Super Healer

Chapter 2992

Outside the temple of the God King, some important figures from various branches of the protoss have been gathered.

Although the Shenzu is no longer as powerful as it was then, there are still quite a number of leaders of each branch. When Chu Feng came out, it could be seen that all of them had been standing in the palace of God King for so many years. Even if many people died in nagula's hands, the details were still amazing.

Chu Feng can't help thinking, in a thousand years, his major forces, will it be the same situation, even if they suffer a huge blow, the details are amazing?

Thinking of these things, Chu Feng went to kardashan's side, and the original front-end of the discussion was completely quiet after Chu Feng appeared, as if the picture was still in general, except for the breath and heartbeat of the people, the rest of the voice was no longer felt.

Sharp eyes from the presence of everyone over the body, Chu wind light mouth: "are you here?"

Kardashan knew that the question was Chu Feng's asking herself. She bowed her head and showed respect and said, "there are still seven branches whose leaders have not arrived. They say they are not comfortable."

Although kardashan didn't make it clear in person, Chu Feng understood what she meant. All of them were loyal supporters of satina. Therefore, he heard that he had called for them, so he did not come at the moment.

Of course, chufeng is aware of the protoss' hatred for themselves. Some people will be afraid of themselves, so they will come. But some people will not come even though they are loyal to satina.

For these people, Chu Feng is admirable, at least their loyalty is undeniable.

But also because of their loyalty, these people are doomed to be unable to exist, because loyal to your enemy, then the future will inevitably bring you great harm, Chu Feng has always believed in this truth.

Slightly raised his head: "no, then never come."

Suddenly, there was a breath of God of creation. Before they knew what the situation was, they felt that the breath of God of creation had gone away. After reaction, they all changed their faces, because they knew that Chu Feng was going to kill all the people who had not come.

I'm glad that I arrived wisely and sympathized with the seven branch leaders who didn't come. Who could have thought that because they didn't come, they would face the cruel and bloody Chu wind?

In the heart of Chu Feng's ruthlessness, everyone was frightened, and even had a little meaning of holding back. Only in front of Chu Feng, they didn't dare to show it. Even when Chu Feng's eyes looked at them, they couldn't help lowering their heads, and none of them dared to look at Chu Feng.

Chu Feng did a trivial thing in general, dispersed the kind of sharp and rapid peace, but even so, the spirit of the sage was placed there, or let the people present, dare not easily move any crooked ideas.

A few minutes before going, Chu Feng once again looked at the crowd lightly and said, "many people here know who I am, but most of them are still meeting for the first time. Here I will introduce myself. My name is Chu Feng."

"As for calling you here today, it is not for you to submit, nor for you to respect me from now on, but to discuss something with you."

Before he came, many people thought that Chu Feng was going to control the spirit world. But at the moment, we were all at a loss when we heard what he said. Didn't Chu Feng mean to control the spirit world? So why did he fight with satina in the beginning, and was abandoned by satina?

Chu Feng could see what they were thinking from the faces of the people.

Wen Run said with a smile: "maybe you think I'm telling you a lie, but I have a clear conscience about this. I believe you all know that at the beginning, I was a partner with satina, but then something unpleasant happened. According to satyana, that is, after nagula died, I wanted to be the Supreme Master of the world, but she gave up."

They all nodded a little, and that was what satina had said.

"In fact, it's just a reason for her to cover up her gloom." Chu Feng sighed. He is not the kind of person who refutes himself. But if he wants to put William on the top of the throne, some things still need to be clarified. Otherwise, if he hates his own spiritual world, who will let him support William's position?

After brewing for a while, Chu Feng continued: "at the beginning, I found satyana in the modern world and discussed with her about cooperation. The original meaning was that after nagula died, she could control the western world, because I am an oriental, and I do not mean to control the western world."

"It's just a pity that for some reason, satina practiced the Yin and Yang of heaven and earth, and did some extreme things, which led to the present situation."

Chu Feng with a serious attitude, he and satyana between the things are told to the people present, not deliberately to vilify satina, also did not raise their own stature, on the case of everything.

As everyone digested the news, Chu Feng said with a smile: "so, it wasn't that I wanted to compete with satina for the world, but she wanted to step on me. If she didn't really mean to fight for the world, how can we explain that she sent people to invade the five forbidden areas later?"Shenzu people, you look at me, I look at you, most people have believed what Chu Feng said.

