Super Healer

Chapter 295

"Well, can I go back first and talk about it another day?"

At more than nine o'clock in the evening, the car leaves from the headquarters of the damper. Yao Qianxue hesitates for a moment and says, "I'm not ready for psychological preparation yet."

Chu Feng just wanted to say that it was not sooner or later, and it was not what to do. The phone rang out at an inopportune time. After she took it out and answered it, Lin Yulin's voice came: "Xiao Feng, Liu Yan hasn't come back for two days, and I don't answer her phone call. I'm worried about whether something happened?"

Chu Feng frowned, thinking of Liu Yan who left in a hurry that night, frowned deeply: "maybe she is doing some secret task, so it is not convenient to answer the phone." Just say such words, Chu Feng's own heart is not sure, Liu Yan is the vice captain of the criminal investigation team.

Do you still need to lead the team to carry out the task?

But after Lin Yulin listened, the mind is not so anxious: "I hope so, but if you can have a way, you'd better know where she goes. Liu Yan has never been like this before."

"I see. You go to bed early."

Chu Feng returns a way, wait until Lin Yulin hang up the phone, then put away the mobile phone. He thinks that nothing will happen, but after thinking about it, he dials Yan Tianming's phone. If Liu Yan has any tasks, Yan Tianming must know.

"Chu Feng, why did you suddenly think of calling me?" The phone was quickly connected, Yan Tianming with a smile voice.

At the moment, Chu Feng didn't have time to talk to Yan Tianming. He asked directly, "Yan, I want to know what Liu Yan is doing these two days. I haven't seen her for two days."

The other end of the phone was silent for a moment, and finally sighed: "there is a secret task, I let Liu Yan deal with it, and there was a little accident, Liu Yan lost contact."

Chu Feng's heart suddenly trembled: "what task?"

Yan Tianming briefly said the things he controlled, and Chu Feng's mood became heavy. Finally, Yan Tianming said, "but don't worry, Liu Yan's good fortune will not happen. Believe me!"

"Officer Yan, I will deal with this matter myself. I hope you don't let the criminal investigation team create extra troubles!" Chu Feng's heart inexplicably flashed a trace of cold, but eventually did not burst out, Yan Tianming know his relationship with Liu Yan, but also sent her to carry out a dangerous task, the mind can be imagined.

Yan Tianming seems to be very hesitant, but still said: "unexpectedly so, that please you, Liu Yan is a good person, I do not want to see her accident."

Chu Feng did not answer Yan Tianming's words, directly cut off the phone with him, and then dialed out a number, the voice with endless Xiao Sha meaning: "Xia Yan, send out people secretly to investigate all the docks in the river and sea, but don't need to do it. If you find any abnormal situation, tell me!"

"Understand!" The voice of Xia Yan came from the other end of the phone, and there was no reply immediately.

Chu Feng calmed down and looked at Yao Qianxue: "you can go back to fengteng garden or go home. I have to deal with some things tonight. You can have a good rest."

Yao Qianxue looked at Chu Feng's expression and asked subconsciously, "is it very dangerous?"

"No danger!" Chu Feng tried to make himself relaxed and smile: "besides, I haven't eaten you, how can I be willing to die like this? When you go back in the morning, you can open your eyes

"Be careful." Know what kind of road Chu Feng took, although the heart is disgusted with this road, but Yao Qianxue does not want Chu Feng to have an accident, said caring.

"One hundred thousand!" Chu Feng suddenly leaned over to kiss Yao Qianxue's red lips, and then opened the driving door directly. Yao Qianxue felt the breath of his lips and whispered: "this is a gift!"

"Officer, can Chu Feng guess that you did it on purpose?"

At the same time, in Yan Tianming's study, Jiang Ming respectfully stood there, telling his own confusion: "when he knew you intended to do it, to let him intervene in this matter, then, I'm afraid something will happen!"

"Don't worry at all!" Yan Tianming's resourceful smile flashed a shrewd color in his eyes: "I am so to let Chu Feng willingly hand, just to speed up the outbreak time, those people do not solve now, one day will also find Chu Feng, that is full of variables."

"A person who has been in a position for a long time will inevitably have ambition that he shouldn't have. I can't guarantee whether Chu Feng will cooperate with those people, so I can only let them go to the opposite side, there is no possibility of cooperation."

When Jiang Ming nodded slightly to show his understanding, Yan Tianming sighed: "the Wolf Gang and the Green Gang are no longer there. The damage they once caused was huge. Now the wind door is even stronger than the two. If we really cooperate with those people, the whole river and sea can only solve the problem by sending troops."

"But now, Jianghai is not allowed to fight on such a scale, so the means is a little bit mean, but it is worth it to cut off the possibility of cooperation between Chu Feng and those people."Jiang Ming sincerely sighed: "the staff are brilliant!"

At this time, a landline phone on Yan Tianming station also rings. Jiang Ming looks at it and leaves without saying a word. He knows that the master's phone will not ring several times a year, but once it rings, it will inevitably affect the pattern of the river and sea.

Yan Tianming stood up to lock the door and came back to pick up the phone: "Hello!"

"Did Chu Feng go according to the plan?" On the other end of the phone came an old man's voice, full of vicissitudes, but revealed dignity.

Yan Tianming unconsciously stood up straight, his face showing respect: "according to your old account, I sent Liu Yan to carry out the task. As we expected, Liu Yan had an accident, but it is still safe at present. Chu Feng also knew about this matter. He just talked with me on the phone just now and said that he was willing to deal with this matter."

"It's a good job. Chu Feng must be grasped. He can't be a member of the rest of the family." The old man on the other side of the phone said with appreciation: "and if he does that, his political achievements must be counted on you. It will be of great benefit for you to enter the imperial city. In the future, the resistance will be smaller."

"In a word, if you grasp Chu Feng, you can go higher. If you can't control it, your future achievements will be limited."

Yan Tianming invisible body more straight: "understand!"

The phone call didn't last long. It was only five minutes before it was hung up. But Yan Tianming's face was full of excitement and made a phone call: "arrange it, the police will stop searching for Liu Yan. I have other arrangements for this matter. I will wait for my notice at any time."

Said a hang up the phone, Yan Tianming eyes deep look out of the window: "Chu wind ah Chu wind, you must not let me down, we can say at this moment is a prosperous, a loss!"

"There is little wind, there is movement on the West Wharf!"

According to the information we started to collect and investigate, there are usually no more than 10 people in the West Wharf after 8:00 p.m., and there are only a few security personnel, so there is a problem! "

Chu Feng narrowed his eyes: "what about summer inflammation?"

Blue mei'er felt Chu Feng's murderous opportunity at the moment, and said: "brother Yan has already taken people there, but they won't do it before you arrive!"

"Call him and stay away from the dock. These people are not ordinary people, they are very alert." Chu Feng thought for a moment and said, "let's let them open a distance of 500 meters. This time, the enemy is not the Green Gang or the Wolf Gang. It's a group of real fighters."

Blue Mei Er eyebrows light frown, rarely can see Chu Feng such evaluation of the enemy, but still quickly edit a text message sent out, and then stepped on the accelerator to speed up the speed.

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