Super Healer

Chapter 31

"Are you going in?"

Xia Yan's eyebrows wrinkled slightly. Even his brother, the patient's brother, was told that he didn't have to go in because his sister's whole body had a blood problem and his internal organs were slowly necrotizing, which made it easy for him to infect the rest of the virus.

"Yes, I want to go in and have a look." Chu Feng nodded seriously, now separated by a glass a few meters away, some things are not very clear: "of course, if not, I can also look outside."

Xia Yan hesitated for a moment. He only knew Chu Feng yesterday, but Chu Feng gave him a good feeling. Although he was an 18-year-old boy, he gave people a kind of steadiness that no one in his twenties had ever had. Take a look at Shen Xueyan next to him: "well, can we go in and have a look?"

Shen Xueyan took a deep look at Chu Feng and said to a man beside him. The man left. Shen Xueyan chuckled and said, "let's listen to the chief physician's opinion and see if we can be allowed to visit."

Thank you

Xia Yan nodded gratefully and looked at the girl inside without blinking his eyes. His eyes were full of soft color. Chu Feng stood beside him with a smile in his mouth. He could see that Xia Yan and his sister had a good relationship. Although Chu Feng's left eye always saw the dark side of the world.

But that is because Chu Feng always sees the dark side, so Xia Yan does not produce any breath when his mood fluctuates, which shows that his emotion is sincere, so Chu Feng can't see this kind of beauty.

"You're here at last. The money you owe 60000 yuan is not enough!"

While we were waiting for the chief physician, a slightly fat doctor came from one side: "your sister came in last month. It costs 12000 yuan every day in the isolation room. In addition to the use of other drugs and equipment, it costs 48000 yuan a day. You owe the hospital more than 100000 yuan, which is still half of the total."

"Dr. Zhao, I'm sorry. I'll find a way to deal with the rest of the money." Xia Yan saw the people, a trace of helplessness flashed in his eyes, but he said politely. After all, in this era, offending anyone should not offend the doctor, unless you will never enter the hospital.

"Director Zhao, it's our doctor's duty to save the dying and heal the wounded. It's vulgar to put money on the lips!"

What else did Zhao Guiyuan want to say? Shen Xueyan frowned and said, "this guy, now speaking in public, is too much!

"You, Dean!" Zhao Guiyuan saw that someone refuted his words. As soon as he wanted to speak, he saw that he was applying for Xueyan. He immediately put on a smile, but then he turned into a bitter smile: "Dean, I know that I am so vulgar, but so many people in the hospital also have to eat. With the annual subsidy from the group, few people come to us, so it is impossible to do too much free medical treatment."

"And I let Xia Yan's sister owe money to live for a month, that's enough!"

After listening to Zhao Guiyuan's words, Shen Xueyan's face softened a little, and he also knew that it was not easy for the hospital. The group provided subsidies to the hospital and provided free medical treatment to some extremely poor families. However, from one level to the next, only a little bit of the money went to the hospital, which was not enough for a severe patient.

The person who was called to ask for the chief physician also came back, but he did not find Zhao Guiyuan. Seeing that he did not say anything here, he just saw that the atmosphere was a little strange, so he opened his mouth and said, "director Zhao, the family members of this patient want to go in and have a look. I hope you can make it convenient."

"Go inside and have a look?"

Zhao Guiyuan was originally said by Shen Xueyan is also a little embarrassed, but heard the words of the dean's assistant, he was immediately stunned, and then nodded: "it's good to go in and have a look, this girl can hold on to now, maybe in a few days, forget it, you disinfect, change clothes and go in, but only stay for 20 minutes, to maintain the air in the ward."

"Thank you, Dr. Zhao." Xia Yan nodded gratefully, and then several people followed Zhao Guiyuan to the disinfection room on one side, where they disinfected for five minutes before they put on isolation clothes and entered the room. Shen Xueyan asked the assistant to wait outside and entered the room together with Xia Yan.

"Vivie After entering the ward, Xia Yan, wearing a mask, cried out that she wanted to pass, but she was pulled by Zhao Guiyuan: "what are you doing? If you want your sister to live two more days, don't move her. She is very weak now, and there is the possibility of infection mutation at any time."

"Sorry, I know!"

