Super Healer

Chapter 32

"Have you heard that someone is going to operate on the patients in the K8 isolation room, and they say there is a ray of life?"

"I have heard for a long time that the order was given by President Shen. Now the hospital blood bank and the rear of the logistics are moving, and the scene is quite big."

"I also heard that he was only an 18-9-year-old boy. Our president is one of the top ten national players in the country. The leaders of the group have treated him, but the president can't. the children can do it?"

Most of the nurses don't care about it until the doctor shakes his head for half an hour. It's just that the doctor doesn't care about the patient's operation for one and a half hours.

At seven o'clock in the evening, everything was ready. Chu Feng walked out of the dean's office. They all had a rest here just now. When they went out, Chu Feng patted Xia Yan on the shoulder: "you'll wait here, believe me!"

"Heart language, such a child can cure that kind of disease?"

Chu Feng Gang and Shen Xueyan went out for a distance, and the nurse standing on the left said scornfully: "it won't be the childe of any family. It's OK to see that little girl who is going to die is as beautiful as a flower. What do you want to do?"

"Are you beautiful?" Standing in the middle, the tall nurse looked at the back of Chu Feng who had entered the disinfection room to change clothes, looked at the people beside him and asked a question. Then he said with a smile: "but when he just passed by, his eyes just looked at us three times, and there was no other look at all."

"Besides, I don't believe he can, but do you also doubt President Shen?"

The middle woman's words let the woman who began to speak silent, but still a little unhappy said: "anyway, I am not optimistic about it!"

"Stop talking. Let's go in and get ready." The woman on the right went directly to the direction of the operating room. She just said a simple word. The woman on the left shrugged her shoulders and followed: "how can we be regarded as the best nurses in Jianghai hospital? Now we have to be assistants to a little fart child. It's unreasonable!"

The woman in the middle shakes her head and follows, but she thinks the same with the other two people. She is not optimistic about Xia Wei's condition. She knows that many experts have studied Xia Wei's condition, but there is no effective plan. It is no different from waiting for death. Can an 18-9-year-old boy turn the sky?

Chu Feng and Shen Xueyan disinfected and changed their clothes. It can be said that they just showed their eyes and walked into the operating room. Three nurses were already standing there waiting in a row. Chu Feng went to see Xia Wei lying on the operating bed. She was much more dead than before. It was only a few hours before she left the world.

"Give her a massage."

Chu Feng took a look, said to the three nurses, and then went to one side and sat down. He saw the eyes of the three nurses looking at themselves and frowning slightly: "did you not respond to this for half a day when you were nurses? Don't know that time is life? "

At the beginning, the nurse who said that Chu Feng couldn't do it almost got angry, but she was pulled by the more stable one. Then she looked at Chu Feng and said, "what do we need to do?"

"Full body massage, so that her body is not so stiff, in 15 minutes, must be completed." Xia Wei has been lying down for more than a month. In addition, her blood runs slowly and her body is cold and stiff. At least before she starts, it is inconvenient for her to recover some functions.

"Qido!" Holding the angry nurse, three people began to massage Xia Wei's whole body. One was responsible for the head and arm massage, one was responsible for the body massage, and the other was responsible for the legs. It was professional. Chu Feng nodded, which was not a vase. It had some merits.

Shen Xueyan has not spoken since he came in. He just sat quietly on one side. He had a meeting today, but he pushed it out. He wanted to see if the teenager could bring him a little surprise.

"You go and get the prepared blood!"

As soon as the fifteen minute time came, Chu Feng went over without even looking at it. He said directly to the nurse who had just had an opinion on himself. Then he pointed out another: "you go to prepare a poke to hold things and put it on the patient's left hand side."

Then he looked at the steady woman who revealed a trace of atmosphere: "you help the patient up and pat her on the back. Don't ask why. You can do what I say!" Originally wanted to ask why the woman can only do in accordance with Chu Feng said to do, the Xia Wei gently up.

"Pull out the oxygen delivery." Chu Feng went to wear a pair of disposable medical gloves, light to the nurse on the left side of the bucket said, tone no doubt.

