Super Healer

Chapter 33

Blood from the beginning of rapid flow to the back into a drop drop down, the hearts of three nurses follow the tick and tick, while the Shen Xueyan has been excited to add, looking at that still slightly fluctuating chest, he knew that it was definitely seven life locks, otherwise, Xia Wei can not have signs of life.

"Bandage, hemostasis!"

Chu Feng looked at the last drop of blood drop, said a light sentence, then picked up the right hand, the knife in hand without hesitation, itself can be side blood and blood transfusion, but that will affect the effect, can not exhaust the virus blood in the body.

It is like a water pipe. If you fill it with water and straighten it, it will flow. But if you fill it with water, you press the other side of the mouth with one finger, and then the water will not flow out. The human body and the water pipe are similar to the principle at this time. If the blood in question is not discharged, it will enter the fresh blood, which will cause pollution.

Of course, these things will only feel like a night out of the sky, so Chu Feng just according to his own ideas to do things, as a saying goes, black cat white cat, can catch mice is good cat, rescue is the same, and more simple, no matter what method, people are OK, you are a doctor.

Then, he took the blood transfusion tube directly and connected it to the blood bag. One end was connected to the blood vessel of Xiawei. The other doctors needed to confirm it. But Chu Feng's left eye could see everything clearly, so it was connected with the blood vessel directly.

"Hold the blood bag to keep a certain height, you come to hold her hand," chufeng did all this, and then said to the two nurses, and then walked to one side and sat down, closed his eyes there and didn't know what to think about!

It is difficult to control the excitement in the heart. Looking at this kind of blood transfusion method which can be said to be a night away, it is not scientific at all. But seeing the blood in that blood bag is decreasing a little, he can't deny that this method is feasible, but he also does not know, so the human body will automatically absorb it.

It is because the seven gold needles falling down by Chu wind play a role. When the human body cannot operate by itself, the seven needles make the body run forcibly, and the blood naturally enters the body of Xiawei.

It took 20 minutes to get all the blood in the blood bag into Xiawei's body. It completely changed the blood. Chu Feng came here at the moment, touched it from her body, and then took a bottle of salt water and opened it directly and took out a pill and threw it in.

The salt water turned black at once, but it became transparent in everyone's nervous look. Like the original brine, Chu Feng took the infusion tube from a nurse, removed the blood bag, and directly inserted it on the salt water bottle. As for what was in, only Chu Feng knew it.

This time, Chu wind didn't let them do it, but her hands were rubbing on seven gold needles. It seemed to be very simple to rub. However, the sweat was flowing out of Chu Feng's forehead. A nurse standing beside hesitated and took things to wipe the sweat for Chu wind. However, Chu Feng was very focused and didn't pay attention to it.

With the time passing by a minute and a second, all the salt water that Chu wind didn't know what was added also entered Xia Wei's body. After removing the wound wrapped in Xia Wei's right hand, Chu Feng was relieved. It seemed that there was no energy in it, but Chu Feng knew that the consumption was still very large.

At this time, Xia Wei has been laid down from the new to lie in bed, compared with the beginning of the kind of bleak, now her face appears a little blood color, let three nurses and apply for a study are a thrill.

About the past five minutes, Chu wind feels like it should be integrated. One hand extends out and starts to skim through Xia Wei's forehead. When he takes back his hand, it is only two seconds. The seven gold needles inserted in Xiawei will disappear completely. Then, there is nothing in Chu Feng's hand.

"Arrange for someone to check her functions. I'll go out first!"

Chu Feng took off the mask, took a breath, and looked at Xia Wei in the doctor bed. The gold needle blockade activated the last vitality of her body. Relying on that support, Chu Feng completely replaced her bad blood, and also used a pill configured by herself. It should be a time problem to wake up?

"Dean, that's all right. This is surgery?" Chu Feng just simply left a sentence and went out directly, I think it was to go back to the dean's office to rest.

"I also heard, viscera failure, no knife can also operate, I do not understand!"

Shen Xueyan felt that he had lived a general sigh, but he and three nurses stood by to watch all this quickly. They were in the most nervous mood. If she really had a difficult time, they would have witnessed a miracle just now.