Xia Yan nods. She can only look at Xia Wei lying in bed with her eyes on her side. Chu Feng is curious that Shen Xueyan is actually the dean. However, she is more attracted by the girl in bed. Her left eye flashed with light. She only sees Xia Wei's whole body covered with a black air.

This black air is very strong, with a little dead gas in it. This is Xia Wei's death. Chu Feng takes a step forward. Zhao Guiyuan wants to hold him, but she is pulled by Shen Xueyan. When Chu Feng goes to the hospital bed, she doesn't move the bed. Xia Wei just looks at it quietly.

"Dean, who is he? It's easy for patients to get infected by being close to patients like this." Zhao Guiyuan did not know who chufeng was, but saw him so close to the hospital bed or reminded Shen Xueyan."I don't know. An interesting young man." Shen Xueyan smiles gently, indicating that he should not speak. Then he and Xia Yan look at him quietly.

A few minutes later, Chu Feng's left eye has been seen in Xia Wei's body, and there are many dead places: "the internal organs and six internal organs are atrophied in varying degrees, and the speed of blood supply is also one-third of the normal rate. This speed will be slower. In addition, her blood needs to be changed, completely replaced, and she can have a ray of life."

"A glimmer of life?" Zhao Guiyuan was also surprised at the beginning that Chu Feng, who looked very young, could say what was happening to Xia Wei's body, especially the slow blood flow. Only one third of the normal people knew about it. But when he heard the words behind him, he laughed: "young man, even if there is no cure for this problem in the whole world, if we don't talk about a glimmer of vitality, it's difficult to even have a trace of vitality."

"Maybe, but if you're alive, you always need to work hard."

Chu Feng looked at Xia Wei lying on the hospital bed. The flower like girl should not wither at this age. She looked at Xia Yan who had a glimmer of hope in her eyes: "if you believe me, let the hospital prepare some basic things, and leave the rest to me. I can't guarantee that she can survive, but I will try my best."

Chu Feng's calm words revealed a strong self-confidence, but Xia Yan was lost in meditation. She looked at her sister in bed, and then looked at Chu Feng, who was young. Finally, she nodded heavily: "now there is no difference between Weiwei's sleep and death. You can go ahead and do it. If you succeed, you will be my benefactor. My life will be yours."

"If you fail, then you should be Wei Weifu's poor life!"

"No way!" Zhao Guiyuan but directly jumped out: "this is in the hospital, I am Xia Wei's chief physician, she I must be responsible for everything, you such behavior is not responsible for the patient, what should be done?"

Xia Yan took a step forward and bowed to Zhao Guiyuan. Although he often saw that he was talking about money, he did owe his sister money for a month and lived here: "thank you for your help these days, but my sister is better off as a dead horse doctor than a living horse doctor, as soon as he is free."

"You, how could you have a brother like you?" Zhao Guiyuan was immediately blocked by Xia Yan's words, and turned to look at Chu Feng with displeasure: "young man, surgery is not a child's play. It's not something anyone can do. Maybe you have studied medicine for two years, but this is not so simple. Do you know how many doctors are powerless about it?"

"Director Zhao, the family members have no problem, you can let them go!" Shen Xueyan opened his mouth at this time, let Zhao Guiyuan shut up directly, and looked at the Chu wind with great interest: "what do we need to prepare for the hospital?"

"The environment here is absolutely not quiet."

Chu Feng's eyes are more than seven points serious, every word as far as possible to let you hear very clearly: "in addition, let Xia Yan and you sign a disclaimer, which has nothing to do with your hospital. Prepare three experienced assistants for me, and match the blood with Xia Wei. If you need to change the whole, you can give me the rest!"

"Good!" Shen Xueyan nodded. He had met many young people who were studying medicine, but none of them had ever given him such a confident feeling: "when are you going to start?"

"When you are ready." Chu Feng looked at Xia Wei, and her stillness was about to take shape. It was a sign that Xia Wei wanted to leave completely: "otherwise, she couldn't make it through tonight."

This time, Zhao Guiyuan, who had other opinions, also shut up, because it was similar to what he had predicted, but he didn't want Xia Yan to be sad, so he didn't say that he was ready to find a suitable opportunity.

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