a request. However, Shen Xueyan looked at Xia Yan. After all, it was his sister who lived in the hospital, which could not be the master of the hospital.

"Go ahead. I'm going to see her, too." Xia Yan nodded and walked towards the hospital in a low mood. Shen Xueyan hesitated and followed him, because Chu Feng gave him a special feeling, just like his teacher.

In the isolation ward of Jianghai hospital, Chu Feng and Xia Yan stood outside the glass window and looked at the girl wearing a mask and relying on oxygen to support her life. She was eighteen or nineteen years old, and she was as old as a flower. At the moment, her face was full of pale color, without a trace of blood.

Chu Feng took a look, and then looked at the side of Xia Yan: "can I go in and have a look?"

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