At that time, they didn't know that satyana practiced the Yin and Yang of heaven and earth, but now they know the evil of satyana. So subconsciously, they already know the truth, which may be what Chu Feng said.

A Protoss leader came forward and summoned up the courage to say, "demon, you really don't mean to control the western world?"

"Yes Chu Feng raised a hand and put it on the front end: "I can swear that if I have the mind to control the western world, or if there is a supporter to control the western world instead of me, then I will not die well."

To the level of Chu Feng, his words and deeds are highly concerned. At the moment, he even said that, which also dispelled some doubts in the hearts of the Protoss.

Chu Feng looked at the kind of exclusion that everyone had not begun to see, and said with a smile: "maybe you think that I have done so many things, and nothing seems strange, but this is what I think. At the beginning, I and satina also said that. I only hope that the western world will be stable, not affect the Oriental world, and both can be stable."

"It's just a pity that satina wasted some of my good intentions because of her extreme nature. It's also because of this that I put heavy pressure on the whole spirit world."

At this time, many people have already believed in Chu Feng, because all the words and conspiracies can be established under the premise of satyana's cultivation of heaven, earth, yin and Yang. Therefore, what Chu Feng said can stand scrutiny.

Or the leader of the protoss said, "is the demon God going to recommend kardashan to be the next leader of our Protoss, even in charge of the western world?"

She has been standing behind Chu Feng for a moment. She has been waiting for so long, waiting for today. Now this moment is coming, and her heart can't be calm and quiet.

Although the protoss knew that everything was satyana's fault, they were still dissatisfied with kadaishan, because she betrayed the Protoss. If Chu Feng really wanted kadaishan to be the master, it would be equivalent to chufeng's own mouth and overturning what he had just said.

Because Chu Feng really didn't mean to interfere with the western world, he would not use a kardashan who was deeply influenced by him, a person who could kill his own compatriots. How can he convince the public? It looks more like a puppet of Chu Feng.

Chu Feng naturally understood this, and looked at kadaishan with a faint smile: "miss kadaishan has indeed done some wrong things, but in the end, she is a reformed person. Every new era is always bleeding. If the spirit world wants to usher in a new stability, it is impossible without bleeding."

"She was wrong, but I think that is the inevitability of history. It is valuable to change it."

All the protoss were gloomy, and their mood was not so happy, because if kadaishan had been promoted to the position of Western domination by Chu Feng, they would not have said anything at the moment, but in their hearts, they would not accept it.

The rest of the people in the kingdom of Katrina are totally dependent on the west, because they are not the people of the past.

Just now, Chu Feng said that he would not interfere with the western world, nor support a person to control the western world instead of him. Is this a self defeating thing?

Chu Feng's eyes were so keen that although the protoss didn't say anything, Chu Feng knew what they were thinking from their eyes, but he didn't care at all, because he didn't want to support kardashan.

There was a faint smile on the corner of her mouth: "miss kardashan is also a very important person in the Protoss. She once held a very high position. She is very familiar with all the affairs of the Protoss and even the affairs of the western world. Do you think I said that?"

The protoss all nodded unnaturally. What Chu Feng said was really hard for them to refute. The existence of kardashan is indeed indispensable to the present Protoss, but does that make kardashan superior?

At this time, kardashan has shown a proud look, as if she has become the leader of the protoss, thinking that she will be like the previous satyana, there is a kind of excitement in her heart.

Just when she was imagining herself, Chu Feng sighed: "it's just that miss kadaishan is a woman after all. I don't look down on women, nor have any prejudice against women. I just think that women are easy to be emotional, and don't have enough overall view."

"So I will not support Miss Kardashian as the new leader of the Protoss. I just want you to accept her and become the future director of the temple of God."


Not to mention kardashan, that is, the protoss are all in a daze. Chu Feng said so much just now, it seems that she wants kadaishan to become the new leader of the Protoss. How can he now say that she just wants her to become a supervisor?

So if it wasn't for Kardashian, who would be the new leader of the protoss?

Although there are a lot of opinions about kadaishan in the minds of protoss, it is undeniable that kadaishan is indeed a very capable person, and she is also a rare and powerful person in the current Protoss. Chu Feng did not support her to become the new leader of the Protoss. Who should we support?Cadysan blinked, feeling that she had heard the wrong thing: "less wind, are you wrong?"

"No mistake!" Chu Feng shrugged his shoulders and gently raised his hand to wave: "I think there is a person who is more suitable than you to be the leader of the protoss, whether it is character, strength, or everyone's support!"

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