The nurse hesitated for a moment and pulled out the oxygen mask. Was the patient dying? But the eyes touching Chu Feng can't help but take it down. Everything is ready. Chu Feng pulls the operating car with blood bags, and he can feel the blood has a little cool breath. Obviously, he just took it out of the blood bank for a short time.

"You two, help her, and so on. Do as I say."

After all, not many people can accept their own way of doing things. Chu Feng first took off a glove of his hand, and a finger flicked, and a gold needle appeared in his hand. In the operating room with dim light, there was a dazzling light.Shen Xueyan, who was sitting quietly, stood up when he saw the gold needle in Chu Feng's fingertips. He was also a good acupuncturist. However, when Chu Feng pulled out the needle, he didn't see clearly. The three nurses were also curious about where the gold needle came from, but what's more, he was so young and could acupuncture?


Chu Feng just said a light mouth, the hospital surgery acupuncture is mostly medical alcohol, but Chu Feng is still used to using fire, fortunately also early prepared, one of the nurses immediately stood in front of Chu Feng, Chu Feng gold needle over it, and then quickly and incomparably fell on Xia Wei's chest.

Shen Xueyan's heart trembled violently. He had never seen the needle dropping technique just now. Although he is old, his eyes are not bad at all. Chu Feng's technique of dropping needles is a national player, and it may be faster than a national player.

Then Chu Feng's hand in an instant appeared three gold needles, moxibustion in the fire, directly fell on Xia Wei's forehead, and two places near the temple, a total of four gold needles.

Staring at all these three nurses did not blink their eyes, thinking in their hearts, this guy did not touch the acupoint directly down, will not stab people to death?

However, Chu Feng was unconscious and flashed three gold needles in her hand again. Until now, we have not seen clearly where Chu Feng's gold needles came from. This time, the speed of Chu Feng's dropping needles was still very fast, and fell on several acupoints of Xia Wei's body in an instant.

A total of seven needles fell down, and Chu Feng did not continue. Xuanhuang's nine needles were used to reverse life and death. Chu Feng once gave nine needles in recent years, but failed to save his adoptive mother's life. It was not because his medical skills were not good, but because he lacked many herbs to reconcile. This was the pain of Chu Feng. So he warned himself that he must have money from then on 。

And this time, Chu Feng out of seven needles, there is no eighth needle, Xia Wei's situation, seven needles is enough!

With his fingers pinched up, Chu Feng's hands quickly and incomparably flicked on the seven needles, which made Shen Xueyan's eyes brighten. Naturally, he knew what it was, which was the finger flick in acupuncture. Ordinary acupuncturists were just acupuncturists and would never dare to try to flick their fingers, but Chu Feng did so now.

The face of the old man in his fifties was full of excitement, as if he had seen some god's palace.

After the finger flick, Chu Feng left eye can see Xia Wei's blood began to run toward the normal speed, a trace of joy on his face, picked up the prepared scalpel, chufeng calmly opened his mouth: "you two each raise her hand."

The eyes of the three nurses changed when Chu Feng dropped seven needles. They were not vases. Naturally, they knew what that technique meant, so they soon raised one hand of Xia Wei.

The scalpel directly in Chu Feng's hand, Xia Wei's left wrist was immediately cut a hole, blood immediately flows out to the outside, careful look will find that the blood is a little black, there is a faint smell.

Chu Feng is so calm standing there, but the three nurses and Shen Xueyan can't calm down, especially Shen Xueyan. When she looks at Xia Wei's seven needles, she thinks of a kind of acupuncture method that she once saw in ancient medical books, which is life locking seven needles.

This kind of acupuncture method was strange to Shen Xueyan at the beginning, and it has been lost. It is said that if seven needles are dropped and the fingers are activated, they can lock their lives. Even if the person has no blood in his whole body, he can survive for an hour.

This ancient needling method has been lost. If this is really the life locking seven needles, it is definitely a good news for some people who need emergency treatment to lose too much blood when the blood supply is not enough!

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