Super Healer

Chapter 296

West Pier!

It's one of the big docks in the river and sea. It's late at night. There's almost no human figure on the wharf. On the bank, a man with a whole body of unruly spirit stands there, looking into the distance, revealing a little bit of killing opportunity: "Damn, people in the heaven and the underground world have become a pile of soft eggs? Not only didn't dare to see me, but also made me almost make dumplings by the police. "

Gohan took a group of goods with him to Jianghai a week ago. He was supposed to contact the Green Gang and the Wolf Gang, but eventually found that the two gangs had been replaced.

Originally, he wanted to send people to contact the new hegemon of Jianghai, but before he made any action, he was found by the police and surrounded and annihilated. If he was not able to do so, Gehan did not doubt that he and others had been completely destroyed, but Rao was so, and more than 20 brothers died.

At the same time, he changed a place to hide. In the past two days, Gohan's heart was calmed down, but still not so quiet.


At the moment, a man came to Gohan's back, and said respectfully: "we haven't found that policewoman until now. According to our inside information, the person leading the team to encircle and annihilate us this time is the vice captain of the criminal investigation team, who has just taken office!"

"Deputy?" Gohan's eyes were chilly, and his voice revealed a murderous motive: "cutting off people's wealth is like killing parents. Whoever she is, she will find it out for me. She probably knows that we have someone in the police, and now she certainly dare not go back. Call on all brothers to be more exciting. There must be no accident."

"Stinky girl, I finally got in touch with a gang and was willing to accept the goods. As a result, she messed it up. Find it out for me. It's round!"

"Yes The man behind said respectfully, and then turned to do things.

Gohan stood in place with a chill in his eyes. After standing for a moment, he took out the satellite phone and dialed it. Xiao Sha's face changed into respect: "general, it's estimated that it will take me a few days to get rid of these goods. Jianghai underground world shuffles its cards. Now the Green Gang and the wild wolf gang are no longer there. Instead, there is a new gang of Fengmen."

"Damper?" There was a moment's silence at the other end of the phone, and the voice spoke with a bit of vicissitudes: "the wind gate is an official organization, don't need to support brothers?"

Gohan was stunned, and then shook his head and said, "no, according to the information I have received these days, Fengmen is the first gang of Jianghai at the moment, and fengshao is called the second Mr. Du!"

"Waste!" The voice at the other end of the phone was not angry, but Wei called out: "unexpectedly, he still belongs to the underground world, so he needs to support his brother. Do you think there are people in the world who are of the extreme Tao and do not smell fishy? Try to get in touch with the person in charge of the wind door. I believe that he will cooperate with us under the condition of rich enough interests. "

"Everything in the world is nothing but an interest. 300000 troops and millions of people rely on that. You must accomplish your task."

"Yes Gohan straightened his body in the invisible, and his sense of achievement came into being!

After cutting off the phone, Gohan quickly walked into a dark corner. These days, they pretended to be porters during the day and hid here at night to ensure the safety of the goods. At the moment, only a few dozen brothers were left. Gohan's eyes flashed with a fierce look: "go to two people and check out the information of the windbreaker."

When all the people stood up and looked at him, Gohan's voice was low: "the general said that this matter must be successful. Without the Green Gang and the wild wolf Gang, the river and sea, and the wind door of one speech hall, are more worthy of our solicitude!"

"Yes Dozens of people responded in unison, and the two men left directly. They were the most adept investigators in the team.

Five hundred meters away from the wharf where everything was quiet, Chu Feng was sitting in the car, and there were Xia Yan and LAN Mei er. There was a trace of color in his left eye. Chu Feng raised a smile: "officer Yan is very smart. He wants me to fight these people to death, but he forgets that I am a man with my own thoughts."

Patting Xia Yan's shoulder, Chu Feng pointed to the opposite intersection: "go in here, if you meet two people, give me control, don't hurt them."

Xia Yan nodded and directly opened the door to get out of the car. He was used to the strategy of Chu Feng. Although he was curious whether someone was really there, he would carry out it unconditionally.


After Xia Yan left with some people, Chu Feng said faintly: "let brothers clear the abnormality of one kilometer around the wharf for me. I don't want to see the official people appear here tonight."

LAN Mei ER was surprised at what Chu Feng wanted to do, but she arranged it quickly. Finally she asked, "who are these people?"

"Some people we can't afford to offend for the time being, and we can't afford to offend." Chu Feng's eyes became deep. Although there were only 40 people on the wharf, he could easily put out the fire. However, the consequences after putting out the fire were beyond the capacity of the current Fengmen, because the officials at that time would only ignore their own life and death.

LAN Mei er's eyebrows were deeply wrinkled. She always felt something was wrong and wanted to ask Chu Feng, but the latter didn't say anything at the moment. She could only restrain her thoughts in her heart and believe that she would understand naturally.Chu Feng didn't tell LAN Mei Er that it was no use just telling her. She was just as melancholy as he was. His left eye glanced over the west side of the wharf, looking for a figure.

After a few minutes, Chu Feng's eyes were slightly coagulated. He saw a figure lying in the gap between two containers 300 meters away from the dozens of people. He seemed powerless. A trace of heartache and anger swept through Chu Feng's heart. The man was Liu Yan, who had been missing for two days.

Heartache is at the moment Liu Yan arm seems to have a gunshot wound, just casually bandaged, angry is Yan Tianming in order to let his hand, on the circuitous use of such means.

Just angry, Chu Feng can understand what he thinks in Yan Tianming's position, but it doesn't mean that he agrees with him. Chu Feng is not a person devoid of human nature. As long as Yan Tianming speaks frankly, Chu Feng will certainly do it, but the method is different, which is doomed to different results.

Because of this, Chu Feng understood that no matter how stable he made the river and sea at the moment, he was not a stable factor in the official mind. His fist clenched invisibly, and Chu Feng was brewing something in his mind.

Ten minutes later, Xia Yan came back with people. Two men with slightly dark skin were pressed by the wind door elite. The window fell down. Chu Feng gave them a light look: "call your head and say I want to see him!"

One of the men with a sharp face looked around at a few hundred people. He also knew that if he forced his way in, he couldn't stop them, but he didn't agree to Chu Feng's request: "who are you?"

"Master of the wind door!" Chu Feng knows the man's worry, light mouth: "arrange me to see your head, otherwise you should know that I have the strength to destroy you."

"Less wind, I'll fight now!"

The sharp faced man's face changed. When he came to Jianghai these days, he naturally knew what the owner of the wind door meant. He quickly called back and took out the telephone he was wearing. After a few rings, he was connected. The sharp faced man's tone was a little flustered: "Sir, the wind is less now, outside the wharf, I want to see you!"

The phone there was silent for a long time. At last, he didn't know what to say. After the sharp faced man hung up the phone, he looked at Chu Feng with a face of embarrassment: "the wind is less. The teacher said he could see you, but he only allowed you to take one person in!"

"Less wind!" Xia Yan smelled speech and his face changed: "we can directly fight in and solve them. There is no need for this. Besides, Liu vice team may have an accident, and there is no need to negotiate!"

"It's OK. He won't hurt me. You take your brother outside and wait for my news."

Knowing that Xia Yan was worried about himself, Chu Feng had an idea in his heart that he needed to carry on urgently. He said faintly, let the two men get on the bus, and then waved his fingers: "drive!"

LAN Mei Er can't understand what Chu Feng is thinking, but she still starts the car and looks inside. She just hopes not to meet a madman. But I haven't enjoyed the taste of love!

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