Or not only a miracle, it can be said to break the medical community of cognition.

"The pulse is within the normal range." Zhao Guiyuan is the chief physician of Xia Wei. At this time, he is naturally in charge of all Xia Wei. He knows that the nurses are doing all the examinations quickly. He didn't see the operation process. At this moment, he just heard that pulse was normal, and the heart beat.

A nurse stood up and straightened up: "the patient's heart beat is also within normal frequency."One sentence surprised everyone again, but then a person in charge of blood examination opened his mouth again: "there is no phenomenon of noumenon rejection in the blood. The blood has been well integrated in the body of the patient, and it normally delivers the required blood power to the major organs."

After two hours, the shock on Shen Xueyan's face could not be described by words. The health features of a single visceral organ made Shen Xueyan excited. Regardless of the image of the president, he ran out of the operating room directly.

Absolutely a genius, absolutely a rare medical genius. What Shen Xueyan wants at the moment is to have a good communication with Chu Feng.

The three nurses who have been watching the whole operation have also taken off their masks at the moment. They are all rare beauties. At this time, they are neither calm nor lady left the operating room, especially the woman in the middle, whose eyes are full of excitement. Such talents must not be let go and must be recruited.

"Well, give me a slap!"

After Shen Xueyan left, Zhao Guiyuan pulled a nurse beside him and pointed to his chubby face: "I suspect I'm dreaming. You slap me hard to see if I'm in pain?"

The nurse was embarrassed. Zhao Guiyuan was the chief physician of their department. How dare she do it? But Zhao Guiyuan didn't seem to be ready to let her go. Finally, she slapped her face directly with her eyes closed. Finally, she felt very happy. I even slapped director Zhao?

"Will it hurt? So it's not a dream? " Zhao Guiyuan was slapped, but his face was surprised. He waved and said, "transfer Xia Wei to the intensive care unit immediately, and arrange 24-hour care. You are lucky to see a miracle of life!"

"Now I'm going to learn from my teacher. I'm going to do it!"

"Is director Zhao crazy?" A group of nurses stood there watching Zhao Guiyuan's mouth twitch violently as he ran out like a madman. However, they were full of curiosity about the 18-year-old boy who had not seen him.

Shen Xueyan ran out of the operating room directly and ran back to his office without changing his clothes. But after he opened it, only Xia Yan sat there, looking stunned: "where's your friend?"

"Go, he said let me wait for you to come. What about my sister?" Xia Yan walks back and forth in the office. Chu Feng just came and told him to wait for the doctor's notice. Then he told him how to say something and left directly.

"Gone. When did you leave?" Shen Xueyan didn't hear Xia Yan's words at all. He directly held his hand: "that he is your friend. Then you must know where he is. Tell me that I have helped you pay for all the medical expenses of your sister. How about that?"

Xia Yan is not an idiot. Seeing his appearance of applying for study and research at the moment, he is anxious to find Chu Feng, so there is only one possibility. Chu Feng has created a miracle of life and understands why Chu Feng told him when he left. So he shakes his head at the moment: "well, actually, I don't know him. I've met him twice. I don't know his name, and I don't know where he lives Where

The following three nurses just heard Xia Yan's words, they all frowned. At the moment, they didn't despise Chu Feng in their hearts. It was a miracle that a person who was judged to be doomed to die would come back to life again. No matter what kind of recovery he could get, how could such a person make him run away?

"Master, master!"

Zhao Guiyuan came to the dean's office all the way, but he didn't see Chu Feng's figure: "where are the people?" Looking at Shen Xueyan's way of beating his chest and feet and the frowns of the three nurses, he immediately knew that the man was gone, but then he remembered something: "by the way, there is a video in the hospital!"

After that, he turned around and ran out, but he reminded Shen Xueyan and the three nurses. Yes, there was a surveillance video. So, as long as you know what he looks like, are you afraid that you can't find anyone? And then they all rushed out!

Xia Yan frowned slightly. When Chu Feng left, he explained emphatically not to say anything about him. At the moment he saw Chu Feng, he would be exposed. Look at the computer in the dean's office: "you helped me, I can't let you get involved in right and wrong!"

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